News & Updates

A word of warning: There are a number of Facebook, Twitter, and Skype accounts out there that are FAKE. Some of these apparently try to scam money out of visitors. If you are texting with someone claiming to be Brent who is asking for money, you can be sure you're dealing with a scammer. Please let us know about such attempts so that we can warn everyone. The correct links to Brent's accounts are on the Homepage of the site. You can read more about this issue here.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Brent had caught a cold for some reason just before he shot BEDROOM ACTION, so he was spending more time than usual in the bedroom. But he wasn't too sick to talk to you guys, which he loves doing. And that always makes him extra hot & horny. So have a look at what happened this day... ;-)

All the best,
Member Services

Monday, February 17, 2025

A SKYPE EXPERIMENT was the first time Brent did a Skype show a few years ago. A friend talked him into it. He thought why not try it out (he'd always said "no" before). It worked really well, except for some minor glitches with his phone and a too inquisitive dog from his mother's shelter, lol. He decided to offer individual Skype shows to his fans for a while when he wasn't too busy. Hopefully he can do them again soon.

Member Services

Friday, January 17, 2025

DOING THE SKYPE THING was the second individual Skype show experiment Brent did while he was in the Caribbean a few years back. As you'll see it went off well. So he decided to make individual Skype webcams a regular thing, at least from time to time. Unfortunately, right now he can't do any, but, of course, we'll let you know when he can do them again.

Member Services

Saturday, December 21, 2024
Today's Skype video - TWO GUYS FROM SASKATCHEWAN - is with a fan who like Brent was originally from Saskatchewan, Canada's coldest province in winter (it's really hot in the summer, a typical prairie location, lol). So they talked quite a bit, so much so that Brent almost ran out of recording space on his camera... HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE

Member Services

Friday, November 22, 2024
IT WAS A RAINY BLACK FRIDAY -  on Brent's favourite Caribbean island for a few days (yes, they do get rain and even hurricanes there now and then) so he shot this video indoors a few years back. Even a couple of dogs who were in the house enjoyed it, or at least that's how Brent interpreted their barking, lol.

All the best,
Member Services

Sunday, November 3, 2024
FIRST WEBCAM FROM MY NEW PLACE - This video of Brent's first webcam from his new place high above Toronto is from a few years ago. It was a really nice condo, much bigger than his last place there (which had a beautiful deck though). This day was really gorgeous (compared to the weather in Toronto right now, ugh).

Member Services

Sunday, October 6, 2024
STILL LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO... is another video from Brent's favourite Caribbean island that he shot there a few years back. As he likes to say, it hasn't gotten any bigger or less popular. And as he was walking around looking to find a private place to shoot a video, he realized that he had to pee. And there was his answer. But he had to be quiet and quick because it was very public. But don't worry, he managed it, ha ha. Check it out...

All the best,
Member Services

Sunday, September 8, 2024

BRENT VISITS GUATEMALA CITY is a bit special and longer than usual. A few years ago, Brent made a return visit to Guatemala City to perform at the Black & White Club and this is in part a record of that gig. But the next day, Brent was still feeling horny so he decided to shoot a second scene in his hotel room. The third part of the video is an interview he did while there. Take a look, he'll tell you a few things about himself you didn't know before...

The problems with the site have now been fixed. The next thing will be a few design changes, such as the login screen, caused by unexpected incompatible software updates.

Member Services

Friday, August 23, 2024

UPDATE 6: We have found a temporary solution to the login issue, so there should be no problems purchasing a new subscription to the website. The design of the new login page should be ready in about a week or two.

Also, most of the video problems have now been fixed, but some remain. Please be patient a while longer.

Member Services

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Today's video - DOING IT ON SKYPE - is a video that Brent did with one of his many American fans. He likes these videos because he can interact on a one-on-one basis with someone. And, of course, they can both see each other. The conversation unfortunately had to be edited out because it would have been too one-sided. I hope you like this one... 

We're still working on the new subscribers' login issue and hope to have it resolved as soon as possible.

All the best,
Member Services

Friday, August 9, 2024

UPDATE 5: We have not yet found a solution to the login/logout issue. Until we have that fixed, we will not be accepting new subscriptions. Anyone who has a subscription now should not have any problems, even when the subscription renews, as long as the username and password is not changed. If you don't have a subscription to Brent's JustForFans site (, please think about joining that. It has many of the same videos as the website.

Again, our apologies,
Member Services

Sunday, August 4, 2024

UPDATE 4: The main problem, which has not yet been solved, is the intermittent malfunctioning of the login/logout part of the site. If you find that you cannot login please contact (not CCBill). The "file not found" issue has been identified and is being repaired. But it will take some time to fix it all. On Brent's Area, the pages that don't work are marked ICYMI, on the Buddies Area the problems are around page 5.

We're working to fix these issues as quickly as we can.
Member Services

Friday, July 26, 2024

UPDATE 3: We're getting closer to solving and fixing the "File not found" issue when you click on certain content folders in the password-protected area. These are: any folder named ICYMI... on pages 2-5 on Brent's Area and many, but not all, folders on pages 1-5 on the Buddies Area. So most of the content is available to you. We hope to have the remaining problems fixed soon.

Once again, we apologize, but please be patient a while longer.
Member Services

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Today's video - LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO ... - is another updated version of a video from a few years ago. Brent shot it on his favourite Caribbean island looking for a tourist-free place to do what he loves to do, lol.

We're still working on fixing the problems that started last week. We've identified most of them, but it will take a little while longer to fix them. Please be patient.

All the best,
Member Services

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

UPDATE 2: We've made some progress, i.e. you can now login to the password-protected pages again. But we haven't solved all the problems yet. On Brent's Area and the Buddies Area, the first 3 or 4 pages aren't working yet and you'll get a "file not found" message. On the later pages that problem becomes intermittent. We're still working to find the cause of that problem, but we hope to have a solution soon.

Fingers crossed,
Member Services

Saturday, July 13, 2024

UPDATE: Our webhosting company is updating the hardware where the site is uploaded, including moving to a new server. While this is being done, the password-protected pages may not be accessible because of the security software used to prevent unqualified login attempts. You may already have noticed that when you try to login, no security word is displayed. Hopefully this situation will be resolved quickly. We are also investigating the possibility of a hacker attack on the site.

Member Services

Thursday, July 11, 2024

There has been a problem since last late night with some pages of the password-protected parts of the website. The first three pages of both the Brent's Area and the Buddies Area will give you a "file not found" response when you try to access a video and that continues intermittently with later pages. So you can still see most of the content of the site.

Our webhosting company is investigating the problem. It may be the result of a technical glitch or even a hacker attack. It's possible that the site may have to be closed down for a short time, if it has to be moved to a different server. Hopefully, we'll know more soon and the problem will be solved. In the meantime, please be patient and accept our apologies for the breakdown.

All the best,
Member Services

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