News Archive

A word of warning: There are a number of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Skype accounts out there that are FAKE. Some of these apparently try to scam money out of visitors. If you are texting with someone claiming to be Brent who is asking for money, you can be sure you're dealing with a scammer. Please let us know about such attempts so that we can warn everyone. The correct links to Brent's accounts are on the Homepage of the site. You can read more about this issue here.

Monday, February 17, 2025

A SKYPE EXPERIMENT was the first time Brent did a Skype show a few years ago. A friend talked him into it. He thought why not try it out (he'd always said "no" before). It worked really well, except for some minor glitches with his phone and a too inquisitive dog from his mother's shelter, lol. He decided to offer individual Skype shows to his fans for a while when he wasn't too busy. Hopefully he can do them again soon.

Member Services

Friday, January 17, 2025

DOING THE SKYPE THING was the second individual Skype show experiment Brent did while he was in the Caribbean a few years back. As you'll see it went off well. So he decided to make individual Skype webcams a regular thing, at least from time to time. Unfortunately, right now he can't do any, but, of course, we'll let you know when he can do them again.

Member Services

Saturday, December 21, 2024
Today's Skype video - TWO GUYS FROM SASKATCHEWAN - is with a fan who like Brent was originally from Saskatchewan, Canada's coldest province in winter (it's really hot in the summer, a typical prairie location, lol). So they talked quite a bit, so much so that Brent almost ran out of recording space on his camera... HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE  Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, November 22, 2024
IT WAS A RAINY BLACK FRIDAY -  on Brent's favourite Caribbean island for a few days (yes, they do get rain and even hurricanes there now and then) so he shot this video indoors a few years back. Even a couple of dogs who were in the house enjoyed it, or at least that's how Brent interpreted their barking, lol. All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, November 3, 2024
FIRST WEBCAM FROM MY NEW PLACE - This video of Brent's first webcam from his new place high above Toronto is from a few years ago. It was a really nice condo, much bigger than his last place there (which had a beautiful deck though). This day was really gorgeous (compared to the weather in Toronto right now, ugh). Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, October 6, 2024
STILL LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO... is another video from Brent's favourite Caribbean island that he shot there a few years back. As he likes to say, it hasn't gotten any bigger or less popular. And as he was walking around looking to find a private place to shoot a video, he realized that he had to pee. And there was his answer. But he had to be quiet and quick because it was very public. But don't worry, he managed it, ha ha. Check it out... All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, September 8, 2024
BRENT VISITS GUATEMALA CITY is a bit special and longer than usual. A few years ago, Brent made a return visit to Guatemala City to perform at the Black & White Club and this is in part a record of that gig. But the next day, Brent was still feeling horny so he decided to shoot a second scene in his hotel room. The third part of the video is an interview he did while there. Take a look, he'll tell you a few things about himself you didn't know before... The problems with the site have now been fixed. The next thing will be a few design changes, such as the login screen, caused by unexpected incompatible software updates. Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, August 23, 2024
UPDATE 6: We have found a temporary solution to the login issue, so there should be no problems purchasing a new subscription to the website. The design of the new login page should be ready in about a week or two. Also, most of the video problems have now been fixed, but some remain. Please be patient a while longer. Regards, George, Member Services

Thursday, August 15, 2024
Today's video - DOING IT ON SKYPE - is a video that Brent did with one of his many American fans. He likes these videos because he can interact on a one-on-one basis with someone. And, of course, they can both see each other. The conversation unfortunately had to be edited out because it would have been too one-sided. I hope you like this one... We're still working on the new subscribers' login issue and hope to have it resolved as soon as possible. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, August 9, 2024
UPDATE 5: We have not yet found a solution to the login/logout issue. Until we have that fixed, we will not be accepting new subscriptions. Anyone who has a subscription now should not have any problems, even when the subscription renews, as long as the username and password is not changed. If you don't have a subscription to Brent's JustForFans site (, please think about joining that. It has many of the same videos as the website. Again, our apologies, George, Member Services

Sunday, August 4, 2024
UPDATE 4: The main problem, which has not yet been solved, is the intermittent malfunctioning of the login/logout part of the site. If you find that you cannot login please contact (not CCBill). The "file not found" issue has been identified and is being repaired. But it will take some time to fix it all. On Brent's Area, the pages that don't work are marked ICYMI, on the Buddies Area the problems are around page 5. We're working to fix these issues as quickly as we can. George, Member Services

Friday, July 26, 2024
UPDATE 3: We're getting closer to solving and fixing the "File not found" issue when you click on certain content folders in the password-protected area. These are: any folder named ICYMI... on pages 2-5 on Brent's Area and many, but not all, folders on pages 1-5 on the Buddies Area. So most of the content is available to you. We hope to have the remaining problems fixed soon. Once again, we apologize, but please be patient a while longer. George, Member Services

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Today's video - LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO ... - is another updated version of a video from a few years ago. Brent shot it on his favourite Caribbean island looking for a tourist-free place to do what he loves to do, lol. We're still working on fixing the problems that started last week. We've identified most of them, but it will take a little while longer to fix them. Please be patient. All the best, George, Member Services

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
UPDATE 2: We've made some progress, i.e. you can now login to the password-protected pages again. But we haven't solved all the problems yet. On Brent's Area and the Buddies Area, the first 3 or 4 pages aren't working yet and you'll get a "file not found" message. On the later pages that problem becomes intermittent. We're still working to find the cause of that problem, but we hope to have a solution soon. Fingers crossed, George, Member Services

Saturday, July 13, 2024
UPDATE: Our webhosting company is updating the hardware where the site is uploaded, including moving to a new server. While this is being done, the password-protected pages may not be accessible because of the security software used to prevent unqualified login attempts. You may already have noticed that when you try to login, no security word is displayed. Hopefully this situation will be resolved quickly. We are also investigating the possibility of a hacker attack on the site. Regards, George, Member Services

Thursday, July 11, 2024
There has been a problem since last late night with some pages of the password-protected parts of the website. The first three pages of both the Brent's Area and the Buddies Area will give you a "file not found" response when you try to access a video and that continues intermittently with later pages. So you can still see most of the content of the site.

Our webhosting company is investigating the problem. It may be the result of a technical glitch or even a hacker attack. It's possible that the site may have to be closed down for a short time, if it has to be moved to a different server. Hopefully, we'll know more soon and the problem will be solved. In the meantime, please be patient and accept our apologies for the breakdown. All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, June 30, 2024
This skype show - A Nebraska Skype - was with a fan from Nebraska when winter had already started both there and in Calgary where Brent was living at the time; both are located on the prairie, and yes, it was really cold outside! A good time to generate some heat, even if you're separated by a thousand miles and computer screens are small, lol. Even Brent's dog got curious, as you'll see. All the best, George, Member Services


Monday, June 3, 2024
A Very Messy Bedroom, today's video, shows us that Brent's bedroom was a mess that morning on his favourite Caribbean island and he (as usual, lol) didn't feel like fixing it. He just wanted to go to the beach instead. But he was horny as hell. So he thought, why not jerk off quickly and film it as well so he could share it with you. And this is the result. After that, he spent a lot of time on the beach and relaxed... Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, May 4, 2024
With Brandon Wilde on a Caribbean Vacation is an updated version of the video Brent and Brandon shot on Brent's favourite Caribbean island where they were to shoot a number of videos together. This one started out with both of them together on the beach. Unfortunately, as you'll see, it wasn't private enough, so Brandon continued by himself in the backyard around the pool. He really went all out. Go ahead, keep him company on the Buddies' Pages. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
This Skype video - "EVENING SKYPE" - is an updated version of a live Skype show Brent did with a fan just a little while before he had another appointment. So things were a bit hectic, but everything worked out as it was supposed to, lol. Take a look... All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, March 1, 2024
Today's video - "IN A CARIBBEAN BEDROOM" - is an edited version of a live webcam show from Brent's parents' place in the Caribbean. It's a bit longer than usual because he spent some time talking with the participants about what inspires him when he paints. We decided to keep this first 10 minute segment because many members love his art work. Following that, he went on to..... well, you'll see. ;-  Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, February 11, 2024
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I survived my birthday yesterday in Toronto. And, if you can believe it, the temperature here was 15 degrees Celsius, instead of the usual 2 degrees. Today's video is an updated version of "Saying Good-Bye to the Caribbean", where the weather is always nice except during hurricane season, lol. Lots of love, Brent

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Brent shot "SKYPING WITH FRANCE" a few years ago was quite surprised by how many of you were online when he did this Skype show with a fan from France. Well, a good audience also helped make this hot video. This one was only minimally edited to give you a feel for how they go. So take a look...
I hope you're having a good New Year so far, despite all the snow and the flooding that's plaguing us in many places.

Member Services

Friday, December 29, 2023
Brent did this video - "IN A CALGARY BEDROOM" - a few years ago when he was visiting friends there. He had recently gotten a new tattoo on his right shoulder which he talks about and some others which he was planning to get. Of course, he has them now, lol. But take a look. Happy New Year! George, Member Services

Sunday, December 3, 2023
Brent shot "ART OR SEX?" a few years ago when he was preparing for his first professional art gallery exhibition in Toronto (it was very successful). He just took some time off from painting to do this webcam show for you. And he went right back to work when he was done. He said that he really needed this bit of decompression! :-P  All the best, George, Member Services

Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Brent filmed - "FUCK HIM UP PART 4" - as a co-production of and a while ago in Barcelona, Spain. The video stars Tayte Hanson alongside himself and as you'll see, it's a very hot scene. A sort of "good-bye fuck" after a break-up. If this ever happens to you, let's hope it goes down something like this for you... Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, October 15, 2023
Today's video - "SKYPING IN THE HEAT" - was shot when Brent was still living in Calgary, Alberta. It really gets hot on the Canadian prairies in summer. It's just the opposite of winter when you might as well be at the North Pole. Brent was trying to give up smoking (again, lol). You'd think that it would be easier when the temperature is about 100 degrees Fahrenheit (about 35 Celsius). See what happened... George, Member Services


Monday, September 18, 2023
Brent shot today's hot little video - "A LITTLE DISTRACTION" - a few years ago in Toronto with Steve's help while they were waiting for a friend to arrive from the States. Of course, as you know, it doesn't take much encouragement to get Brent to show what he's made of. And the outcome this time was very tasty he said, lol. George, Member Services

Friday, August 25, 2023
Brent shot "A CARIBBEAN HELLO!" a few years ago while visiting his parents in the Caribbean. He often goes there because it's one of his favourite places. It's more difficult to film outside there now because the number of tourists has increased hugely in the last few years. Brent's mother's dogs are always around at home and you can hear them barking in the background. As you'll see, they didn't disturb Brent at all. This is a hot video! Enjoy, George, Member Services

Monday, July 24, 2023
Today's video - "VISITING NIAGARA FALLS" - is a reminder of Brent's first visit to Niagara Falls (the Canadian side) a few years ago. He got really close to the falling water, as you'll see. Naturally, all this activity got him really horny (as you know, it really doesn't take much, lol). Knowing this would happen, Brent had scheduled a live webcam show from the Falls. This is what happened during that webcam... Take a look! Cheers, George, Member Services


Saturday, June 24, 2023
The first Toronto Pride parade occurred in June 1981. For most of its history, Pride was a seven-to-ten day festival centred on the final week in June, with the parade falling on either the last weekend in June or the first weekend in July. Over a million spectators are expected to be there this weekend. Brent shot today's Skype video - "SKYPING DURING PRIDE MONTH" - a few years ago during Pride Month. As you can imagine, it's a busy time for him and hopefully for you as well, lol. Also, from June 29th to July 6th, Brent's Fleshjack Combo packs are ON SALE for 30% off. Check the Fleshjack link on the homepage for more info. Enjoy your Pride Day! Enjoy your life! George, Member Services


Thursday, May 25, 2023
Brent did this updated version of "SHOWER SKYPING" in the bathroom and shower a while ago. As you'll see, you get a longer look at his butt than usual because the fan he was skyping with has a bit of a butt fetish. We hope you end up having one as well by the time the video ends, lol. And, as Brent said, he loved the long shower. Cheers, George, Member Services


Saturday, April 22, 2023
Brent shot today's video - "IN THE BACKYARD" - in his parents' place on his favourite Caribbean island. He had to be a bit quieter than usual because there's a road on the other side of  the fence and a lot of people walk or ride bikes on the island. So privacy is a bit of a problem now. Still, he managed, lol. Take a peek. Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, March 28,2023
Brent is finally back in Toronto, just in time for spring. While he's getting settled, here's a webcam video from a while ago. "IN THE LIVING ROOM" is a webcam show that took place just a few hours before he had a gig at a club in Toronto. He decided to show off a new costume for the event and to demonstrate how to put on a cock ring, among other things. He also talked a bit more than usual. But don't worry, as you can see from the pictures, he didn't forget why you came to see him either... ;-) All the best, George, Member Services


Saturday, February 18, 2023
Brent did another Skype video a while ago that is also one of his favourites. "SKYPING WITH AUSTRALIA" is a bit special because he and his partner were almost half-way around the globe from each other but had good video quality both ways. So they could watch each other get off and talk at the same time. It's not that long a video, but I hope you like it anyway... Cheers, George, Member Services


Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Brent is about to fly to Milan, Italy, in a few days. But he'll be back in Gran Canaria soon. In the meantime, here's an updated version of "SKYPING WITH (BIG) DICK". This is why Brent loves skype shows - you get to see your partner and interact with him. This time his partner had a humongous dick. Unfortunately, we can't share it with you. But you can see the effect it had on him... So cum and take a look, or the other way around, lol. All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Today we're going back a bit once more. "TO FLUFF OR NOT TO FLUFF" is a webcam Brent did with a friend who first wanted to be his fluffer, but then decided to stay behind rather than in front of the camera. But his presence still did the trick - as you'll see, Brent exploded all over the place. More new videos are coming soon from Gran Canaria and perhaps from Italy. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Brent is enjoying his stay on Gran Canaria. The weather is wonderful and the island itself is beautiful and full of visitors from all over Europe. His German fan insisted on doing another Skype call just in time for the New Year. So, they shot today's new video - "A NEW YEAR'S SKYPE FROM GRAN CANARIA" - on New Year's Eve. Here it is, not very long but fun. Happy New Year everyone! George, Member Services

Wednesday, December 21, 2022
A couple of weeks ago, Brent flew to Gran Canaria, which is a series of islands in the Atlantic ocean that are part of Spain. He's going to be based there for about the next three months and making a few short trips to other European countries. Today's video - "SKYPING BETWEEN GRAN CANARIA AND GERMANY" is his first video from there, in this case a Skype video with a fan from Germany. Enjoy! Have a happy holiday season! George, Member Services

Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Brent is on his way to Europe again for a while, so today's video is another of his Caribbean videos from a little while ago - "ON A CARIBBEAN BED". It's not a long one, his (recording) equipment was damaged on that flight, so he had to use his cell phone to shoot it. Also, there were other people in the house at the time so it's a bit quieter than usual. Of course, you don't really have to make a lot of noise doing what comes naturally, lol. Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, November 25, 2022
And now it's a few weeks after Halloween and our American friends are celebrating Thanksgiving, about six weeks after we celebrated it in Canada. So, today's re-edited video is "A POST-THANKSGIVING WEBCAM". It's from a couple of years ago when Brent was still able to do regular webcam shows which were "participated" in by fans. Unfortunately, with his current life-style, moving around a lot, it's been impossible to continue doing these. But I hope you enjoy this one just the same. I hope Thanksgiving was fun for you! George, Member Services 

Sunday, October 30, 2022
So, it's Halloween once again. It seems only right to show you "BRENT, HALLOWEEN & THE TOMB" once again. Of course, it's no secret that the Halloween videos are among Brent's favourites. He was able to spend a lot of time designing and building the sets for them. Among the things you know him best for are his artistic talents - painting, set designing and construction. So, enjoy this one once more. And watch out for monsters on Monday! George, Member Services

Sunday, October 23, 2022
Today's video - "ON THE ROOF WITH MARK & CODY" - is from Brent's San Diego days. You'll find it on Page 1 of the Buddies Area. It was a hot summer day when he shot this video, so these two didn't waste any time getting their clothes off and starting their well-rehearsed exercise program. Again, it's an updated version of the video and of the picture gallery. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, October 5, 2022Z
"BACK IN THE CLOSET..." is one of Brent's favourite webcam videos. He went back into the closet to do this webcam show because it was huge and had a fantastic mirror. You could have a party in there, or at least create a work of "art" on the mirror. So, he decided to try it out and here's the result... :-) It's an updated version using today's software. I hope you enjoy it even if you've seen it before. George, Member Services


Sunday, September 18, 2022
"ON THE QUICK", is another updated Skype call video from a while ago. This one is from Toronto. It was a hot summer's day, but Brent couldn't do the show outside on his patio because of some neighbours who insisted on being outside on their patios in the sun and drinking beer... It's not very long, but has a great cumshot, ha ha. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, September 2, 2022
Sorry about the lengthy silence, but both Brent and I have been away from our computers for a couple of weeks. The updated video I have for you today is - "A CARIBBEAN SKYPE CALL WITH A FRENCH FAN". This time Brent is talking with a fan from France. They talk about many things from relationships to his love of painting. I hope you enjoy it. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Today's video  - "SUNKISSED" - is a co-production with from a few years ago. This is the first of several we produced together. Brent's co-star in Sunkissed is Luke Adams from He was hot, willing, and insatiable. Filming this was a hot experience. See if you don't agree. :-P  Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, July 6, 2022
So, Pride Month is over and we're into the second half of 2022. Hopefully, things will improve both health and safety-wise. We're all keeping our fingers crossed. To close the Pride Month off, today's video is "PREPARING FOR PRIDE". I guess we should have re-edited this video from a few years ago and posted it at the beginning of June, but we were hoping for some new videos that Brent shot in Europe. Unfortunately, his equipment problems have still not been resolved, so please be patient yet a while longer. All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Today's video is "BRENT AND HIS FLESHJACK", a re-edited video of a webcam show from a few years back. Brent was reminded by a fan that he hadn't used his Fleshjack or his dildo in a video for a while, so here it is. Brent has had some equipment problems since his return to Toronto, so until those are resolved, his newly shot videos are stored in the clouds (hopefully safely). Please be patient a while longer. Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, June 11, 2022

So, Brent returned to Toronto a few days ago and is now organizing his stay there. Hopefully he'll be able to have the videos he shot in Europe edited very soon so that they can be uploaded to the website. Today's updated video is "BRENT FUCKS RYAN RUSSELL" from a while back. It was shot after an interview with Ryan on his weekly show Ryantime TV. You can watch the interview on the ABOUT ME page without a membership to the website. They got along so well during the interview that they decided to take things a bit further and shoot a video. As you'll see, Ryan and Brent had a very hot time...

All the best,
Member Services

Friday, May 27, 2022
Brent just flew from Paris to Mallorca and will be there for a few days. So today's video is another updated one - "A CARIBBEAN SKYPE CONVERSATION". In this video, Brent is having a real conversation with his partner, who also gives him "direction" on what to do from time to time. At the end of the video, Brent shows him a couple of paintings he was working on at the time. The plan is still for Brent to return to Toronto in a couple of weeks, but, as you know, his plans keep changing, so fingers crossed. Cheers, George, Member Services

Thursday, May 19, 2022
Brent is still over in Europe for a few more weeks, so today's video is another updated version. This time the video is from the BUDDIES PAGE and it's called "JUSTIN DOES ERIK". It's a hot one of these two guys going at it and it's one of several they did for us both together and as solos. Hopefully, as I've had to say too often lately, we'll soon have a few new videos for you. All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Today's reworked video - "IN THE SHOWER AGAIN" -  is again from a few years back, updated to make it compatible with Adobe's abandonment of Flash. Brent is still in Europe, just spent a while in Switzerland and is now back in Italy. Hopefully he'll soon be able to upload the videos he's shot there so we can edit them and put them on the site. Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, April 17, 2022
Today's video is again from a few years ago. "LOCATION SCOUTING" is the first video Brandon Wilde and Brent shot together in the Caribbean. Of course, as you might expect, they didn't just look for locations, they also decided to try one out. It's an exciting little video. If this is your first time looking at it, you'll wish you were there (especially if you're living in a cold weather zone, like me, ha ha). All the best, George, Member Services

Monday, April 4, 2022
Today we finally have a new video - "BRENT & FRIEND" - that Brent shot a few weeks ago while over in Europe. As you'll see, they tried out quite a few things, and of course had a great, hot time. There are more videos in the works. But please be patient, with all the travelling, Brent seems to have no problem shooting the videos. It's more a problem getting them uploaded for editing while on the move with somewhat unreliable internet connections. Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, March 25, 2022
So after visiting Spain, Brent is back in Italy for a little while longer. He's been appearing in a number of gay clubs while in both countries. You can follow him by looking at his Facebook and Instagram accounts. He's also shot a few new videos while there, which we hope to be able to publish soon. So today's video is another updated version of a video from a couple of years back - "SHOWERING IN THE GYM". All the best and remember to stay safe. George, Member Services

Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Brent has decided to stay in Europe a few weeks longer than originally planned. I think it's because he's afraid of what weather he'll find in Toronto when he comes back. So, today's updated video - "WHILE WAITING FOR SPRING TO ARRIVE..." - is an example of what you can do to escape "real" winter weather. Not that you couldn't do that in any kind of weather, lol. Cheers, George, Member Services

Monday, February 21, 2022
Brent is still enjoying his visit to Europe (he's in Italy right now). But he should have listened to me and not gone there in the middle of winter, because, as you know, he's a summer-type person. Check out his Instagram for pics and little touristy videos from there. By contrast, today's updated video - "A CARIBBEAN UNDERWATER ADVENTURE" - is much more his style. Enjoy, and try not to be jealous... All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Brent is getting ready to fly to Europe in a few days, so today's video is another updated version of one from a while ago - "BATHROOM BREAK". Since he'll be in Europe for a few weeks, we're hoping that he'll have time to shoot a few new videos while he's over there. But the continuing Covid-19 pandemic is still making things difficult. In the meantime, we hope you'll enjoy this improved version. Since Brent's birthday is tomorrow, Fleshjack has announced another special birthday sale of his products lasting all of February. Check it out... Cheers, George, Member Services


Thursday, January 27, 2022
Today's video - "A TORONTO WINTER DAY" -  is from a perfect winter day in Toronto a few years back (not like the monster snow fall we had here a few days ago). I still haven't been able to shoot a good new video for the site since coming here because I'm not really settled yet. I may just go back to the Turks & Caicos Islands in a few weeks once I've sorted out a few more things here. Please be patient a while longer and enjoy this updated version.


Thursday, January 13, 2022
Brent has been visiting a number of places in Ontario, near Toronto, so is still not settled in one place. "DOING IT IN THE DARK" is another updated Caribbean video from a while ago. It's a bit dark, but you won't miss anything other than details of his messy bedroom (his words, not mine, ha ha). His future plans aren't quite settled yet but he hopes to get things sorted out soon. Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Brent is still not quite settled in Toronto and is making plans for future travels. So, today's video is another updated version from a while back. "THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN ALLAN GARDENS" was shot in Toronto, but, as you'll see, definitely not shot during winter. Brent was on the way to the gym when he needed to visit a public toilet for a couple of reasons. Take a look... Happy New Year! George, Member Services

Friday, December 24, 2021
Brent is back in Toronto now but not really settled anywhere because of the compulsory Covid-19 testing. "IN THE BEDROOM" is from a few years ago when he had an apartment there that he really liked, including a fantastic deck, unfortunately surrounded by buildings so that he had to shoot the video indoors. Still, as you'll see, the outcome was just what we all wanted. Don't you agree? Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. STAY SAFE! George, Member Services

Sunday, December 12, 2021
"BRENT'S LITTLE TEST" is a short new video that Brent shot to "make a little physical test to make sure everything is still working as it's supposed to what with all the Covid-19 tests and shots he's had to have recently because of his travels". I don't think you'll be surprised that everything is fine. Yay!  Brent is currently slated to fly back to Toronto on December 16th. Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, December 4, 2021
the fourth and final scene from Wantin' More. After a hard day's work exercising, buying new running shoes and checking out the motorcycle repair shop, Brent orders a pizza. What's not surprising is that the pizza is delivered by a hot twink. Fortunately, pizza is extremely good when it's eaten cold, lol.  Brent will be returning to Canada in about ten days and hopefully things will settle down a bit. We hope that he'll be able to shoot some new videos soon without facing any additional danger from the latest Covid-19 variant. Stay safe, George, Member Services

Monday, November 22, 2021
Today's video is "WANTIN' MORE, SCENE 3", the upgraded video from Brent's self-produced DVD, as explained last week. We find Brent in a motorcycle repair shop, but not to have his non-existent motorcycle fixed up. It's the mechanic he's after, as you'll see, lol. Brent is still organizing his travels outside the Caribbean and we hope to have some news for you soon. Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, November 14, 2021
"WANTIN' MORE, SCENE 2" is today's updated video from Brent's self-produced DVD, as explained last week. See how things have changed when it comes to the quality of the internet since this DVd first came out in 2005/6, shortly after Brent started his website. Hopefully we'll be able to add some new videos in a few weeks after Brent's travel plans give him more quiet time. All the best, George, Member Services

Saturday, November 6, 2021
Brent is still in the middle of sorting out his travels over the next few weeks and has not been able to shoot any new videos. So, we thought we'd take the opportunity to update the four scenes from Wantin' More, Brent's own DVD production from 2005 that's no longer available for purchase. So, today's video is "WANTIN' MORE, SCENE 1". Of course, since the scenes date back to the beginning of Brent's career, they're not in widescreen or HD, but Brent thought you'd enjoy them anyway...  When you compare this scene to the early live webcams of that time, you'll see just how much things have changed since 2005/6. Take a look... Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, October 23, 2021
Well, things didn't quite turn out the way I had planned and I'm still on my favourite Caribbean island (not that I'm really complaining, lol). It's just that I had to push everything back a bit. Today's video is not a new one but everything is updated. "WITH MY FLESHJACK IN THE CLOSET" was a very popular live webcam show a few years back, so I thought I'd bring things up-to-date for you. I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm hoping to have a few new videos for you shortly after things settle down a bit.

Saturday, October 2, 2021
"BED & BATH" is today's new video. I shot it in the Caribbean a while back (somehow it got overlooked among a number of similar videos I shot at the time). I got hot and bothered in the bedroom, did my thing, and then, in the shower found that I was still randy. So you can call this a "two-in-one". Yes, I came twice. I guess it must have been after a "dry" period of a few days. I'm off back to Canada in a couple of weeks and, if everything goes right, I'm flying to Europe a short time after that (Germany and, maybe, France). Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Saturday, September 18, 2021
Today I have a new video for you that I shot last year when I was in Colombia and Mexico for a few months longer than I expected due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was an adventurous time. I made some friends down there and we decided to shoot "AXXL & BRENT - AN UNUSUAL AUDITION" together. We did this a few weeks after I was attacked by two homophobic creeps (as you can tell from the bandage on my left arm where I was cut by a knife). We had fun creating this little drama for you though. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 12, 2021
The turmoil didn't end when it was supposed to: I had some trouble with getting the proper authorizations required for travel because of the continuing pandemic, but I'm safe back on my island where I'll be staying for a while longer before flying back to Canada for a while. Normally I love travelling (except for all the money it costs, lol), but not really for the past year or so. So, today's video is another updated version from a few years ago - "FIRST THE GYM, THEN THE SHOWER". I guess you know what that means, eh?

Friday, September 3, 2021

Things are in a bit of turmoil here on my favourite Caribbean island, what with me flying out in a couple of days and, shortly after that, returning to Canada for a few months (just in time for winter). And all that while the travel rules are ever-changing because of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic (mainly because of the refusal of so many people to be vaccinated for all sorts of ridiculous claims). So today's video is another updated version of one from a few years ago - "ON A FRIEND'S COUCH" - is an edited version of a live webcam shot in Canada (where the Internet is much more reliable for live streaming than here on the island).

Thursday, August 19, 2021
I'm leaving the Turks & Caicos Islands again for a little while in a few days. I didn't have time to shoot a new video to show you what it's like on my favourite Caribbean island, so here is an updated version of "A CARIBBEAN GOOD-BYE" from a few years ago. After biking around for a while, I got all hot and sweaty, so, of course, I had to take a shower. I guess I don't have to tell you what happened, lol.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
My pal Dimitri and I got together to shoot "BRENT & DIMITRI IN THE GAMES ROOM" a few years ago just days before I left Toronto to fly to the Turks & Caicos Islands to visit my parents. We'd planned to do this for quite a while but had trouble finding the time. It was a hot shoot and we had fun doing it. Check out this updated version.

Friday, July 30, 2021
"HOME (ALMOST) ALONE 2" is the completion of my little Home Alone series, updated to improve it technically. Again, I had to be quiet while shooting this video because there were guests in the house. But I wanted to do it because I was about to head for Europe for a good part of the summer (this was before anyone had heard of Covid-19).

Friday, July 23, 2021
Today's new video on the site, "ADAM KILLIAN VISITS BRENT", is somewhat special. Adam is one of my long-time friends going back to my early days in porn. He's also my favourite daddy type. We don't have the chance to get together very often. So, when he visited me on my favourite Caribbean island last month, we had a really great time. Check it out!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
We've run into a bit of a technical problem with editing a few new videos that I shot recently, so today's video is an updated version of "HOME (ALMOST) ALONE 1" from a few years ago. I shot it while visiting my parents on my favourite Caribbean island. As I've said before: "There's something about this place that always keeps me extra hot & horny!"

Friday, July 2, 2021
"IT'S ALWAYS MORE FUN OUTSIDE!", don't you agree, as long as you live on my favourite Caribbean island, ha ha. Today's new video is another two-parter, the first part among the palm trees of my backyard and after that an outdoor shower in my favourite shower stall of all (because I helped design it). For my American and Canadian fans, have a happy holiday weekend!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Today's new video, "SEX IN THE AFTERNOON", is the result of an encounter here on my favourite Caribbean island which led to some interesting discussions and actions. My friend preferred to remain anonymous even though he wanted to be able to remember our hook-up in this public way of a video for you all. We had a great hot time, as you'll see.

Sunday, June 13, 2021
"BRENT & MICHAEL, MORE FUN IN THE CARIBBEAN" is today's new video and the second of the videos I shot with my friend Michael when he visited me on my favourite Caribbean island a few weeks ago. We start off in the pool but finish things indoors to avoid being "interrupted" by passing traffic. Boy, was it fun!

Friday, June 4, 2021
Today's video is another two-parter - "SKYPING AGAIN WITH MY GERMAN FAN". We did it in my bedroom so we didn't have to worry about interruptions or noise, ha ha. That's a good thing because he's very enthusiastic, even over a cellphone speaker...

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
My friend Michael visited me a couple of weeks ago and we decided to shoot a couple of videos to record what we were doing, lol. "BRENT & MICHAEL, IN THE BEDROOM" is the first one. As you'll see, we had a lot of "fun". It's a good thing we were alone in the house, because the bed... Well, you'll see, or rather, hear, ha ha. I hope you're still being careful, especially if you haven't yet been vaccinated. Hopefully the pandemic won't last much longer!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

"THE RISKS OF OUTDOOR SKYPING" - Well, if you live on an uninhabited island or have a huge property, you only have to worry about mosquitoes. But, here on my favourite, but small, Caribbean island, there are family, friends and neighbours who might pass by or drop in. So, on the first half of today's video you'll see what might (almost) happen. It's not a surprise then that the second half takes place in my bedroom, with a bit more conversation and noise.

Sunday, May 9, 2021
Just a short new video today - "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT". I shot it a couple of weeks ago with a fan who wants to remain anonymous. But the important bits are there, so I'm sure you'll want to see it, lol. I've also shot a few longer videos with new partners which are now being edited, so they'll be up on the site soon.

Monday, April 26, 2021
Today's new video, "SKYPING WITH A GERMAN FAN", has two parts. The first takes place in my bedroom, the second in my bathroom. And we talk quite a bit as we turn each other on. Since there are two parts, of course I cum twice. Another first, lol!

Monday, April 12, 2021
Today's new video is "SKYPING IN THE CARIBBEAN" from a few weeks ago. As you'll see, I was a bit premature about the reliability of the internet and wi-fi here. Fortunately it only affected the beginning and the very end of what I was doing, so you're getting another hot JO video with telephone comments from my skype partner. Cum, take a look... Have you seen the link to CAMEO on the homepage? It's something relatively new. If you want me to make a short video for you with birthday greetings, or want something for your partner or other friends, just contact me there. It's not just me, you can also contact movie stars, athletes, and other social media persons, so why not check it out. Stay safe, especially now that the third wave is spreading rapidly!

Thursday, March 25, 2021
"SKYPING WITH FLORIDA" is the first new video from my favourite Caribbean island where I've been safely back for several weeks now. I'm working on a number of plans to make improvements to my life once the covid-19 pandemic is finally over. (I've even managed to get vaccinated. It's a definite advantage to have only a small population here, which makes some things easier than living in a large country.) Make sure you get vaccinated as soon as you can and stay safe! And look out for new videos on the site as well as short ones and pictures on JustFor.Fans and Brents Fans.

Sunday, March 14, 2021
Hey guys, here's my first new video in a while. I'm really sorry it took so long, because of the drama of me getting back to my favourite Caribbean island from Mexico and problems with my equipment and the internet here which prevented me from getting my videos to Canada for editing. I know, I know, it sounds lame, but I can assure you it was all real. Anyway, here's "BRENT & TRENT", the second of the videos I shot with him last fall. And, don't worry, there are more new videos underway being edited.

Friday, February 26, 2021
Brent is now back on the Turks & Caicos Islands, but of course hasn't been able to shoot a new video yet. So "BRENT, MITCH, HEAD", today's video, is another updated video from a few years back. Brent and Steve met Mitch, who's from Mexico, at a club and they all hit it right off. So Mitch visited them at Brent's place and the two of them went right at it with Steve behind the camera. The chemistry between Brent and Mitch was obviously just right.
We hope to have some new videos for you as soon as Brent can get them edited. Please be patient. Stay safe! George, Member Services

Wednesday, February 17, 2021
I'll be flying back to the Caribbean in a few days, so today's video is an updated version of one I shot with Brandon Wilde a couple of years back. We decided to go kayaking. "THE SHIPWRECK" is the result of this little sea voyage. Once I get back home, I'll have some new videos for you, including some that are sitting there on my computer which I didn't take with me to Mexico, so they couldn't be edited. Maybe I think about sex too much, even when I'm packing my stuff??

Monday, February 8, 2021
While Brent is down in Mexico shooting videos, here's an updated version of this Skype video from a couple of years ago - "SKYPING WITH T-MAN". God, it was cold on the prairies that winter! It was a really good time to stay indoors and get hot. Winter in the Turks & Caicos Islands and in Mexico is so much more comfortable than in the Great White North (except for Vancouver Island, of course, lol). Brent will have some hot new videos for you soon.
Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Brent is back in Mexico right now. Hopefully he won't get stuck there after he's finished shooting a few new videos with Lucas Entertainment in a couple of weeks because of the stricter covid-19 limitations and the amateurish roll-out of the new vaccines in most countries. Today's new video - "BRENT & DOMINIC" - was shot in Toronto last fall just before he returned to the Turks & Caicos Islands.

Also, I hope you've already seen that Fleshjack is having a 10% off Birthday Sale of his Fleshjack and dildo. It will last all month until February 28th. Just click on the Fleshjack link on the homepage for more information.

Stay safe and be patient.
Member Services

Saturday, January 23, 2021
You may have noticed that the embedded Adobe Flash Player and the image galleries on the older webpages have now been blocked by Adobe from working. This is the result of Adobe ending its support for the Flash format. All the other, non-embedded video formats will continue to work, both by allowing streaming and downloading. The older image galleries will not work, however. We may update the Flash-dependent formats in time, but my staff is very small, so it will take time. Please be patient.

Sunday, January 17, 2012
I'm calling today's new video "AN OUTDOOR SHOWER" because that's what it is. I was alone at home (well, almost alone except for the dogs and an off-screen friend), the weather was perfect, and it seemed the greatest thing to do right then a couple of weeks ago. Isn't it a beautiful spot to take a shower? Take a look!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you're all fine. For the first video of the new year, I have BRENT & ADAM, PART 3 for you. This one was especially fun to make. And I hope we can shoot some more in the not too distant future. I'm looking forward to being able to fly to Mexico again in a few weeks. Hopefully things will have cooled down by then. Fingers crossed!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2020
Here's the second video Brent shot with his friend Adam after his return to the Caribbean -
BRENT & ADAM, PART 2.  Right now Brent is spending a few days in South America again, in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic visiting with some other friends. We'll have some pictures of the visit up on Brent's Fans and Just For Friends in a couple of days. Enjoy the video and stay safe! All the best, George Member Services

Sunday, December 6, 2020
Happy Saint Nicholas Day to those of you around the world who celebrate this day on December 6th. I hope you got a lot of goodies and are now waiting for Santa to bring you even more in a few weeks. Here's my gift to you today - BRENT & ADAM, PART 1. It's the first of a number of videos with my friend Adam who came to visit me a few weeks ago on my favourite Caribbean island. Hope you like it, ha ha.

Saturday, November 24, 2020
SKYPING WITH NEW YORK is my first Skype video from my favourite Caribbean Island and also my first Skype video in quite some time. I'm happy to be here because the island is tightly controlled and as a result covid-19 cases are not nearly as out of control as in some countries. Life here is relatively normal with people being smart enough to stick to the rules that will help keep them healthy. And sex is part of life here, yay!
Stay safe!

Saturday, November 14, 2020
I shot today's new video - BRENT & ALEJANDRO - in Bogota, Colombia, a few weeks before I managed to get a flight home to Toronto during the first Covid-19 lockdown. Unfortunately, two weeks earlier I'd been assaulted and injured in my left arm as you'll see. So this was my first time to have sex in about two weeks. I really needed that! And Alejandro helped make it happen! We were both really hot to trot!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Here's a new video for you while we're all waiting for the US election results - "BRENT & TRENT, BEACH PARTY". I shot it with Trent King (@trentkingxxx) in Toronto a few weeks ago at Hanlan's Point, Toronto's famous clothing optional and part gay beach. Of course, we weren't right on the beach, lol. We had to go a little bit into the island wilderness and take out chances with the mosquitoes. Check it out. More to come soon. Stay safe!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Hey everyone, I've been back in the Turks & Caicos Islands for a little while now and I'm really enjoying life here again. Today's new video - "CARIBBEAN MORNING WOOD" - is the first of I hope quite a few new videos from here to come. And I also have a few new ones that I shot (carefully) in Toronto before being able to fly here. I hope you'll enjoy them. Remember to stay smart and safe. The danger is far from being over (despite what a certain politician has been saying).

Sunday, October 11, 2020
Good news, Brent has been back on the Turks & Caicos islands for a few days now and recovering nicely from the unforeseen stays in South America and Toronto. Today's short but very hot new video - "NO TALKING !" he shot in Toronto a few days ago. Hopefully, he'll be able to shoot more new videos on his favourite Caribbean island soon. Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to all our Canadian friends. Remember to stay safe wherever you are. George, Member Services

Friday, September 18, 2020
As you already know, Brent hasn't been able to fly to the Turks and Caicos Islands yet. So, "CARIBBEAN POOL PLAY" is today's ICYMI video to show you what he'd really love to be doing rather than experiencing the first signs of fall in Toronto, especially now that the wild fire smoke from the US west coast has reached the east and that covid-19 infections are increasing in the big cities like Toronto. It means he has to be extra careful and patient, as do we all! Good luck, George, Member Services

Tuesday, August 25, 2020
As Brent is getting ready once more to fly from Toronto to the Turks & Caicos Islands to visit with his parents for a while and get away to a less threatened by Covid-19 place, here's a recording of a Skype video call from two years ago with a fan from Ohio - GETTING READY TO TRAVEL. As you can guess, if you haven't seen it before, when Brent gets ready to travel, it involves more than just packing stuff in a couple of suitcases (although what happens when he actually does that, is a story all by itself. Please don't tell him I said that, lol). He's had some problems (nothing to do with Covid-19) during the past couple of weeks, so we'll have to wait until he gets to his favourite Island for some new videos (a few already in the can). Stay safe! George, Member Services

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
ello everyone. I guess you know by now that I'm back in Canada. I've just finished two weeks of solitary quarantine in Toronto and I hope to fly to the Turks & Caicos Islands to visit with my parents for a while at the end of next week. Today's first new video since I came back is "IN THE SHOWER ONCE MORE...". Since I was in quarantine when I shot it, I'm all by myself. Still, I had a great time! I'm shooting a few new videos now, before I leave, and, although we have to be careful, I won't be alone in them. So, stay tuned! And stay careful! Love you all, Brent

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
I have some great news for you. If you haven't heard already, or seen the pictures Brent has posted on Instagram, he's managed to get flights from Bogota, Colombia, and Mexico City  back to Toronto. Of course, now he has to quarantine himself for two weeks to make sure he's not brought the covid-19 virus back with him. (We don't think he has, but better safe than sorry!) So, today's video and gallery is PART II of THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN CANCUN. This one is on the hotel balcony and, a bit later, in the shower. I don't think I have to spell out what happened, do I? Enjoy, George, Member Services

Sunday, July 12, 2020
If you've looked at his Instagram pics, you'll know that Brent is feeling better after his attack. And even better, it looks as though he'll be catching a humanitarian repatriation flight back to Toronto via Mexico City in a few days. So, please keep your fingers crossed for him. Today's video - from a few years back - is the first part of two. THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN CANCUN, PART I. I thought you might like this, especially our many new members who haven't had a chance to find and see it, because they were filmed in similar surroundings to where Brent has been for the past couple of months. Cheers, George, Member Services

Thursday, July 2, 2020
As you've probably heard by now, Brent was attacked a few days ago while still self-isolating in Bogota, Colombia. You can see some of the images on Instagram and Facebook, Fortunately he wasn't too badly injured, but it could easily have been much worse. During the past few weeks he hasn't been able to shoot any videos and I took the opportunity to update my computer to Windows 10 to make editing easier and faster. That unfortunately led to a further delay while I reinstalled all my software and learned the new system. We both apologize for the delay in posting new videos. With any luck Brent should be back in Canada or the Turks & Caicos Islands in the next few weeks. International travel remains very difficult. Today's video -"Brent - By a Caribbean Pool" is again from a few years ago, but is in line with where Brent would like to be soon. All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, May 24, 2020
Here's the new video you've been waiting for - "ALLEN, BRENT & NICO - AN AWESOME THREESOME!" - Brent, Allen King and Nico Kraken shot this in Mexico some weeks ago (before the covid-19 pandemic got bad) after they all met when they were shooting with Lucas Entertainment. We all think it's one really hot video! Don't you? It looks as though Brent will have to stay in Colombia until the beginning of July before he can fly out. Hopefully things will start to get better soon, although many people in some countries seem not to be able to understand the basic facts of human health and safety. Stay safe! George, Member Services

Monday, May 18, 2020
You won't be surprised to hear that Brent is still in Bogota, Colombia, and unable to do much but wait out the Covid-19 restrictions and the resumption of international travel. It's beginning to look that things will loosen up in the next few weeks. Brent is hoping to fly to the Turks & Caicos Islands to visit his parents after this is over. So, for today's video we've chosen another Caribbean island video - "ON THE BEACH" - to remind you why a visit there is the perfect relief from the daily rat race... Be smart & stay safe, everyone! George, Member Services

Thursday, May 7, 2020
Since Brent is still isolated in Colombia, hopefully for only a few more weeks, we've had to update an older but very hot video from a few years ago - "BRENT & BRANDON WILDE - SEX AMONG THE ROCKS" - on their favourite Caribbean island. If you're one of the several hundred new members who've joined since Brent reduced the monthly subscription fee and added BrentsFans (replacing the still, probably permanently, blocked OnlyFans account), you've likely not had time to check this video out. But, even if you've seen it before, I'm sure you'll still love it. While waiting for Brent to come home, either to Canada or the Turks & Caicos Islands (no decision on that yet), take care of yourselves and stay safe. The coronavirus crisis isn't over! All the best, George, Member Services

Thursday, April 30, 2020
Here's a bit of news for everyone: Since our battle with OnlyFans is continuing seemingly without resolution, we have just created a fan site with the domain name It is (at least for now) an additional benefit to members of the website at no additional cost. If you have a membership to the website, just click on the Brent's Fans icon on the homepage or the BLOG link at the top of each page. It's available now, so you can see it as it develops over time. The purpose is, of course, to upload short videos and teasers/trailers and images which don't fit into the format of a website. Please go ahead and check it out and let us know what you think. You can email your thoughts to Stay safe! George, Member Services

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
So Brent drove from Cali, Colombia, to the capital, Bogota a few days ago. a 12 hour trip. He had no choice because Colombia is still closed down to reduce the coronavirus danger. He even had to get written permission to do that. Fortunately the restrictions are working there, the covid-19 spread and infection rate there is much lower than in the US, for example. So, being unable to leave the country is actually a blessing in disguise. Today's new video and image gallery - "BRENT FUCKS STIVEN MENDEZ" is the second video Brent shot for the website down there. He hopes to be able to shoot a couple more after the human contact and the international travel restrictions are lifted, hopefully in just a few more weeks. Remember, stay 6 feet (2 meters) apart, and no partying, unless you're living together, ha ha! George, Member Services

Saturday, April 11, 2020
Happy Easter everyone! Guess what? We have a brand new video for you that Brent shot a few weeks ago down in Colombia, where he still is in isolation because of the COVID-19 crisis. He managed to transfer it up north during a period when the internet was solid enough. So, go take a look at "BRENT EVERETT & BRAXTON BOYD - OH, FUCK!" It's a really hot one with Braxton Boyd (@braxtonboydxxx) who works with Lucas Entertainment. There's also a photo gallery of images shot during the filming on the Photosets page. Interestingly, Braxton's OnlyFans account has not been interfered with, nor that of some other pornstar friends of Brent's. We have still not been able to get a detailed response from Zendesk, the company that handles Customer Support for OnlyFans. We're going to try once more to have the account unblocked by them. If it doesn't happen, Brent is now considering legal action against the OnlyFans parent company, Fenix International Limited 85 of London, England. Stay tuned. And above all, stay safe! George, Member Services

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Since Brent is still down in Colombia, waiting to be able to return to Canada because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we've updated another video from a few years ago - "JACOB & DIESEL", a hot one that you'll find on BUDDIES pages, just like the last one. We're hoping that the quarantine will only last for a couple of more weeks. Please keep your fingers crossed for all of us! Brent's OnlyFans account is still blocked and we haven't had a response yet from their (so-called) Support system. You can read a bit more about it by clicking on the Brent's OnlyFans account link on the homepage. We're currently developing our own Fan Account (, but it'll take a while longer to get it off the ground. Stay safe!George, Member Services

Sunday, March 22, 2020
Effective immediately, Brent has reduced the monthly membership/subscription fee to US$9.95, also recurring at US$9.95 per month. He has decided to do that as a result of the restrictions placed on us all during the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic. Stay at home and self-isolate as much as possible for now, avoid groups, parties and clubs, keep about 6 feet (2 meters) apart from others. He wants to make it easier for you during this period, when you also may have financial limitations, to interact with something other than Netflix. If you're a current member and need to reduce your expenses, please feel free to cancel and re-subscribe at the new temporary fee. Stay safe! George, Member Services

Saturday, March 21, 2020
Brent is still down in Cali, Colombia, and coming back home is a bit more difficult now that the Coronavirus Pandemic is spreading rapidly around the world. Fortunately, things are developing more slowly in South America than here in the North or in Europe and other parts of the world. So we've had to upload another older video for you - "YARDWORK?" - from one of Brent's visits to his parents in the Caribbean. We're waiting for new videos to edit and upload to the site for you soon. Brent will bring them with him if the internet won't let him transfer them. We're also still waiting for OnlyFans to explain their blocking of Brent's account (and unblock it, since we didn't breach their Terms of Service) and Brent's planning to open a Just For Fans account in the near future. So there are some changes coming. Please be patient a bit longer and stay tuned. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, March 13, 2020
Brent is in South America (about to fly to Cali in Colombia) for a while longer and because of Wi-Fi problems has been unable to upload any large video files for editing. So, in the meantime, here's another hot video from a few years ago that you may have missed so far - "AIDEN FUCKS URIJAH" - two "straight" marines who were friends of Steve back then. But you wouldn't know about their sexual preferences from how they did what they did, lol... Also, another warning about fake social media accounts pretending to be Brent's. The only real ones are the ones with links on the homepage of the site. Anything else is not his, so take care. Cheers, George, Member Services

Thursday, February 27, 2020
Brent is still in Mexico and will be heading down to Colombia after the weekend. He's been performing and filming in Mexico, so we should have a number of new videos soon. In the meantime, here's another ICYMI video from about 10 years ago which you may have missed seeing. It's been updated to our latest standards. Take a look at CADE & JUSTIN on the Buddies Pages. I'm sure you'll find it as hot as we always have, lol. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
So, Brent is down (or up, depending on where in the world you are right now) in Mexico, in Puerto Vallarta, about to shoot some videos, after his club gig in Mexico City last weekend. Today's new video - "A BEDROOM SKYPE CALL" - is a recent addition to his skype show collection. He doesn't talk too much, so he's not distracted from the aim of the shoot - to have some fun. Have some with him... All the best, George, Member Services

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
So Brent is on his way to Mexico City via Toronto to perform at DADDY on Friday, February 7th. Today's video is another ICYMI one - "BRENT TRAINS JACOB". He picked this one, which was one of his favourites to make, from ten years ago. We've improved the video quality a bit and also that of the images (which still have his old logo). Our main problem over the last month has been that the internet on the Turks & Caicos Islands, where he's visiting his parents, is currently quite unreliable so that he's been unable to transfer any videos longer than a few minutes to us for editing. Hopefully the situation will improve soon. But this video is very hot, so I can guarantee you'll love it even if you've seen it before, lol! Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Hey everyone, here's my first video shot in the Caribbean this month - "IN MY ISLAND BEDROOM". It's taken a bit longer than I expected to get it up on the site because we've had pretty spotty Wi-Fi connections to the mainland which kept cutting out. I hope that's all done with now. Also, I'm happy to be able to say that my OnlyFans account ( is up and running again after we resolved the problems that were definitely not of our making. So, please check that out as well. The only account we're still working to re-open is my Instagram account which will happen soon, I hope.

Saturday, January 11, 2020
While my first new video from my favourite Caribbean island is being edited, I have a new PHOTO GALLERY for you on the PHOTOSETS pages (you can check it out after you login). It's called "DOING IT" and the images are from the short video that everyone can see for FREE on the homepage of the site. This video was supposed to be uploaded to my OnlyFans account which is still being blocked. We hope that it will be unblocked shortly because I really don't want to have to take legal action against the company and the person responsible for causing this problem (I hate wasting a lot of money that way, lol).

Saturday, January 4, 2020
"Brent & Manuel Skye" - my first video with CockyBoys, is also the first new video of 2020. After introducung myself to the CockyBoys fans and after a bit of mutual exploration, we got down to business, and boy, did we go at it! We really let go of all inhibitions. I'd love to do that again... Now that I'm in the Caribbean for a few months, I'll be shooting some videos here (although, with the increasing number of tourists, it's getting a bit difficult to find secluded spaces, lol). I'll also be getting in touch soon with those of you who've written me about one-on-one shows. Happy New Year to you all.

Monday, December 30, 2019
Today I have a NEW video for you - "BRENT'S TOILET ADVENTURE". It was originally shot for my account (which is still blocked, but hopefully for only a few more days). But even though it's short, it's hot! That's why I decided to post it to the website.

Also, stay tuned for new videos coming soon. The first will be on the site in a few days - it's the video I shot with CockyBoys in Montreal recently. I hope you all had a great Christmas and I wish us all a Safe and Happy New Year. May 2020 bring us some much needed positive changes!

Saturday, December 21, 2019
This morning at 6 am I caught a flight from Victoria, BC, to Toronto and tomorrow morning (if all goes well) I'm off to visit my parents on my favourite caribbean island for a couple of months. I'll be shooting some scenes there (as soon as I get a bit of a tan) and I'll answer those of you who have written me about one-on-one Skype shows. In the meantime, here's a Christmas video I shot on the island a few years ago - "AN ISLAND CHRISTMAS". My problems with my OnlyFans account - - still haven't been resolved, but I don't think they'll block me too much longer. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019
I'm in Edmonton this week and I'm freezing my ass off! So for today's video, another ICYMI, "A Kayaking Adventure", I'm going back to the warm Caribbean where I soon hope to be, visiting my parents for the holidays and shooting a few new videos for you. is still blocking my account without having given me a reason for their action. Hopefully this will be resolved in an informal way soon.


Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Another ICYMI video, an especially hot one from my Calgary days - "Watching Porn". At a friend's place with a really big-screen TV. Here's your chance to learn all the finer things that can happen when you watch porn instead of Star Trek or Terminator, ha ha. I'm still not settled down yet, but hope to be visiting my parents in the Turks & Caicos Islands soon.

Sunday, November 24, 2019
For today's ICYMI video "Teamwork" I'm going back to my San Diego days. Urijah and Aiden Snow, best friends, had asked if they could shoot a scene together. Who would say no to that? So, here's this really hot duo going at it as if there's no tomorrow and I heard the noise and came into the studio to check it out. How could I resist getting into the act, could you have resisted?

Saturday, November 16, 2019
I'm staying with the Caribbean summer theme this week as well. "Brent & Brandon, By an Island Pool" is a favourite of mine from a few years back shot with Brandon Wilde ( during one of his visits to my parents' island paradise. Please be patient with the repeats of these favourite videos of mine, I should have some new ones for you soon.

Friday, November 8, 2019
Today we're back to the Caribbean again. ICYMI, "Caribbean Gym Happenings", from a few years ago, takes us back to the warm Caribbean, where I'd love to be right now rather than in the increasingly cold Canadian West. But it can't be helped for a while longer. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family soon when it gets really cold here in the Great White North, lol.

Thursday, October 31, 2019
Happy Halloween everyone! To celebrate this day properly, I'm republishing a video from a few years ago when my life was more settled than it is today - "Brent, Halloween & theTomb", also known as "Brent & the Mummy". I was thinking of Indiana Jones at the time and designed and built a set and had a fling with a mummy (or did the mummy have the fling with me, lol?). You decide...

Monday, October 14, 2019
Editing Part 2 of the "Caribbean Shipwreck Adventure" took a little longer than expected, some of which has to do with the fact that this is Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada. So we're all overwhelmed by turkey, lol. However, I think you'll like what you'll see when you check Part 2 out. So, gobble, gobble to our Canadian friends, and Happy Columbus Day to our American neighbours.

Friday, October 4, 2019
Today's new video - "Caribbean Shipwreck Adventure, Part 1" - has a bit of a touristy feel to it, because after Brandon Wilde and I arrived on our favourite shipwreck last summer we were joined by a boatload of partying visitors. So, Part 1 has a bit bit of a touristy feel to it, but it's fun to see what happened. Teaser: towards the end you'll see a first for the site. Check it out...

Saturday, September 21, 2019
"Austin & Brent, In the Woods - Angle 2" is the fourth angle and final video of Brent and Austin Wolf "doing it" in the woods near Victoria, BC, last June. Isn't it amazing how time flies past? From this final angle you'll see a few things that were hard to make out from the other angles. Of course, for Austin and Brent that didn't make any difference, lol. Brent is still in Montreal visiting Pierre Fitch for a few more days before he comes back out west. Stay tuned... Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, September 15, 2019
"Austin & Brent, In the Woods - Angles 1&3" is a compilation of two videos Austin Wolf and Brent shot in the woods this summer. There's one more to come that wasn't shot vertically, but in the traditional way, lol. Brent is on his way to Montreal today to shoot some videos there. More info about this to come later... Patience! George, Member Services

Monday, September 9, 2019
Another of the videos I did with Austin Wolf - "Austin & Brent, In the Woods - Angle 4" - this time in the woods around Victoria, BC. They're thick and ancient and not filled with swarms of mosquitoes, so it's great to have some fun there. This is first of four videos. They're out of order this time, because the teasers were taken from this version. Look for the others in the days to come...

Friday, August 30, 2019
Today's new video- "Parking Garage Happening" - is only a short one, because Austin Wolf and I got very horny as we were returning to our car when he was visiting me in Victoria, BC, to film the videos most of which you've already seen. We couldn't make it longer because we were interrupted by other drivers, lol. Hope you like it anyway!

Sunday, August 25, 2019
This time the new video is from Brandon Wilde ( - "Brandon's Bed". Of course, it isn't about his bed at all. It's about what he did on it while a buddy was snoozing nearby and he didn't want to make any noise. I'm sure you've had a similar experience when you suddenly became super-horny and just had to let go... Right? Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, August 18, 2019
Today's video -  "Austin & Brent, In the Hot Tub - Angle 2" - is the second and last of the current series with Austin Wolf. But don't worry, there are more in the pipeline. And also a new one with Brandon Wilde. In the meantime, Brent is having the time of his life in Singapore. Just take a look at all the pictures he's posting to his Instagram and Facebook accounts. But it's almost over, in a few days he'll be back on the super-quiet Canadian prairies. Stay tuned! All the best, George, Member Services

Saturday, August 10, 2019
Here's the first of the two-part "Hot Tub" series - "Austin & Brent, In the Hot Tub - Angle 1". Like the previous series, these two videos are complete but from different viewpoints. I think you'll like them, lol. Brent is now on his way back to Calgary from a couple of weeks spent on a friend's farm. He's told me that he shot some videos out there where everything is almost totally flat. I guess we'll have to be patient... On the other hand, there are a few more videos with Austin Wolf to be uploaded soon. Also, if any of you are having any problems after the move of our website to the new server, please let me know by emailing me at Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, August 4, 2019
Today we finish the "Austin & Brent, The Bed" series with "Angle 4", shot more from overhead and to the side. I hope you enjoyed the series. Brent is back on the Canadian prairies right now for a few days. I hope he'll have time to shoot some video out there while he's looking after the prairie "wild life" and the mosquitoes. Better him than me, lol... All the best, George, Member Services

Saturday, July 27, 2019
Today's new video is the third of the "Austin & Brent, the Bed" series. This one is "Angle 3", the action from the side of the bed to show you even more details. The last episode will follow soon.

Saturday, July 20, 2019
"Caribbean Beach Adventure", today's new video on the site, is about a little afternoon visit to the beach on my favourite Caribbean island. Jared and Cory of visited me there and we shot a couple of videos, as you probably already know, ha ha. This is about finding a place secure from tourists so we could have a little fun. We did...

Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Here's the second video of the "Austin & Brent, the Bed" series. This one is "Angle 2", a more overhead view of the action. The other two will follow next week. In the interim, stay tuned for another video from the Caribbean with the BigCMen and me in a few days.

Sunday, July 14, 2019
Today's new video is one of four that'll be uploaded shortly. Austin Wolf came to visit me in Victoria a couple of weeks ago and we shot a number of different videos for you. Today's is called "Austin & Brent, the Bed (Angle 1)". We tried something different - shot the video without interruption, but with four different cameras. So, over the next few days, you'll get four different viewpoints of the scene (you won't miss a thing, lol). I hope you'll like it (them?)...

Monday, July 1, 2019
Happy Canada Day everyone and Happy Independence Day to all my American friends and fans on July 4th. Today's video - "Synchronized Cumming" - is a recording of a Skype show with a fan who wanted to see if we could cum together. He was really hot and it worked, with me doing a count-down. We didn't take off, but we both exploded, lol.

Sunday, June 23, 2019
Here's the second part of the video with Cory, Jared and me - "An Epic Caribbean Fuck, Part II - Fucking". This was a really hot time for the three of us. And, knowing our health status, we did this one bareback, something you don't see very often on my site. We're planning to get together again in a few months to shoot some more scenes...

Monday, June 17, 2019

Surprise, I have another new, hot video for you today. This is a collaboration with which we shot with Cory and Jared a few months ago when I was still in the Caribbean visiting my parents. It's a two-parter. Today's is "An Epic Caribbean Fuck, Part I - Oral", to be followed by the second part where we all fuck like crazy in a few days.

Friday, June 14, 2019
I shot today's new video - "Talking with an Oklahoma Fan" - a few days ago in Victoria where I'll be for a while longer while I decide where to "settle down". This video is a skype conversation with a Fan in Oklahoma that ended quite spectacularly.... Also, I'm planning to restart live webcam shows in a few weeks. We're still trying to work out the details because I'm going to be very busy and travelling a lot during the next two months. So stay tuned for more.

Friday, June 7, 2019
Well, here it is, my first new video in too long. I'm still here in Victoria, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island just north of Seattle. It's one of the most beautiful areas of the Canadian West. I'm calling the video "A Mountain Interview" because an italian fan had asked me to answer some questions he had sent me during the shooting. I think it came off rather well. I hope you'll agree. Check it out!

Friday, May 24, 2019
I'm still in Victoria, BC, but not quite set up to shoot new videos. So, this is one more, hopefully the last, ICYMI video: "Lights, Colors and Brent". It's one of my favorites. You know how much I love to paint, sculpt and construct things, so take a look and see what I did to shoot this webcam. I hope you like it, if you haven't seen it before.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
This time the ICYMI video is Brent together with Cade Rivers from way back in 2010 when he was still living in San Diego - "Brent, Cade & the Fleshjack". Brent was just about to head for the Caribbean, so Cade and he decided to try out a Fleshjack. Well, they both got turned on so much by that (and by each other), that they both shot tons of cum! Yummy... Take another, or a first, look, ha ha. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Today's ICYMI video is "Brent Shaves!" and he also takes a shower. Again it's from a few years ago after he returned to Canada (not entirely voluntarily thanks to certain border agents). Be patient a bit longer, new videos, including one with Brandon Wilde, will soon be posted. Also, take a look at Twitter, There's a picture there of a new $1 coin just released by the Royal Canadian Mint to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada in 1969. Of course, that doesn't mean the end of discrimination, but it does make it that much easier to fight! All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Hurray, hurray, the first of May, outdoor fucking starts today! That's an old Canadian military saying. However, today's ICYMI video - "Erik meets Justin" (on the Buddies Pages) - takes place indoors, but then they're not on a Caribbean island, lol. Otherwise, it's totally true. I'm sure you'll have fun watching it... Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Today's ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) is called -"Body Painting?" - where Brent demonstrated his new technique of body painting or, perhaps better, Bawdy Painting? You'll also see a few of Brent's paintings from the time he lived in Calgary after he had to leave the U.S. while waiting for his Green Card, which is still up in the air right now... Take another (or a first) look. All the best, George, Member Services

Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Today we're starting a new occasional thing. It's called ICYMI - In Case You Misssed It. When Brent is away from home unable to shoot a new video, we'll re-publish an older hot video you may have missed among the many hundreds up on the site. This is the first - "James Justin visits Brent" from a few years ago. Take a look, I bet you'll like it, even if you saw it before... Cheers, George, Member Services


Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Sometimes you have to do things in the dark. That's the case here in today's video - "Doing it in the Dark". Things are a bit grainy, but you can see that Brent is enjoying doing what cums naturally... There's one more video to come from the Caribbean, another visit to the Shipwreck with Brandon Wilde, that's about to be edited. So we should be able to post that soon. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, March 29, 2019
Today's new video - "A little bit of Fleshjack, a little bit of Dick" - is the last of Brent's Caribbean videos for a while. He's just flown back to Canada, where the weather is returning to being habitable, ha ha. Brent decided to use one of his Fleshjacks for a while (so you wouldn't notice how messy his bedroom was...), and the result is quite spectacular. Check it out! Regards, George, Member Services

Monday, March 18, 2019
Today's video - "Skypus Interruptus" - is another one of those occasions when I got interrupted in the middle of a Skype call with a fan - by barking dogs, a car driving into our driveway and the phone ringing just as I'm getting ready to.... well, you know what. But nothing stops me from getting things done, lol.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
"Cleaning up the Shop" - yup, I cleaned up my dad's workshop a few weeks ago. Oh, it was sooo much fun, lol! But I soon got a better idea. I bet you can't think what it was... Check it out!

Sunday, February 24, 2019
If you're not interested in watching the Oscars tonight, I have an early morning video for you - "Skyping in the Morning". I shot this a few weeks ago shortly after getting up but before I could jump in the pool to make sure I was fully awake. Didn't matter though, I'm always ready for my first JO of the day, lol.

Thursday, February 14, 2019
Happy Valentine's Day! Today's video - "Bedroom Closeup" - is just that. I'm on my bed, doing my thing, with my camera very close to me. You can almost feel that you're right there with me, ha ha. I hope you had a good day today and that the weather in North America is getting better. I don't want to gloat, but I'm really, really happy that I'm not in Toronto right now...

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
I shot today's video - "Showering in the Gym" - about three weeks ago, after I'd escaped from Toronto's brutal winter (usually, Toronto isn't that bad since it's on Lake Ontario). I guess we can expect much more of this due to the climate change our politicians only like to talk about (or even deny). Here, in the Caribbean, this will mean hurricanes, more of them and wilder ones. Sorry, my birthday is coming up and I'm in a reflective mood, lol. In any case, I didn't think about any of that while I was in the gym's shower, exercising, lol. Exercise is good for you, join me?

Friday, January 25, 2019
"Shhhh, Less Noise!" - Today's new video is from Brent's parents' house in the Caribbean. Shot on a late afternoon with the sun going down and people passing by near-by, Brent had to be quiet while he was doing his thing. It's a new video but it's one we thought was lost so it was shot three years ago and re-discovered just like the last one. Hopefully, Brent will stay in one place for a while soon, so this doesn't happen again...  Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, January 13, 2019
Today's webcam video is the High-Definition version of "In the Shower Again" which we thought had been lost because of the moves Brent had to make a little over a year ago. Well, success, we've found it! It's better and longer than the video capture version we had to upload some time ago and it's also different because it was shot with a new camera and from a different angle. So, I'm sure you'll think it's as hot as we do. Brent is about to leave Toronto again for the Turks & Caicos Islands with Harmony, his dog, which he had to leave behind the last time because of inoculation delays, all of which are overcome now. All the best, George, Member Services

Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Happy New Year everyone! To start the year off right, I have a new skype video for you - "Talking" with Brandon, a fan from North Carolina. I think I'm spending too much time in my bedroom instead of on the beach, lol. Especially since I'm heading back to Toronto tomorrow to re-unite with Harmony, my dog. Unfortunately, I'm also heading back to the depth of winter there. I don't know how I'll be able to take that yet. I'll let you know.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Today's video is me jerking off in "A Very Messy Bedroom". I really wanted to go to the beach and just be lazy. But I was horny as hell. So I jerked off while the camera was running. And this is the result, lol. It's almost Christmas, and I want to wish you all a very happy holiday. After all who doesn't want a rest from work, politics and other worries. Relax and have fun!

Monday, December 10, 2018
"In the Backyard" is today's new video. I shot it at my parent's place in the Caribbean where outdoor privacy is beginning to be a problem what with more and more tourists coming here at the peak of the season. Not that I'm complaining. This is the place to be if you want to get away from a North-American winter, lol. Also, I'm expecting some friends to come and visit here soon. We'll be shooting a couple of videos while they're here...

Sunday, December 2, 2018
I was just "Getting Ready to Travel" this summer to return to Toronto when I shot this Skype video with a fan from Ohio. We talked a bit about what was going on in our lives, but then got distracted by each others' bodies... So, well you can guess the outcome of that, can't you, lol? All the best from the Caribbean!

Saturday, November 24, 2018
Today's new video is "Brandon Wilde on a Caribbean Vacation", mostly around my parents' swimming pool. We'd planned to do "more", you'll see why that didn't happen, lol. Brandon went all out though... Please also read the warning we've placed on the homepage about fake and possible scam accounts using my name. Don't be taken in, my only real social accounts are linked on my website.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
"Brent & Dimitri in the Games Room" is today's new video. My pal Dimitri and I shot this a couple of weeks ago just before I left to visit my parents in the Caribbean. I think you'll like it, lol. It's one of my rare bareback scenes. Please read the intro of the video when you get around to watching it. And please, also read the entry we've put at the bottom of the Support Page about PrEP and Truvada. Be safe!

Sunday, November 4, 2018
Brent is now back in the Caribbean visiting his parents. He's already shot a couple of videos there and we also have a few scenes here to be edited and put on the site soon, with Brandon Wilde and with Dimitri, as well as a few others. So keep a look-out. Today's new video is another Skype call that went missing when Brent had his technical problems during the summer. A couple of other scenes went astray as well. But they'll be up here soon. Today's video is entitled "Two Guys from Saskatchewan". Take a look! Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Today's new video - A Caribbean Skype Call with a Fan from France - is from earlier this year when I was visiting my parents in the Caribbean. You can guess from the title whom I was talking with before things heated up quite a bit and at the end demonstrated why I may have been having problems with my gear from time to time... In a few days I'm heading back over there to visit my parents again till just after Christmas, glad to be getting away from the rainy weather here in Toronto for a bit...

Thursday, October 11, 2018
So I'm happy to tell you that the video drought is over. Brent has sent me his collection of hard drives (from a couple of destroyed laptops) and USB flash drives to check out for webcams, skype videos and scenes he's missed sending me over the past few hectic months. I haven't finsidhed checking everything out yet, but I've already discovered a few. So, today I have a first new video for you - A Caribbean Skype Conversation - that I'm sure you'll love. It's from his visit to his parents in the Caribbean a few months ago. Also, Brent is off to Montreal this weekend to shoot a couple of new scenes, so your extreme patience will be rewarded during the next few weeks. Enjoy, George, Member Services

Friday, September 28, 2018
While Brent is still busy re-organizing his life in Toronto, I'll be bringing various videos that you may have missed to your attention. Today's is James Justin visits Brent. You'll find it on Brent's Pages, page 13. Once again, we apologize for these delays. Regards, George, Member Services

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Brent is back from Europe now and getting his life back together from the rather long trip. He's also looking for a new apartment right now. But hopefully there'll be a webcam show soon as well as some new videos that haven't been edited yet. In the meantime, I've discovered a missing photoshoot from a few years back - Brent & Tyler, which I've just uploaded to the Photosets area. Hope you like it. George, Member Services

Sunday, July 22, 2018
Today's new webcam video is also from a few months ago. In the Shower Again is not in HD that's why we haven't uploaded it earlier. We still hope to be able to recover the HD version soon and we'll post it as soon as possible. But Brent wanted to upload this version because he hasn't done a shower webcam lately and his travels during the past few months have caused a few delays getting some new videos edited and online. Hopefully, we'll be able to sort everything out once he returns from Europe. Please be patient. George, Member Services

Saturday, June 23, 2018
We're celebrating the end of Toronto's Pride Month this weekend (you know I'm back in Toronto, don't you?) and in the next couple of weeks I'll be shooting a few videos before I head over to Europe, so I wanted to put up Home (Almost) Alone Part II before I get too busy. This short video is from my visit to my family in the Caribbean and I shot it just before I came back to Canada. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018
I was Getting Ready To Travel a few days after I did this webcam show last December. We've been holding it and a few other videos back because they don't exist in HD and we couldn't recover them from the hard drive of one of my computers that was badly damaged before Christmas. But, it's a good video just the same and I think you'll love it, at least because of the cumshot. I won't say any more. Just check it out, lol.

Sunday, June 3, 2018
Home (Almost) Alone Part I is a video Brent shot a couple of days before flying back to Calgary. He had to be a bit qieter than usual because he was not alone in his parents' house, but, as you'll see, things ended up quite spectacularly. There will be a Part II which he shot on another day... Cheers, George, Member Services

Thursday, May 24, 2018
Here you go, the first new video shot by Brent and Brandon Wilde in the Caribbean. It's called Location Scouting because that's what they were supposed to be doing for the other videos to come. But you know them by now, one track minds! On the other hand, what would you have done if you had been there, eh? Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
While Brent and Brandon are out on their Caribbean island shooting a few scenes with Steve's help, here's another Skype video from a while ago - "On the Quick" - with a typical Brent cumshot. Hopefully the next video will be one of the new Brent & Brandon ones out in the sun among palm trees and blue-green ocean water. Stay tuned. Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, May 12, 2018
We're really sorry for today's webcam show cancellation. Steve brought Brent a new computer from the U.S. but inadvertently bought a Google Chromebook which is totally incompatible with Windows software at this point and won't run the webcam software which is Windows only. Brandon Wilde brought his laptop with him, of course, but unfortunately it's an Apple product. Brent is still looking for a work-around but that won't happen today. Please don't be too mad at him! Check out Brent & Brandon's apology video on the homepage! Regards, George, Member Services

Monday, May 7, 2018
"Evening Skype" is just what it appears to be. Brent was a bit pressed for time because of another engagement a little later that night, but everything worked out just fine. There should be some hot, brand new videos on the site soon. Brandon Wilde arrives in the Turks & Caicos Islands in a few days and everything is planned to start off with a live webcam show with him and Brent together on Saturday, May 12th at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. Steve is also expected to arrive next week (with a new computer for Brent) and that should be a joyful reunion for the three of them. Stay tuned... Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, April 29, 2018
"Skyping in the Heat" is a video from the middle of last summer when Brent was trying to stop smoking (again!). The prairies get as hot in summer as they get cold in the winter. Good for buffalo and cattle, but not really for human beings. (OK, I apologize for that to those of you who say you love it there). Brent is still waiting for his computer to be fixed. Thankfully, his soon to be arriving guests will bring their laptops with them. In the meantime, check this video out... All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, April 22, 20018
This is the video I shot using my cell phone and selfie-stick a few minutes after I damaged my laptop just before my first webcam show from the Turks & Caicos Islands. I still haven't managed to get my laptop repaired here on our little island, but I'm hoping to find a solution soon so I can have a live webcam show from here as quickly as possible. I'm expecting a friend of mine to fly here in a couple of weeks; we'll be shooting a few videos together for the website. It's a surprise, so I won't reveal his name just yet, lol.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
The evening before I flew to the Turks & Caicos Islands, I visited the public gym I usually go to in Calgary to work out. I used my cell phone to shoot a little video in the shower afterwards. It had to be quiet and short, but still... Check it out!

Sunday, April 8, 2018
Unfortunately, I've had to cancel today's show because just a minute before the show was to start I jumped up on my bed and my almost new laptop fell to the floor and the screen was damaged! GRRRR!!! So sorry, everyone. I hope I can get it fixed quickly here on the Island.

Thursday, April 5, 2018
In this edited skype video I partnered with a fan that has a humongous dick. Unfortunately, I can't share it with you, lol. But you can see the effect it had on me... in "Skyping with (Big) Dick". I just arrived in the Turks & Caicos Islands yesterday, and later on today I hope to be testing the quality of the internet here now (post-hurricanes). So, keep your fingers crossed that everything works out for Sunday's live webcam show.


Thursday, March 29, 2018
"Things that can happen in the dark...". I discovered this video and some others that aren't on the site yet when I dug through my hard drives when I had my computer fixed. This one wasn't originally meant for the site, so the lighting isn't very good (hence the title). But it's HOT, a reminder of a hot night with a friend. Check it out. I'm heading for the Turks and Caicos Islands next week, so I'm hoping to do a live webcam show from there very soon. Happy Easter,

Tuesday, February 27, 2018
"We Need To Meet One Day" is what I said to the hottie who was my partner online in today's Skype show video. That's why I like these shows, because you can see your "partner", if he's open to participate on his device or computer. I'm about to get a new computer, so I hope to do more live webcams and shoot more videos soon. Please be patient a while longer.

Friday, February 16, 2018
So this time I used the bathroom to do a Skype show with a fan from Washington, DC. Fortunately, mine is big enough to let me do that reasonably comfortably what with all the hard, awkward surfaces you have to deal with. But, it wasn't my first time doing sexual things in a bathroom and I bet it isn't your first time either... ;-)

Thursday, February 8, 2018
It was freezing cold here when I did my Skyping with T-Man. Fortunately it was only cold outside, but it brought some friends into the condo at the same time, so I had to be a bit quieter than usual. But it didn't stop me from enjoying myself. :-P

Sunday, January 28, 2018
Me and my Fleshjack is today's new video, a Skype show with a fan from Washington, DC, one of my favourite American cities (even now, haha). We were able to chat a little before getting down to the more exciting stuff. This time I used my Fleshjack (my own, as you'll see, but don't read anything into that, lol). It made things extra hot though.

Monday, January 15, 2018
Today's new video is an edited version of a Skype show I did with a fan from Nebraska. It was freezing cold outside in both places, but we managed to heat things up between ourselves. I haven't been around much in the last little while. I apologize for that but I'm feeling much better and hope I can get my computer working again as well. See you soon...

Thursday, January 4, 2018
Got a new edited webcam video for you to start 2018 off right. It's called A Post-Thanksgiving Webcam because that's when it took place, lol. It's one of several videos that are still being edited and will be added to the website soon. And I hope to be able to start having live webcam shows again soon, just waiting for some repairs to my computer.  (I really shouldn't be allowed near computers or cell phones, that what I keep getting told anyway, ha ha.)  Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Here's a little post-Christmas surprise for you - Skyping with Australia. As I was preparing this, it struck me that Australia is almost half-way around the world from me and a day ahead. And we had very good two-way video during the session. How far have we come technically since my first live webcam shows back in 2005! Too bad politicians all around the world insist on going backwards... I wish you all a happy and safe 2018!

Friday, December 15, 2017
Today's edited webcam video is called "ON A FRIEND'S COUCH" because that's where I was when you visited with me (those of you who were there last month, lol). The weather was/is crummy in Calgary, you'd think I was used to it by now. After all, I'm originally a prairie boy. But with my parents and brother now living in the Turks & Caicos Islands, I like to think of myself as Caribbean. Well, we can all dream, right? I don't think I can squeeze in another live webcam show before Christmas, so the next one may well be from there... I'll let you know as soon as I know for sure. ;-)

Thursday, December 7, 2017
Brent made today's Skype video on Thanksgiving Day, American Thanksgiving Day, that is. Canadian Thanksgiving (like Thanksgiving in some European countries) is at the beginning of October, because it's really a harvest festival. One of the advantages of celebrating it earlier is that you don't have to eat turkey again for another three months, lol. As he says during the show, Brent likes these 1-on-1 occasions because he can talk with one person the whole time which makes it a bit more intimate. Take a look. All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Today's new video is of me doing a webcam show in the bathtiub. It's the first time I've done one of these in quite some time. I really enjoyed it. It's sooo comfortable in the warm sudsy water. Cum join me, why don't you?

Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Here's a new webcam video for you - WITH MY FLESHJACK IN THE CLOSET. I realized I hadn't used my Fleshjack during a webcam show in quite a while, so here it is. Please forgive the few minutes near the beginning and at the end that aren't in high definition video. My camera had only about 15 minutes worth of room left on its drive, so we used a bit of captured video to record me while I was talking with you. Live and learn... ;-)  If you're interested in checking out my Fleshjack, click here to visit my page on the Fleshjack website. Watch out for another new video in a few days and visit with me on Sunday at the live webcam show.

Friday, November 17, 2017
Finally! I have a new video for you today, and there are more videos on the way during the next few weeks. I'm shooting a video today with a new performer, maybe more than one if things work out. ;-)  My problems during the past few weeks are hopefully resolved for good. Last week's live webcam show should be ready for the site soon. And, don't forget, if you can make it, come to this Sunday's live webcam show at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Hello everyone, I'm back! I apologize for the long absence, but I'm hoping to make up for it . I'll be doing a LIVE WEBCAM SHOW this Sunday at 8 pm Eastern / 5 pm Pacific. I'm planning to have a live webcam show every Sunday from now on. I hope you can make it.

Thursday, September 21, 2017
Starting in about mid-October, Brent has decided to have regular twice-weekly live webcam shows every Sunday (and perhaps) Wednesday at 8 pm Eastern / 5 pm Pacific. This should make it easier for many of you to see him more regularly. Please check the News page and the Calendar page for more specifics. This may be the last time you'll see my name here as Brent is going to look after the site himself from now on. It's been a pleasure helping any of you with problems over the past 7 years. Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, September 9, 2017
Hey everyone, here's Brent's Last Summer Webcam Show. It's from a few weeks ago in Calgary before we had to fear the horrible hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and the earth quake off Mexico's western coast. At the time, we were focused on the extensive forest fires in western Canada and southern California. Since these events are becoming more common and more severe, there's no way we can ignore the fact that the earth's climate is changing. Brent's parents in the Turks & Caicos Islands fortunately escaped the most serious effects of Hurricane Irma yesterday, but obviously he's focusing his attention on them right now because the danger isn't totally past. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, September 1, 2017
Doing it on Skype is something I like because I can actually talk with you (even if the comversation has to edited out because it's too one-sided). But it's a bit more personal because we can see each other and can "interact" with one another. If you're interested in trying it out, shoot me an email. The details are on the homepage. I hope you like this one. :-P

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Here's an edited version of a recent live webcam show for you. I call it "Back in the Closet" because, well, because I did it in this fantastic closet with a huge mirror which just had to be christened. Check out my latest work of "art"... 

Monday, August 7, 2017
Today's video is from a Skype show I did in early July by request in the bathroom/shower. So it's called "Shower Skyping". The fan had a bit of a butt fetish so you'll see a bit more of that side of me than usual. At the end I took a long shower that gave me a lot of energy back for what came later that evening. You have to imagine that, lol.

Monday, July 31, 2017
Today's new video is from just before the main Toronto Pride event week in June. You'll notice Brent didn't have his new tattoos yet, he wanted the first webcam show with the first new tattoo up on the site first. I don't think you'll mind though. The video with the second new tattoo is still being edited along with some other videos. Brent also wanted me to apologize for having to cancel yesterday's live webcam show, he was just too exhausted from a number of shoots he did during the past few days, right after flying back from Calgary. All the best, George, Member Services

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Here's the video of the first webcam show I did in Calgary a couple of weeks ago. I talk quite a bit in this one about my new tattoo and the others I'm planning to get soon. Nothing too colourful, don't worry, but full of meaning for me. So take a look. Summer is beautiful here in Calgary on the hot dry prairie, not like the humid heat in Toronto. I really want to settle down somewhere in a Caribbean paradise - stay tuned. And cum see me at my next webcam show this Sunday, July 23rd at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern.

Saturday, June 24, 2017
This weekend is the busiest of all during the Toronto's Pride Month events season. So I have a new Skype video for you. This was actually the first 1-on-1 Skype show I did after coming back from the Caribbean. I'm calling it Skyping during Pride Month because it was the first. Watch out tomorrow for a Live Webcam Show with a Mystery Guest at 6 pm Eastern / 3 pm Pacific. And if you're in Toronto, I'll be at FLY 2.0 tonight...

Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Skyping with France is my first 1-on-1 Skype show on the site that I did in Toronto. I really like doing these because they give me a chance to really talk with you rather than just text. This one is with a fan from France. It was fun, so there will be more of these. And remember, it's Pride month in Toronto, with parties and the big parade in a couple of weeks. If you want to know more, check out this site:

Saturday, June 3, 2017
First the Gym, then the Shower - my latest video from the gym in my condo building. It's a sort of apology for the webcam show that fell victim to my computer last week. We have the technical issues sorted out, so there should be more videos up soon. Also, Pride season is coming soon to Toronto, so if you happen to be here towards the end of the month and you see me and Steve out and about, please say "hi" to me. I'd love to meet you.

Thursday, May 4, 2017
Today's video is an audition piece sent to us by Gabriel Alanzo. We think he's really hot and hope to be able to shoot a longer video of him and me getting it on soon. Remember, I have a thing for Latino guys, lol...

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
This is the edited version of my first webcam from Toronto after coming back from a few months in the Caribbean. Unfortunately, the battery of my high definition camera ran out of juice early on (my fault entirely), so it's in standard definition only. On the other hand, I was really horny that day with Steve nearby, so the rest of the show went on with a big splash...

Thursday, April 6, 2017
Here I am, Saying Good-Bye to the Caribbean (for now), getting ready to return to Toronto where Steve is already waiting for me. Unfortunately winter isn't done with yet over there, so I'm not looking forward to that at all. Of course, by now when you're seeing this, Toronto is a much more welcoming place, lol...

Monday, March 27, 2017
Today we have the second experimental Skype video for you - Doing the Skype Thing. Because it went as well as the first, Brent has decided to add individual one-on-one Skype shows for anyone interested, at least for a while. If you'd like more details, please email him at (In case you haven't heard of ProtonMail before, it's a secure, encrypted email server based in Switzerland - Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Today I have something brand new for you - A Skype Experiment. I've always said "no" to requests like this before, but this time I thought I'd try it. And you know what? I loved it. So, I did another one a few weeks later (which you'll see in a little while) and then I decided I'd offer them to everyone. The details are on the homepage. Also, today is the 9th anniversary of my marriage to Steve. We got married in Regina, Saskatchewan, on this day in 2008. We wanted to do it in Canada where same sex marriage has been legal since 2005, because we were afraid something might prevent us from having the ceremony in San Diego because of Prop 8. So Steve has been stuck with me since then, lol

Sunday, March 5, 2017
Today's new little video from the Caribbean has Brent on the beach Still looking for a place to ... shoot something for you. When he suddenly needs to pee, he's found the answer, in a public restroom. Of course he has to be quiet and quick, but he performs just as you like it. Check it out. All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, February 26, 2017
If you're not interested in the Oscars which will be awarded tonight, or even if you are, here's Brent's edited webcam show from when he was visiting his parents in the Caribbean. In a Caribbean Bedroom is a bit longer than usual because for the first 10 minutes or so he talks about what inspires him when he paints. That was in response to some questions asked by participants. We decided to leave the segment in because many members love his art work and we think will be interested in what he has to say. But don't worry, the rest of the time is devoted to physical activity... ;-)  Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Looking for a place to ... is today's new video and vidcap gallery for you. Brent had to walk around a bit to find a spot that was private enough. But don't worry, he did, lol. He flew back to Toronto and winter tonight. If he survives the shock, he's planning to do a live webcam show this coming Sunday, February 19th at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern. Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, February 3, 2017
Fuck Him Up Part 4 is the latest co-production between and Starring Tayte Hanson alongside Brent, it's a very hot sort of break-up last fuck scene. Ideally, of course, it's better to have that always happen without the breakup part, but it's just a video, not real life, lol. Brent is planning to fly back to Toronto in about two weeks, so the next live webcam show will likely be from there. Last Sunday's webcam is going to be edited and posted on the site soon. All the best, George, Member Services

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Here's a short little video - A Real Quickie - that we shot a couple of days before Steve had to fly home. It was early evening and there were people in the house, so we had to be really quiet and finish quickly. The lighting is a bit dark but you'll be able to see the impotant bits. :-P  Don't forget my live webcam this Sunday at 12 noon Pacific / 3 pm Eastern. We tested the system a few days ago and it worked fine, but keep your fingers crossed anyway. It's the Caribbeaan, lol.

Monday, January 16, 2017
Another new video for you from my Caribbean paradise - The Cleanup. Steve and I had finished some work in the backyard and we decided to shoot this video out in the usual hot sun and blue sky. Don't be jealous, just imagine yourself being here with me, lol

Saturday, January 7, 2017
Got a new video for you today - Construction Site. It's what happens when you get interrupted in the middle of building an outdoor bar and bbq, :-P   Unfortunately, Steve's visit to the Turks & Caicos Islands ended this afternoon, so I'm all alone again with just the sun, palm trees and the deep blue sea, and the rest of my family, of course, lol. I hope the weather is not too miserable where you are...

Saturday, December 31, 2016
Happy New Year everyone! Let's hope that 2017 won't bring us any nasty surprises! I shot today's short video at my parents' pool in  the Turks and Caaicos Islands where I arrived just in time to help my mom design and build this year's award-winning display at Potcake Place, the puppy rescue shelter she helps to run here. Steve also got here in time for the new year and we're already busy shooting more videos for you. It's so nice to be in a hot, sunny place surrounded by blue water after the early start of winter in Toronto, and the whole north-east of North America.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016
I owe you all an apology for not adding anything new to the website for so long. And i really want to thank you for your patience. Preparing for my art exhibition took much more out of me than I expected. As you know, if you've been following me on Twitter, the opening last month was a great success and we'll be closing it in a few days with another party. I expect to be able to display the remaining works on a special website soon, so that any of you who may be interested in obtaining a painting will be able to do so. Here's the editied version of Sunday's live webcam show. If you were there you know that the internet in Toronto cut out for a while (it had been wonky all day). But we decided to just keep shooting with the HD camera. Fortunately the outage didn't last long, so we were also able to continue with the live portion as well till the "usual" end result. ;-)Thanks again for your patience!


Friday, October 28, 2016
I did this live webcam show four weeks ago when I was already deep at work concentrating on getting more paintings ready for my gallery opening on November 18th. I needed the break to free my mind for new ideas for more art work. There was another short break about three weeks later for a quick trip to Europe to shoot a scene in co-production with Hopefully we'll be able to show you that soon. And another reminder: Please don't forget to vote for Steve and me for the 2017 Cybersocket Web Awards. Here's the link.

Monday, October 17, 2016
Here's a short video Steve and I shot at Hanlan's Point, Toronto's clothing optional and partly gay beach, a few weeks ago just before the summer ended here. It's short because, while clothing is optional, what I was doing is not actually encouraged, lol. The video of the last live webcam show I did around the same time is now beoing edited and will be up on the site shortly. Please don't forget to vote for Steve and me for the 2017 Cybersocket Web Awards. Just click on the anigif on the homepage and it'll take you to the proper webpage. All you need to have your vote counted is an email address, or two or three, ;-).

Monday, September 26, 2016
Here's the edited version of the webcam show from my bedroom just before the Labor Day Weekend when I was a bit under the weather with a cold. But that didn't prevent me from talking with you and getting horny. Don't miss tomorrow's live webcam show at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific from my... well, I haven't decided yet, lol

Friday, September 16, 2016
If oral action is what you love, this is one of the hottest scenes on the site. Brent and Steve met Mitch, who's from Mexico, at a club and they all hit it right off. Today's new video and webcam gallery is the result of Mitch visiting them at Brent's Toronto apartment. Unfortunately, Saturday's live webcam show is cancelled due to a timing conflict. It'll be rescheduled soonest. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, September 9, 2016
Here's the webcam show from two weeks ago, where I showed off my new costume for a gig Steve and I had a few hours later at the Fly 2 Club in Toronto and where I talked with those of you who were there a bit more than usual. I really love that. We'll be able to do more of that for the next little while before we head off again to Berlin's Hustlaball next month and perhaps also to shoot some more scenes in Europe. Enjoy! ;-)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Today's new video and vidcap gallery is the record of the first live webcam show from my new place high above Toronto. It has a gorgeous view south over Lake Ontario looking towards Niagara and the U.S. I'm hoping to do a number of webcam shows from here over the next few weeks with Steve's help before I head out once again to the Turks and Caicos Islands to visit my parents. Please check the calendar for dates.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Here's a new video for you, shot "behind-the-scenes" last fall when Brent and Steve were in Berlin for the Hustlaball and in Barcelona, Spain, to shoot three more co-productions with These are on the site already. This little video is a partial record of what happened in the club and during the shoot. Steve is in Toronto right now and will be shooting several videos while there (as soon as the violent thunderstorms stop, so they can get out of the house and to the "clothing optional" beach). Also, try to be there for a live webcam show with Brent this Saturday at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, June 29, 2016   
This new video is a record of what happened a few weeks ago when Brent & Steve visited Guatemala City. It's longer than usual with two cumshots, one at the Black & White Club and a second one in their hotel room. It ends with an interesting interview in English and Spanish where Brent talks about some of his experiences as a porn star. You don't want to miss any of this. ;-)  George, Member Services

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Here's "Things that happen in Cancun, Part Two" near the end of Brent's trip to Cancun with Steve & Jayson. This time, Brent's in the shower and ... well, I don't think I really have to paint you a picture of what happened, lol. Right now Brent's in the middle of his move to new digs in Toronto. Regards, George, Member Services

Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Hey everyone, I'm back in Toronto from Guatemala, and I'll soon be moving into a new apartment. But while Steve, Jayson and I were in Cancun, Mexico, the weekend before, I managed to shoot a couple of videos for you. This is the first, on the balcony of our hotel - "Things that happen in Cancun, Part One". Enjoy!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016
The boys are just back from Cancun, Mexico, and I'm told they brought back some hot videos for editing. While we're all waiting for that, here's the last of the three 2012 SD live webcam show videos. The HD camera still hadn't been fixed, in fact, we ended up having to buy new equipment which was much better and more versatile. So here we are "Once more in the old  studio". Enjoy... Regards, George, Member Services

Monday, May 23, 2016
So here's another video from 2012, one of three that were almost lost. We hadn't planned on uploading it this week because Brent was all set to shoot a couple of videos before leaving for Cancun, Mexico, and Guatemala City in a few days. Unfortunately, his hunt for new digs in Toronto is taking longer than expected and he's also having some difficulties with his current place. With any luck he'll be in a new, better and bigger place before the end of June, which will make it easier for him to do live webcam shows again and shoot more videos. Hope you like today's video, despite the lower video quality. Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, May 14, 2016
Meet Ashton, doing his first, almost live, webcam show. Washington, DC, has occasional technical (as well as political) gremlins that try to spoil things. That's what happened to this, originally planned as a live webcam, video. Steve was able to finish the shoot that day and this is the edited result. As you'll see, Ashton has quite a few talents...

Sunday, May 8, 2016
First of all I want to apologize for the problems with today's live webcam show from Washington, DC. It seems we're still being pursued by technical gremlins. Hopefully, Steve was able to film our mystery model so that we can edit the shoot and get it up on the site soon. On the other hand, I know you'll be happy to see this brand new video from Brent that he shot a few days ago. He tried to make it as much like a live webcam show as possible, so we're calling it "Almost like a live webcam show". I know, I know, it's not all that original. I hope you'll like it. If you can come up with a better title, please email me... Regards, George, Member Services

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Today we're taking a little journey back four years, to just before my travel problems started. This webcam video was overlooked somehow in the resulting confusion. It's not HD or wide-screen, but the video quality is reasonable. I think you'll enjoy going back in time with me, lol.

Friday, April 22, 2016
Here's a treat for you all - the return of Jessie Lee. We brought him back for a second live webcam show a few weeks back and I'm sure you'll agree that there are few things better than spending a "Sunday Afternoon with Jessie Lee". We're hoping to be able to feature him soon in a scene with one of our other models/performers or Brent himself. So stay tuned and enjoy this video in the meantime. Regards, George, Member Services

Sunday, April 17, 2016
Sorry everyone, today's webcam has to be postponed, probably till midweek. Our mystery guest has just been called in to work (he's a bar tender in his "real" life). Please check back in a day or so for an update.


Friday, April 15, 2016
You met Ryan Russell a few weeks back when he interviewed me on his weekly show (see the link on the Buddies pages). Well we got along so well that we decided to take things a bit further on a live webcam show on April 10th. Here's the edited version - "Brent fucks Ryan Russell" - of what some of you were lucky enough to watch live. As you'll see, Ryan and I had a very hot time... :-P 

Friday, April 8, 2016
Here's a new video I shot last week during really bad weather here in Toronto. It always happens during the first few days of April, never fails. I hope you enjoy it (the video, not the weather...). :-P  I've had to change the time of Sunday's live webcam show to 2 pm Pacific / 5 pm Eastern because I've invited a mystery guest to join me and because I know it's more convenient for some members. So, I hope to "see" you there, lol

Thursday, March 31, 2016
Brent shot today's new video - A Hanlan's Point Adventure - last summer on Toronto's famed "clothing optional" and partially gay beach, ten years after one of his first videos for the site (then called shot on Vancouver's "clothing optional" and gay Wreck Beach. You can still watch that on the last page of Brent's Area. More new videos and live webcam shows are in the works. Just keep an eye on the calendar. Also, a word of warning. There are a number of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Skype accounts out there that are FAKE. Some of these apparently try to scam money out of visitors. If you are texting with someone claiming to be Brent who is asking for money, you can be sure you're dealing with a scammer. Please let us know about such attempts so that we can warn everyone. Regards, George, Member Services

Saturday March 26, 2016
Ryan Russell's features a weekly live interview-type show broadcast from Woody's, Toronto's premier gay bar on Church Street. Episode 8 of Ryantime TV was filmed a couple of weeks ago and features Brent. You can watch it here. It's about 67 minutes long and he's on screen from minute 28 to 42 and again from minute 54 to the end. There are two mp4 versions: HiDef and for Cell/Tablet sized devices. You can also access it from the "About Me" page. Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, March 20, 2016
Brent shot today's new video for you on March 12th while he and Steve were waiting for Jayson to arrive from Washington. It was cold and nasty outside, but inside everything was cosy. The video served as a good little distraction while waiting for the time to pass. Enjoy! :-P  Regards, George, Member Services

Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Here's the edited version of Jessie Lee's (@MuscularJessie) live webcam show from about two weeks ago. As the first Asian-American live performer on, his appearance created a lot of interest. When you watch the video and look at the vidcap gallery you'll see why! We certainly hope to bring him back sooner rather than later. What do you say? Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, March 6, 2016
Brent shot a little video for you on Friday and we wanted to get it up as quickly as possible, so here it is - "A Toronto Winter Day". First a visit to a neighbourhood zoo and then home to warm up before showering and heading out to a new restaurant with friends. Both Steve and Jayson are heading up to Toronto in a few days, and they're hoping to do a Q&A webcam for you this coming Sunday, March 13th. We'll confirm that as soon as possible. Regards, George, Member Services

Friday, February 19, 2016
You probably don't need a refresher, but today I have a sort of instructional video for newcomers to watching porn to let them know and understand what happens to your body when you concentrate on what you're seeing and doing. I was at a friend's house who has a really big-screen TV set. It was almost like being there. I was hot and horny, the video was hot, and you can see the effect it had on me. Let me know what it did to you. :-P

Friday, February 12, 2016
Hey everyone, Today's video is a slightly re-edited version of Brent's 2008 Valentine's Day show. So, we're into a bit of history here. It's the only webcam show he's ever done on Valentine's Day and we thought a bit of nostalgia might be welcome. (Also, his internet has kept the last couple of videos from the Caribbean hostage on his computer, so we couldn't edit them). We beg for your forgiveness. Next week he's slated to fly to Montreal to shoot another new video with another pornstar. Stay tuned for more news. Regards, George, Member Services

Saturday, January 30, 2016
Today's new video and vidcap gallery is from Brent's January 2nd New Year's webcam show from the Caribbean. The pool was clean, the weather co-operated and so did the island internet, so everything worked out fine. Unfortunately for Brent, a couple of weeks later he had to return to Toronto. While the weather there was nothing like down in Washington, DC, where Steve was snowed in for a couple of days, it was still a harsh return to reality, lol. Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, January 22, 2016
Today I have something very special for you, a video I shot a few weeks ago when Brandon Wilde was visiting. It's called Brent & Brandon - The Shipwreck. We kayaked some two miles offshore to explore a shipwreck. While we were doing that things got a bit out of hand and I ended up feeding Brandon one of his favorite snacks! It's really hot! See if you don't agree. :-P  Also, we've just been informed that my Fleshjacks and dildo will go on sale at 25% off from Monday, January 25th through Sunday, January 31st. Here's your chance to treat yourself or a friend who's an Aquarius, ;-)

Saturday, January 16, 2016
We shot this little video just a few days before Christmas. Our pool had to have one of its regular cleanings and I was elected to do the job. Naturally, one thing led to another and all that work made me horny under the hot December sun, lol. So I did what I usually do when I get horny if I'm in a reasonably private place... :-P

Saturday, January 9, 2016
Today's new video and vidcam gallery is a first for me, an underwater exploration of life in the Caribbean sea. We were able to shoot the video with a GoPro camera while Steve and Jayson were visiting in December and it was a truly fabulous adventure. Check it out - all the plants, rocks, fishes and turtles and me, doing what I love to do... :-P

Sunday, January 3, 2016
Happy New Year everyone. To start 2016 off right, I have the Q&A webcam video for you that Steve and I did on December 26th (Boxing Day, in Canada and other countries). Jayson wanted to take part but was feeling ill that day, so close after Christmas... It was our last day together here in the Turks & Caicos Islands, Jayson and Steve had to fly back to Washington, DC, the next day. We answered quite a few questions that members had sent to us as well as some from the members present at the show. This video is free on the homepage. But it's also in the members area with a few more video formats and some screencaps. I hope you like it.

Monday, December 28, 2015
I hope you all had a great holiday and are ready for a new Caribbean video. This time I'm in the shower at a friend's place. I really needed this because I was totally worn out from working on my mom's Christmas project for her Potcakes dog shelter. I really love taking showers in the Caribbean, there's something special in the air. It's called heat and sunshine. :-)

Friday, December 18, 2015
This is the third and final installment of our three-part co-produced series with Massimo Piano, Brent's partner in this scene, has a typical southern look that works well together with Brent's Canadian prairie exterior. As you'll see, the two had a lot of chemistry which makes for a fitting conclusion to the "Inside Brent Everett" series. And Brent still has his facial hair, as you'll see in the next video from the Turks & Caicos Islands, coming soon. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, December 11, 2015
Things are looking up here on my Caribbean paradise - it's stopped raining, my facial hair is continuing to grow (still have a while to go before I have to decide if I'm going to keep it) and Steve has arrived. Today I have the second of the three videos we co-produced with for you: "Inside Brent Everett, Part Two" with Logan Moors. And the trailer for the third part is on the homepage for you to check out as well.

Friday, December 4, 2015
"Inside Brent Everett, Part One", today's new video, is the first of three new co-productions with being released this month. My partner today is Dario Beck. We shot these videos in Barcelona, Spain, right after Berlin's 2015 Hustlaball and a quick trip to London. So, that was a really busy time. But I'm recovering well on the Turks & Caicos Islands and I'm looking forward to Steve and Jayson visiting here over Christmas.

Sunday, November 29, 2015
I shot today's new video two days ago on Black Friday. It was raining - hence the title - "A Rainy Black Friday". Despite the fact that I was recovering from an American Thanksgiving celebration the night before, you'll see that I had a great time doing what comes naturally (no, I don't mean spending a lot of money just because that's what "they" want you to do, lol). While I was getting ready to shoot the video, I remembered that the voting for this year's Cybersocket Awards is continuing till December 5th. So, if you haven't voted yet, please vote for me (Best Pornstar) and Steve (Best Personality) at

Friday, November 20, 2015
A Caribbean "Hello"! is my first video from my favourite Caribbean island where I'll be till the end of January. I was anxious to shoot it as soon as possible because it's been almost two weeks since I posted the last one. Thanks for your patience. There'll be quite a few new videos soon, including three new co-production videos next month. Hopefully we'll also be able to film a scene here with one of our popular new models from Washington. So stay tuned...

Saturday, November 7, 2015
Here's the editet version of my live webcam show from Sptember 26th when I visited a friend who wanted to be my fluffer, an idea I just loved ;-)  But things turned out a bit differently when my "fluffer" suddenly became quite shy. But just having him there had quite an effect on me, as you'll see...

Saturday, October 17, 2015
This is the record of Brent, Steve & Jayson's visit to Niagara Falls a short time ago. So we've combined a bit of touristy video with Brent's webcam show from the hotel where they stayed. Right now, Brent & Steve are in Barcelona, Spain, sort of recovering from Berlin's HustlaBall before heading over to London for a few days. I hope you're all as jealous as I am, lol! Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
You'll love this new edited webcam with Garrett Cooper, because Garrett gets to try out Brent's Fleshjack Dildo. And boy does he go to town on it!! Just wait till we can get Brent and Garrett together in one room and in front of a camera! That'll be terribly explosive... Enjoy! George, Member Services

Thursday, September 24, 2015
Today's new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery is from last Saturday when Brent was visiting a friend to avoid the electrical problems in his current Toronto home. It's not in high definition because the HD camera's battery ran out of juice and there wasn't a spare. But it was a very hot show just the same and even in standard definition everything erupted as expected. ;-)  Hope you can make it to this Saturday's webcam. Remember it's at noon Pacific and 3pm Eastern. Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, September 18, 2015
Here's something special for you. As he promised during the webcam show from Vancouver, Brent made a video a few days ago to show you and read to you the many cards he got after the webcam show he, Steve and Jayson did together in July. If you've ever wonderedd what the "real" Brent is like as a human being, this is your chance to find out more about him as he reacts emotionally to what people wrote to him. We've posted it as a free video on the homepage for everyone and also on Brent's Pages after you login in the usual manner. And don't forget to check out the TWO live webcams Saturday and Sunday. ;-)  All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
A quick update on the live webcam situation. Brent has found a location where he can stream a live webcam show from. So, we'll have two live webcam shows this weekend. Another first for! And you thought there were never any surprises here, lol. Since we'd already postponed and re-scheduled Garrett Cooper's webcam show a couple of times, we've decided to do them both on succeeding days. With Brent's luck lately, at least one of them should happen as planned. So keep your weekend clear. :-P  Regards, George, Member Services

Saturday, September 12, 2015
Take a look at "In the Bedroom" (on Brent's pages). This is approximately what the webcam we had to cancel because of electrical problems was supposed to look like. It's beginning to look like I won't be able to do webcams from my apartment because of the circuit problems, so we're still trying to find an affordable solution somewhere else. Also, you may have noticed that the recent Michael Hoffman 3some video is no longer on the site. If you haven't heard the reason, it's because he informed the people whom he sold the video to that the young woman was underage, only 17. There's been no mention of a refund...

Monday, September 7, 2015
Michael Hoffman is back with his buddy from the 3some video in "Michael Hoffman - Muscle Worship" (on the Buddies pages). This time they just oil their chests and then do a JO side-by-side. For those of you who like to analyze these things, it doesn't prove anything one way or the other ;-)  The cell phone-sized standard definition version can be accessed from the homepage. For the high definition version, log in as usual. If you "have a thing" for Michael, you'll like this video, if you don't, well, wait a few days for the next Brent video and this Sunday's live webcam with Garrett Cooper. Cheers, George, Member Services

Monday, August 31, 2015
Brent shot this little video - "Things that Happen in Allan Gardens" - right after lunch today on the way to the gym. It's to help make up for the cancelled webcam shows this weekend. Yesterday's electircal problems were caused by an unstable circuit at home when he turned on the lighting kit for filming the webcam show. The circuit breaker blew and the lights went out in a couple of rooms. So from now on he'll have to find a new place to do live webcams from. Hopefully that'll be soon. Do you like the things that happen in Allan Gardens? ;-)  George, Member Services

Friday, August 28, 2015
Today's new video is Brnet's live webcam show from Vancouver from four weeks ago. He and Steve were there for the Grand Re-Opening of the Odyssey Night Club, a Vancouver gay landmark. Unfortunately, Brent came down with what was thought to be food poisoning, but was really a virus (that caused severe vomiting for a few hours). So this webcam show became more of a follow-up to the Q&A webcam from Panama because a lot of fans had written cards to Brent after that show and Brent read a few of these during this webcam. He's fine now (after another bout following his return to Toronto). Hopefully, the next webcam show will go off without a hitch! Regards, George, Member Services

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
See the complete version of the Michael Hoffman Threesome video on the Buddies pages. Check it out here! There are two versions of the video as usual, in high definition and tablet/smartphone size. Both versions are in mp4 format.

Sunday, August 23, 2015
A little while ago Michael Moffman made a threesome video and offered it for sale. One of my fans bought it and let us have it. Michael has since then announced that a follow-up video is now available. Today we have a 5 minute teaser of the threesome video for all of Brent's fans. We expect to have the complete version for you in a few days. Check it out! There are two versions of the teaser, high definition and tablet/smartphone size. Both versions are in mp4 format.

Thursday, August 13, 2015
Got a special video for you today. "Meet Mateo Lucas", Steve and I met him in Vancouver at the end of July when we were there to take part in the Vancouver Pride celebrations. He's a dancer and stripper, and we met him at the Odyssey Night Club. We were both just blown away and we knew we had to get him to do a video for us. Here it is! Isn't he HOT :-P

Tuesday, August 4, 2015
As a "public service", here's the latest Michael Hoffman video that's being posted on many sites. We've had a couple of members ask us about it, so here it is - Michael fucking a woman. It's about 19 minutes long and, since it's not unique to us, it's free for all to check out right on this page. There are two versions, high definition and tablet/smartphone size. Both versions are in mp4 format. It's also on the Buddies pages with all our other Michael Hoffman videos.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Take a look at Mark Greco's first live webcam for the site. Mark's a dancer & stripper from Washington, DC and works in some of the same clubs as Steve. He's tall, he's hot, and he has a terrific dry sense of humor. So listen carefully to him as well as watch (at least during the first few minutes, lol). Check out his equipment and his moves... :-P   All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Today's new video is the Q&A Webcam Jayson, Steve and I did in Panama City on July 3rd before the gig at Club XS on July 4th. The webcam video is the complete version, all 55 minutes of it. And you can watch both the video version or a second version which has all the texting that the participants did.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Something a bit different today - a new, free video from Michael Hoffman. He shot it for the 4th of July as a bit of an apology for some of the things he said about some people a while ago (including Brent). Since it's a free video for everyone, you can access it from the homepage as well as from the Buddies pages. Also look out for the video of the Q&A webcam from Panama City and a new live webcam show during the next few days. All the best, George, Member Services

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Here's your chance to get interactive with us & get the answers to all your questions with Steve Pena, Jayson Smith & myself. It'll be LIVE from Panama City, Panama, at 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific on Friday, July 3rd. It's FREE for members, or you can join up now at 25% off using this link: (This offer is time-limited, so hurry) See it LIVE at And don't miss watching "I'm a Stripper 5". Log in and check the Member news page for a special promo code.

Saturday, June 13, 2015
Sorry for the late notice everyone. Try to make it for a live streaming event as Ryan Russell and I do a live video shoot from Toronto's SPA EXCESS from 1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern). We're testing the equipment now and should be LIVE for several hours tomorrow. NOT YOUR USUAL WEBCAM SHOW. So, try to be there. I'm hoping to be able to put an edited version of this event on the site soon, Keep your fingers crossed. Click here to see the poster.

Thursday, June 11. 2011
Hey everyone, here is the edited version of Garrett Cooper's first live webcam - Smile, Garrett, Smile! We were planning to put this on the site last week, but then Brent shot the video we actually put up, of him waiting in his bedroom for Jayson and Steve's arrival in Toronto last weekend. Well, if you were at the webcam, you're already familiar with Garrett's smile, and also with what happened during the time he was on the air. Here he is now for all of you to enjoy... :-P  Cheers, George, Member Services

Monday, June 1, 2015
On Saturday I was supposed to be getting my deck ready for a big BBQ party for yesterday, but it was pouring rain. Also, I was getting ready to go out to the airport to pick up Jayson who was coming up from DC (Steve came up first thing on Sunday morning). So, the timing was perfect to shoot this video for you "While Waiting for my Visitors..."  What do you think of it?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Hey everyone, here's my last video from this visit to the Turks & Caicos Islands. Brandon Wilde (@BrandonWildeXXX).came to visit me just before I had to head back to Toronto. What happened makes for one of the hottest scenes on the site, I think. Even if the the camera work is less than Oscar-worthy, lol. Check it out and see if you don't agree. :-P

Friday, May 15, 2015
We're almost done with the mysteries of moving everything to the new bigger server. But a few unpredictable issues are still being worked out. Until that time, please login to Check out the two new videos - Caribbean Pool Party was added last Friday, the day the move started, so you may not have had a chance to see it. And on Wednesday we added our last Michael Hoffman video, it's from his pre-tattoo days. Once more, our apologies for all the problems, George, Member Support

Friday, May 8, 2015
Here's one of my new videos that are in the editing pipeline - "Caribbean Pool Play". I filmed it just a few days before flying back to Toronto from visiting with my parents in the Turks & Caicos Islands. I miss them a lot (also the almost perpetually great weather, lol). But I have a great new place in Toronto now and even the weather is fantastic now. I spent yesterday afternoon at Hanlan's Point, Toronto's nude & gay beach. So now I have a sunburn, and I'm thinking of getting a fauxhawk to go with my new skin colour, lol.

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Two videos today for you to check out. The first is one of the last four Michael Hoffman videos we'll be uploading during the next couple of weeks. These are not xxx-rated, but if you like Michael Hoffman, you'll like these too. They'll be on the Buddies pages. The other is a short video giving you an idea of what the live book reading of "Drunk in Love" at JR's in Washington was like. Steve and Jayson were there in person and Brent and Olivia Black, the author, participated on Skype. For the HD version please click here, for the tablet/cell phone version, click here. Regards, George, Member Support.

Saturday, April 18, 2015
So Steve went back to Washington, DC. and left me all alone in my bedroom. The family wasn't home, just a couple of dogs out in the yard. I got hot & horny as usual and today's video - "Alone Time" - is the result. This was a few hours before the live book reading in Washington at JRs of "Drunk in Love" by Olivia Black. I'll post a little video from that here and on the blog in a few days.

Saturday, April 11, 2015
Today's new video and vidcap gallery is all about my new bike. Well, no, not really, but without it, I couldn't have made this video of me trying to explore my favourite Caribbean island.

Saturday, April 4, 2015
Here it is - SEX ON THE BEACH - the complete video, the second of our co-productions with from last December. My co-star this time is our own ever-popular Eric Clark, the first chance I've had to "work" with him. All I can say is boy, oh boy, oh boy. You know what I mean. ;-)Have a great Easter week-end everybody!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Today, and are releasing the trailer for SEX ON THE BEACH, starring Brent Everett and our own Eric Clark. You can stream or download the trailer from the links that follow. The first is in high definition, the second is for cell phones or tablets - HiDef.mp4 and Tablet.mp4. When the complete video of SEX ON THE BEACH is released in a few days, you'll find it on Brent's pages in the Member area of the site as usual. :-P  Cheers, George, Member Services

Friday, March 27. 2015
Here it is at last, Eric's latest edited live webcam show. "Eric takes it up a Notch" is on the Buddies Pages. If you eat too many cookies, you can get very mellow. That's what happened to Eric and when he couldn't find a dildo, he grabbed the first thing he found. Take a look... Next week, Easter weekend, with any luck we'll have the second video of my co-production with I promise you, you'll want to see it. :-P

Friday, March 20. 2015
Because today is the first day of spring and large parts of eastern North America are still covered by snow & ice, we're giving you a little video that Brent shot with Steve's help a few days ago on his Caribbean winter hide-away. It's called "Caribbean Gym Happenings" because Brent got a little extra horny in the local gym (which is a bit more risqué than doing it in downtown Toronto or San Diego, lol). Take a look at what happened. Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, March 14, 2015
While we're preparing the edited version of last Sunday's webcam show with Eric Clark, here's another short Michael Hoffman video for you- simply called "Michael". We have a couple more but this one and the others are all at the most "x", not "xxx", rated. Also, look out for a special live webcam event on March 31st at 5pm Eastern, a live book reading from "Drunk in Love" from Washington, DC. Please check the calendar for details. Regards, George, Member Services

Sunday, March 8, 2015
If you missed today's live webcam show with Eric Clark, I have a little surprise for you. I've just uploaded the edited version of the previous live webcam Eric did for us almost two months ago. It's called "Eric Clark, Recruit?" because, well, you'll just have to check it out... ;-)  But never fear, he's still a civilian. so you'll see him again. I hear things are warming up in Toronto, if not in Washington. Sorry to hear that, Steve and Jayson, lol.

Friday, February 27. 2015
Well, after more than a month of ice and snow in Toronto, I'm back on my favourite Caribbean island where it's almost eternal sunshine. I have another Michael Hoffman video for you today - Sexy Michael Flexing. But next week watch out for the edited video of Eric Clark's live webcam show from last month.

Saturday, February 21, 2015
While we're all snowed in here in Toronto, I have a new short Michael Hoffman video for you. It's called "Michael - Adam", and you'll find it on the Buddies pages as usual. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 14, 2015
Well, here it is guys and gals, the first of the two scenes I filmed together with at the beginning of last December. You already know it's called SUNKISSED. Luke Adams and I got along really well together, as you'll see. He's hot, willing and insatiable, and the hot Caribbean sun added to the charged atmosphere. This is what life should be all about!! (Well, OK, maybe I'm going a bit overboard here, lol) Happy Valentine's Day,

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
We promised you a surprise for today, Brent's birthday, and here it is. Last December, & got together to produce two videos on Brent's favourite Caribbean hang-out. Today, both companies are releasing the trailer for the first video - SUNKISSED - starring Brent Everett and Luke Adams (a star). You can stream or download the trailer from the links that follow. The first is in high definition, the second is for cell phones or tablets - HiDef.mp4 and Tablet.mp4. When the complete video of SUNKISSED is released in a few days, you'll find it on Brent's pages in the Member area of the site as usual. I have a feeling you'll love it. ;-)  Happy Birthday, Brent!, George, Member Services

Sunday, February 8, 2015
Hey everyone, here's another Michael Hoffman video - "Michael - Sexy as Fuck". You'll notice it's a bit older, from the time before Michael started to get his tattoos. More to come... And watch out for a surprise on Tuesday, February 10th, Brent's birthday. ;-)  All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Here's another short Michael Hoffman video for you - "Michael on the Floor". More videos are in the pipeline.

Saturday, January 31, 2015
Today, I have a new video and vidcap gallery for you called "Filming a Brent Webcam Show". In early December Steve and I took part in a new documentary for gay television called "I'm a Stripper". It's a follow-up to last year's "I'm a Porn Star". The production team filmed us doing what appears to be a live webcam show. Only, of course it isn't because filming doesn't quite work that way. But what we filmed ourselves looks very much like the real thing. Take a look. :-P  More Michael Hoffman coming soon too.

Monday, January 26, 2014
And to start your working week off right, here's video number 5 from Michael Hoffman. He's back in his bedroom and definitely good enough to eat. :-P

Friday, January 23, 2015
To start your weekend off right, here's another short Michael Hoffman video for you. This one has Michael taking a shower...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Here's a new video for you that I shot a few days before leaving the sunny Caribbean for wintry Toronto, and boy, is it ever white and cold here. The complete opposite of being alone (almost) in my parents' living room on the Turks & Caicos Islands. I'm almost back to  being organized here in Toronto and Steve is here to help me. So I should be able to let you know soon when my next live webcam show from here will be. Also, there'll be a few more Michael Hoffman videos up on the site shortly. Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 18, 2015
While Brent & Steve are recovering from their first Saturday night in Toronto, I've got a third Michael Hoffman video for you on the Buddies pages. Michael called this one "Mikhail - Mike 2015". Have fun... ;-)  Cheers,  George, Member Services

Friday, January 16, 2015
Brent and Steve are in the air right now flying to Toronto, but in separate planes (because Brent is flying home from the Turks & Caicos Islands while Steve is flying up from Washingtton, DC). So it's up to me to tell you about the second Michael Hoffman video that's now up on the site. It's called "Michael-Mikhail Cum Eating". I can tell you, if you liked the first video, you'll love this one... ;-)  Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
I have a surprise for you today. We've managed to get our hands on a few short videos made by Michael Hoffman, a real hottie. You've seen pics of him on my Twitter account and also on Steve's. Well, here's the first one - "Mike-Mikhail 2014". You can find it, and the others which we'll put up as soon as we get time to get them ready, on the Buddies pages. Hope you love them as much as Steve and I do... ;-)

Monday, January 12, 2015
This is my last week in my Caribbean paradise. On Friday I head back to frigid Toronto. But before I go, I have this new video for you. I'm calling it "Help from a Fan" because a friend and I tried something new (for me anyway). We did a Skype call while I was in the shower and shooting the video. Cum take a look to see how it turned out... ;-)  See you soon from Toronto,

Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy New Year everyone! I made this little video to welcome you to 2015 a few days ago when I found myself home alone. I suddenly got very horny (it happens quite often, lol) and I thought I'd share the result with you. I only have a few more days here on my tropical island and then it's back to wintry Toronto. I'm not really ready for that but fortunately Steve will be joining me there for a few weeks. That should heat things up a bit. ;-)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Brent is recovering from the excitement of shooting his documentary and several scenes on his Caribbean hide-away, Steve is now in Texas visiting his family for Christmas and here's the audition video and vidcap gallery of Lance Silver, our newest model/performer. As you'll see, he wasn't alone for long because Eric Clark was still there and just couldn't resist joining in a bit. I think you'll be happy he did... :-P  This will probably be the last video to be added before Christmas as our little team is about to be totally dispersed. So, enjoy yourselves during the holiday period and come back refreshed for the new videos just waiting to be edited and uploaded. With warm wishes from Brent, Steve and me, George, Member Services

Saturday, December 6, 2014
Brent and Steve are in the middle of filming the "I'm a Stripper" episode this weekend, but here's the video and vidcap gallery of Eric Clark's second live webcam show from two weeks ago. And don't worry, he's as enthusiastic as ever! He's also joined for a bit by our newest model, Lance, who was there to shoot his audition video. He couldn't resist introducing himself early. You'll see his video in a little while. Cheers, George, Member Services

Thursday, November 27, 2014
If you were expecting the edited version of Eric Clark's second webcam show, I'm afraid you'll have to be patient for another week. Instead, I have a surprise for you, Brent has shot a first short video for you since his arrival in the Turks & Caicos Islands. Right now he's waiting for Steve's arrival there and the shoot of an episode of the TV series "I'm a Stripper" running on various gay-oriented networks. After that, there will be a number of new videos for the website, both with him and with some of our other hot models, while most of us will be hoping for not too much snow and ice and cold. Happy Thanksgiving to all American members, the rest of us had our fill of turkey about six weeks ago. ;-) George, Member Services

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Welcome to the edited version of Eric Clark's first live webcam show. If you were there last week, you know what to expect. For the remainder of you, all I can say is "don't miss this!" You've seen him in three videos, but doing it live is different. You get to know something of the real person. Brent is in the Turks & Caicos Islands till mid-January. As you know, he can't do live webcams from there because of internet limitations. But he'll shoot some scenes while he's there that you'll see in a few weeks. In the meantime, if you want you can vote for him and Steve for the next Cybersocket Awards. The link is on the homepage. You can vote for Brent in the category "Best Porn Star" and for Steve as "Best Personality". And, if you have more than one e-mail address, you can actually vote more than ...  Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, November 2, 2014
The edited live webcam that Brent referred to on Friday is called "Brent and "Art". It, or rather a new HD scene with a Halloween theme, was supposed to be uploaded some time ago. But ever since Brent left Calgary for Toronto things haven't quite worked out as planned. We are really sorry for these mishaps and hope you'll be patient with us a while longer. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, October 31, 2014
Hey everyone, I'm sorry I have to apologize to you once again. When Steve and I got back from Berlin's Hustlaball, where you can imagine we had a phantastic, but very exhausting, time, I had hoped we could film at least one new scene and do a live Halloween webcam show prior to heading off to the Caribbean. But things just got too complicated. To make matters even worse, our editor had a melt-down of one of his hard drives with a lot of our videos on it. The drive is now in the shop and we hope that everything will be recovered, but it will take a bit more time. In the meantime, here's a second little two-minute teaser video shot by Patrick, our newest model/performer. We're hoping to get him together with Eric or Justin Dean very soon for some hot action. We should also have another "lost" webcam edit for you in a few days. Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Today's new video and vidcap gallery is called "Brent gets a Helping Hand". It's one of several live webcam shows from a couple of years ago that we thought was lost. The HD footage was either misplaced or accidentally recorded over. But we've located the video capture footage which is quite good, especially since it was a hot webcam with Brent and Steve together. So we hope you won't mind that it's not in high definition. Brent and Steve are still in Montreal and will head over to Berlin, Germany, for their annual HustlaBall at Berlin's famous week. Hopefully, after they come back to Toronto, there'll be time for a live webcam show before Brent heads off to the Turks & Caicos Islands to spend some time with his parents and shoot another film for the team that produced "I'm a Porn Star". Happy Thanksgiving, Canada & Columbus Day, USA!! George, Member Services

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Take a look at this little teaser video from Patrick, our latest new model/performer. He's from Vancouver, BC, and he's HUNGarian-Canadian (sorry about that, lol, couldn't resist). We hope to be able to show you more of him soon. Here's the link to his video. Also, look out for a new video on the member's pages in a few days.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Here's the promised video of Justin Dean topping Erik Clark. We shot this the day after we filmed Erik topping Justin. As you'll see the two of them fit well together and couldn't get enough of each other. Hopefully, we can bring them back together soon. If we can sort out the technical details, we may even have one or the other do a live webcam show for you. Stay tuned.

Sunday, September 21, 2014
As promised, here's the first video of Erik Clark and Justin Dean together. They went at it for a long time, like after a long drought. Or maybe they're just insatiable. These are the highlights. In this scene, Erik is the top. Cumming soon will be a scene with Justin topping (for the first time he said). Let me know what you think, should we shoot more scenes with them? Write to George at In this scene you'll see a few pictures that I painted on the walls of the bedroom. Steve took these back with him when he visited me last month. Some of them will soon be available for purchase directly from the website.

Sunday, September 14, 2014
Here's another newcomer for you - Justin Dean. It's only a short video, almost just a teaser. But I wanted to introduce you to Justin before posting the other videos we just shot with him and Erik Clark, the other newcomer we introduced you to a couple of weeks ago. These latest three videos were shot last weekend down in Washington, right after Steve got back from his visit to Toronto. The next video will follow in a few days. So you'll be able to see them "work out" together. And don't worry, you'll see more of me soon as well. ;-)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Today, we have something special for you, a new exclusive model/performer - Erik Clark. Steve met this 19 year-old twink dancing in one of  DC's clubs and signed him up and filmed him just before coming up to visit Brent in Toronto. He's already scheduled a few more shoots when he goes back to Washington after Labor Day (or Labour Day, if you prefer the spelling used in all the other English-speaking countries, lol). Brent's computer should be back in action in a few days, so hopefully there'll be a live webcam soon. In the meantime, Brent and Steve are doing some shooting with a brand new HD camera. They're being mysterious, so I really can't tell you anything yet... Regards, George, Member Services

Saturday, August 16, 2014
Just when we thought everything was going well, disaster!! While we were testing the streaming setup for tomorrow's show a little while ago, someone (I won't say who, but you can find out more by checking made an unfortunate move and Brent's computer was damaged. Brent and Steve will re-schedule the webcam for a few days from now when things are fixed. Please stay tuned. George, Member Services

Friday, August 8, 2014
Today, I have the fourth and last scene from Wantin' More for you. This time I get "involved" with the twink who delivers my pizza. When we finally got around to eating it, it was already cold. I love cold pizza, lol. Steve is coming up to visit again next week. Hopefully everything will work out well by then so that I"ll be able to do at least one live webcam show while he's here and shoot at least one new scene.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
So Brent still doesn't have his internet set up in Toronto. I think he's been having too much fun in Canada's largest and gayest city. But Steve and I are trying to settle him down to return to the quiet, responsible life of a porn star, lol. Steve is coming back up to Toronto in a few weeks so we can expect more new videos and more live webcam shows soon. In the meantime, here's today's new video - the third scene of Wantin' More which takes place in a motorcycle repair shop. Since Brent doesn't own a motorcycle, it's a safe bet he's there for other reasons, lol. Regards, George, Member Services

Sunday, July 20, 2014
Hey everyone, Brent is still setting up his new apartment in Toronto and doesn't have an internet connection yet. It should only take a little while longer till the next live webcam show. Today's new video (and vidcap gallery) is the second scene from "Wantin' More". It's a hot one, even if it's not HD and widescreen. Enjoy!!! ;-)  George, Member Services

Friday, July 11, 2014
Today's new video is the edited version of the webcam show from April when Steve came up to visit me for support after my flu bout and the sudden death of a close friend. There were several timing and technical problems during the show, so I don't really like it. I wasn't going to upload it to the site, but several members who were there during the webcam have asked for it to be put up. I hope you won't be disappointed. I've called it Brent, Steve and Food? I'm now in Toronto and after a some great World Pride activities, I'm just putting my new place together now. Once everything is done, I hope to see you at a first live webcam from here. But it may be a couple of weeks. So, please be patient.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
While Brent is in Toronto getting his new life there organized, i.e. looking for a new pad, waiting for his furniture to arrive from Calgary, he thought all the current members of the site might be interested in going back to the beginning of his career as an independent porn star. He filmed his own first DVD in 2005 and called it Wantin' More. It isn't currently available for purchase, so he thought he'd put the four scenes from Wantin' More on the site over the next little while for all members to enjoy. The first scene shows him exercising and doing an individual webcam chat. Just compare that to the video quality that was available then by looking at one of the early live webcams and you'll see how much things have improved (internet-wise, lol) since 2005/6. Enjoy, George, Member Services

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Hey everyone, here's the edited version of my last live webcam till I get settled in my new place in Toronto. It's called "Packing up for Toronto". I'm surrounded by boxes and packing materials and trying not to freak out, lol. I'll be in Toronto for the final weekend of the World Pride Festival. Steve is coming up for two weeks to be with me and help me finish my move when the furniture gets there. Look out for me and say "Hi" if we're in the same place at the same time. It might be a bit difficult to find me though. Toronto is expecting about 2 million visitors (twice as many as usual See you in Toronto?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Bad news guys, today's webcam has to be postponed to tomorrow at the same time. While setting up his system, Brent accidentally dropped the webcam and it's now non-functional. He's going to get a new one right away and do the webcam show at 5pm Pacific on Thursday. With Brent's apologies, George, Member Services

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Here's the edited version of last Sunday's live webcam show where I showed you my most recent paintings before I pack them away for my Toronto move. You may get a bigger kick out of me demonstrating my body painting technique though (you just have to watch it, lol, to find out). I'm moving to Toronto at the end of June, just in time for the end of the Toronto Pride Festival - look out for me (and Steve) Saturday and Sunday night, June 28th and 29th.
My next live webcam will be this Sunday, June 15th at 2pm Pacific. I don't know yet if I can do another one before I leave, my apartment is already a total mess from packing, so try to be there this Sunday. :-)

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Hey guys! I want to start off by apologizing to you. I haven't really kept to my end of the bargain with you. But I'm feeling better every day, so things should be back to normal soon. My upcoming move away from Calgary will cause a bit more confusion, but Steve is hoping to make up for that by shooting scenes in the States while I'm getting settled in my new place in Toronto (as soon as I find one). Today's new video is called "Brent's Back (in Calgary)". I was going to shoot it in Victoria last week, but we just ran out of time. The last webcam I did is still being edited (I wasn't really all that happy with it). A bit of news: The Kindle e-Book "Around the World in 80 Gay Porn Stars" is now available from Amazon. It features interviews with 80 of your favorite porn stars (including me and my friend Brandon Wilde). Go check it out (no,no, I don't get any royalties, lol). I really hope you'll forgive me for my absence.

Sunday, May 25, 2014
Hello everyone. Brent has asked me to give you a more detailed explanation for the lack of webcam shows and videos during the past five weeks. What he wants me to tell you is something very personal (in addition to the things we've already told you about) that he's wanted to keep private. As you already know, after the two trips to Mexico in March Brent came down with a bad cold that turned out to be influenza. That wasn't all that happened however. Early in April, one of Brent's close friends in Calgary died unexpectedly after a stroke. Since they were very close and almost the same age, Brent became very depressed. That's the main reason Steve has been up in Calgary twice and why Brent came to Victoria to visit me last week.Steve is with Brent again now and he's improving daily. I hope you can understand the negative effect all this has had on Brent. At the same time, he's been trying to prepare his move away from Calgary to Toronto. Steve is helping him with that right now as well. We all hope that things will return to normal soon and also hope you'll be patient a while longer. His first public appearance will be on Friday, May 30th at the Fairy Tales Film Festival in Calgary, where "I'm a Porn Star" will be shown. New videos will be coming soon and we are working on plans to broaden the content of the site. Once Brent is settled in Toronto, he also hopes to be able to re-open (possibly with a new design) and definitely with a reliable payment processor. I hope you can understand why Brent wanted to keep all this private, but he feels that because of the unexpected length of his recovery period, he owed his loyal members a fuller explanation. With best regards, George, Member Services

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Hello everyone, I just want to give you a quick update and explanation for why so little has been happening on the website for the past weeks. I'm very much aware that there haven't been any new videos uploaded to the site lately and I really want to apologize for that. It's been a hectic time for me. As you probably saw on the news page, I got sick with the flu after my two trips to Mexico and that forced me to cancel several planned live webcam shows from Calgary. I'd looked forward to doing those, especially for my loyal members who always participate in these webcams. Also I was looking forward to doing them after my two months' stay in the Turks & Caicos Islands where live webcams are impossible (although I loved filming those videos with Brandon Wilde while I was there). The April 29th webcam is being edited now complete with a cumshot ending. I'm in Victoria right now and we'll be shooting at least one or two videos here with a new model/performer (and I'm interviewing another one on Thursday night). In the next month or so, I'll be moving away from Calgary and once that's done things should return to normal. At the end of June, Steve and I will hopefully be visiting Spain, the UK and Ireland for some personal appearances, and also for shooting some new scenes (with local models/performers) for the site while we're there. Thanks for being so patient with me.

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Hi everyone and Happy Easter. So Steve is on the plane now heading here to Calgary. I can't wait, haven't seen him since Mexico last month. I'm looking forward to a lot of post illness exercising with him (at the gym, I mean, lol). While he's here we hope to shoot at least a couple of new videos with models/performers you haven't met yet. Also (keep your fingers crossed) a live webcam show nest week. Today's new video and vidcap gallery is from a few years ago, the audition live webcam of Peter Black who's appeared on the site before in a shower video. You'll find both on the Buddies pages. I hope to have some new High Definition videos for you shortly after Steve's visit.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Hey guys, I'm sorry, but I've had to change my plans once more. Nothing has gone the way we planned it since Mexico last month. Not only did I get a really bad cold that just wouldn't go away (maybe it was the flu) but somehow I also got a bit of a skin condition that's just about healed now, But it wouldn't have worked for webcams and videos. The latest change is that Steve is coming to Calgary next week before I go to Victoria. He's going to get me back in shape, lol. We also have a hot new model that we'll shoot at least one video with while Steve is here, and maybe squeeze in a webcam as well. So, keep your fingers crossed... I hope you'll forgive me for all this confusion.

Thursday, April 3, 2014
Well, Brent is going to try flying to Victoria once more in a couple of hours, but his flight has been delayed twice already by bad weather somewhere, not in Calgary and certainly not here in Victoria. The plane is expected to touch down at midnight as of now, so it's going to be a long night... Today's high definition video and vidcap gallery is from Brent's Mexico trip - Brent & Edgar in Mexico City. You'll love Edgar, he's very edible as you'll see. :-P  The next webcam will most likely be on Tuesday, April 8th at 5 pm Pacific. Brent will confirm that once he's here, so don't forget to check back tomorrow. Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, March 30, 2014
In about an hour Brent was supposed to escape from frigid Calgary to come to Victoria for a week (where the weather is rarely really bad). Unfortunately, his cold is still not much better, so he's had to cancel his flight. Tentatively, he'll come here on Wednesday and re-schedule his webcam show to the weekend, most likely to Sunday, April 6th at 2pm Pacific. We'll confirm that during the next few days. Once more with Brent's apologies, George, Member Services

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
I have to apologize for cancelling yesterday's live webcam show. There seems to be a dark cloud following me around since I left the Turks & Caicos Islands. So I came back from warm and sunny Mexico and promptly got a bad cold, bad enough to see a doctor. It's getting better now, but I want to hold off scheduling another webcam show till I'm sure. Today's video - Brent & Porn? - is another one from the batch we've been using to fill in. I'd gotten an iPad as a present, but it arrived too late for me to try out before the show. So, instead of cumming on it as I'd planned, I decided to let a porn video play alongside me during the show. I remember it as being very hot. What do you think? ;-P

Monday, March 17, 2014
So Brent is about to return to Toronto & Calgary, no more Mexican heat and sunshine. It'll take him a few days to recover and acclimatize himself again. Today's video, Brent, Leo & the Glory Hole, is from the same batch as last week's, so it's not in high definiton. It's Brent and Leo Paige, who has been on the site before (you'll find him on the Buddies pages). For this live webcam show Brent built a glory hole set (he's not only a talented painter, but also loves to design and build sets). And you'll see how enthusiastic they both were to try it out. Boy, Leo is one enthusiastic twink. ;-P  Brent is planning to do a live webcam show on Tuesday, March 25th at 5pm Pacific. Let's all hope that after waiting for a live show for so long, it all goes off without a hitch. ;-)  All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, March 9, 2014
As you know, Brent is back down in Mexico for the next ten days. It's his second trip in two weeks. The horrible weather on the East coast caused so many flight cancellations that Brent's schedule has been turned upside down. The first victim was a live webcam show on his return to Calgary from the Turks & Caicos Islands. So, for this week's new video - "Brent plays it safe" - we had to do something which we've wanted to avoid. The original HD footage for about five live webcam shows somehow got mislaid during the travel upheaval of 2012. We didn't want to upload these until we could find and edit that footage. But we needed to give you something new to experience. ;-)  So today's video is not in HD, but I think the video quality is acceptable for now. Once we've located the HD footage, we'll replace today's video with that. I hope you understand. Brent comes back to Calgary on March 19th, so he should be able to do a live webcam show shortly after that. I've also heard a rumour that he may be shooting a video for the site while he's down in Mexico City. But it's just a rumour not fact, so please don't tell anyone. Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Today's new video of Brent and Brandon Wilde exploring the rougher parts of the Turks and Caicos Island coasts (Sex among the Rocks) is going up a few days later than planned. And unfortunately today's planned webcam show had to be cancelled for the same reason. It all has to do with the horrible weather in the eastern half of North America two weeks ago. Brent & Steve were supposed supposed to fly down to Mexico, Cancun to be exact, but all the flights were cancelled. And then at the last minute a few days ago the trip was re-scheduled. You can't believe how awful it was to change the flights, with hours on hold and then the last minute preparations to get ready. Well, with any luck, Brent and Steve will make it down there in a couple of days, only to repeat the trip a couple of weeks later, to Mexico City and Guadalajara. So, on Brent's behalf, I apologize for the delays and today's cancellation. Unfortunately, it also means there won't be any live webcams for another couple of weeks while Brent is in Mexico. Warm regards, George, Member Services

Friday, February 14, 2014
February 14th, Saint Valentine's Day, and today, a little later than planned, here's the surprise Brent promised you four weeks ago. A first video of him together with his friend and fellow pornstar Brandon Wilde. Brandon came out to the Turks & Caicos Islands two weeks ago to do some filming together with Brent. The videos will be here and also soon on Brandon's new website,, when it goes live. As you may know, the winter weather in parts of North America has been and is horrible. (I hope none of you doubt that the world is in the middle of climate change, lol. Make sure you vote only for politicians who know the earth is round, older than 6000 years, and that human beings and dinosaurs didn't live at the same time. And that we are causing the climate to change ever more rapidly.) I wrote all this to explain that Brent is supposed to be underway right now to Mexico City and Cancun. But flight cancellations have made that impossible for now. So, he'll soon be heading home to Calgary, where the weather is not as bad as in Washington today, but just give it a few days... Please keep your eyes peeled for a date for the next live webcam show once Brent's settled in at home. All the best, George, Member Services

Monday, February 3, 2014
A few days ago, I took a stroll along one of the more deserted beaches. Had a beer or two and soon I was super-horny. What happened is on the video and vidcap gallery I just uploaded. Take a peek, lol. My time on the island is coming to an end soon. I'll be down in Mexico again in mid-February and then it's back to Calgary (I don't know how I'll stand the cold!). But once I'm back I'll be able to do live webcam shows again, so that'll make things interesting. I'm sure you've heard by now that Steve won the 2014 Cybersocket Surfers' Choice Web Award for Best Personality. I hope you're as happy for him as I am. Oh, and if you've checked Twitter, you'll know that Brandon Wilde has just flown in from LA to visit here for a few days. Stay tuned for more...

Sunday, January 26, 2014
And today, here's another video from the Islands. It starts off with me doing some yardwork in my parents' backyard. Well, I like to help out, especially since they rescued me from a Calgary deep freeze. But doing yardwork on a hot Caribbean day makes you hot as well. And when I get hot, I don't get out my paintbrushes to paint a new picture. I do what comes naturally. and if there happens to be a camera nearby, well, you can check out the rest yourselves. ;-P

Thursday, January 16, 2014
Today's new video, still from the Turks & Caicos Islands where I'll be for another three weeks, is of me kayaking with an island friend. Kayaking is still pretty new to me, mostly we use canoes in Canada. But kayaking is a lot of fun and probably safer on the open ocean (even if you're close to land like we were, lol). The water was very clear and green as you'll see and the sun was hot, and so was I... :-P

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
This first video of 2014 is also from the Turks & Caicos Islands. The pleasures of the secluded pool. Could you resist? And there are a few more to come soon. I'm also planning a little surprise for you next month before I head back to frigid Calgary. But it's still in the final planning stages, so I can only hint at it for now. And, it looks as though I'll be heading down Mexico-way again soon, maybe even twice in February and March.

Saturday, December 28, 2013
Here's the first of the videos I'm shooting in the Turks & Caicos Islands over the next little while instead of doing live webcam shows (the bandwidth is definitely too slow here). A few more are already in the can and you'll see those during the next few weeks. I hope you don't mind too much. ;-)  I've heard of the horrible weather in so many parts of the world, not just in the Canadian prairies. I almost feel a little guilty to be here in this island paradise. But, for now I can only wish you a Happy New Year, and, let's hope, a more peaceful one than 2013.

Friday, December 20, 2013
Today's new video is the last one Brent shot in Calgary before leaving for Victoria and Toronto and then on to the Turks and Caicos Islands to get away from the nasty prairie weather. As you'll see he left just in time (or even a bit too late). He asked me to apologize for the delay in posting new videos during the past couple of weeks. That was caused by the time spent on the road. But now that he's in an area of eternal sunshine, he's promised to shoot more videos to upload to the site as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the bandwidth from the islands is not good enough to allow live webcam shows (it's barely sufficient for skyping now and then). I also have to apologize for the login problems over the last couple of days. It had nothing to do with the website. It was a software problem on our server which the hosting company had some difficulty tracking down. Everything appears to be working as it should since yesterday, so please help us by keeping your fingers crossed with us. Thank you very much for your patience. Have a Merry Christmas and a totally Happy Holiday Season. George, Member Services

Sunday, December 1, 2013
Today's new edited live webcam show from last week features Brent doing his thing with one of his Fleshjacks. He was getting ready to leave the increasingly frigid Calgary for a few days in evergreen Victoria before heading out to the Turks & Caicos Islands via Toronto, just like last year. He loves doing this because it makes all his friends and fans in the Northern Hemisphere jealous. Of course, visiting his family there may be an added incentive, lol. One of the reasons for doing a Fleshjack show (which he hadn't done in a while) was because Fleshjack is having a special Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale of all the Fleshjack products. If you want to take advantage of the sale as well, the links you need are on the homepage of the site (as well as on his blog). This is probably the last LIVE webcam show for a while (unless the internet speeds on the islands have improved since last year). But, fear not, Brent will be filming videos on the island like last year and a Christmas video with a guest model is already in the can. All the best, George, Member Services

Friday, November 22, 2013
This week's new edited webcam video almost didn't make it to the site. Last week I had a week-long reunion with my husband Steve in Calgary. Needless to say, we had a blast!! :-P  Probably because of that, someone (who shall remain nameless) forgot to press the "Record" button on the HD camera as the webcam show started. But thankfully, one of the website's members in Japan (his username is "andrejondrej" - thank you, thank you!) managed to get a good video capture which is what you see here. You'll see, by the way, that I'm showing (but not using) my Fleshjack dildo during the show. I've just found out that the Fleshjack people are going to have a grand sale of their products during the Black Friday period next week. So, if you absolutely can't live without my various Fleshjacks any longer, this would probably be a good time to order them by clicking here. Don't miss my live webcam tomorrow, Saturday, at 2pm Pacific. As you know, I'm off to visit my parents in the Turks & Caicos Islands soon, so tomorrow's may be my last live webcam for a while (unless the internet has improved in the Carribean). Of course I'll make a few videos while I'm there but they won't be live so I won't be able to talk with you. See you tomorrow?

Friday, November 15, 2013
Here's a new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery for you. But it isn't of Wednesday's webcam show when Steve & I re-united in Calgary. The black clouds are still above my head - that webcam show wasn't recorded because no one pushed the Record button on the camera. :'(  But the webcam video I'm posting tonight is a bit of a miracle. Well, not the fact that it was recorded, but that it's finally up on the website. You see, it's one of about half a dozen webcam videos that we thought were lost in a box somewhere. But I found it by coincidence, just at the right time (really, I'm not making this up, lol) for my reunion with Steve. It's from a couple of years ago, when my family had a reunion in Regina, Saskatchewan, my home province. And, of course, Steve & I were there too. I think you'll like it. ;-)  My next webcam will be on Saturday, November 23rd at 2pm Pacific. It'll be my last webcam from Calgary for a while because I'm heading off to the Turks and Caicos Islands to spend next month with my family. I may be able to squeeze in a webcam from a short visit to Victoria before that but I can't promise that yet.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Well guys and gals, here it is, the edited version of this year's special Halloween webcam show. I have to say, I just loved designing and building the set for it, even though it completely took over my apartment in Calgary. I still haven't completely dismantled everything and Steve arrives tomorrow night for a week-long visit. I hope he survives the snow we're supposed to get tomorrow as well. Well, it's his own fault, he didn't have to marry a Canadian, lol. On the other hand, maybe I can persuade him to participate a bit in Saturday's live webcam show at 2pm Pacific? :-P

Friday, October 25, 2013
Hey guys, thanks for your patience with all the technical problems we had during the past two weeks. Well, here it is, Tuesday's colorful webcam show which thankfully went off without a hitch. And congratulations to Carlos for winning the cum towel that I raffled off to help make up for the problems we've had. Fortunately, this show went off without a hitch. ;-)  I hope to see you next Thursday, October 31st, at 5pm Pacific for my annual Halloween special. I still have to come up with a costume for this one, lol... or maybe I won't wear anything, what do you think?

Saturday, October 19, 2013
Once more apologies are in order. The company which provides us with the live streaming chat software, and also hosts the chat on its servers, discovered a bug in the software which had only been updated a couple of weeks ago and which Brent used successfully without a glitch at the last webcam show. Both Brent and I tried to use the software this afternoon and we both had the same problem which those of you who were there experienced. So this time the problem was definitely not in Calgary. You can understand that Brent is very upset right now with the problems that have gone on for over a week now. He is extremely sorry for disappointing those many members who had been looking forward to seeing him and hopes you'll forgive him. We'll both install updated software and test it out over the weekend and should be able to have another live show this coming Tuesday, October 22nd at 5pm Pacific. With more apologies, George, Member Services

Thursday, October 17, 2013
The black cloud is still hanging over Calgary. What turned out to be internet and cable access problems in Brent's apartment building hasn't been completely fixed as of 3pm Pacific. So we've had to move the webcam show to Saturday, October 19th at 2pm Pacific. I know it's a disappointment for everyone, but we're at the mercy of the people that control communications in North America. But look at the bright side, at least for everyone outside of North and South America. At least on Saturday you don't have to stay up late to get a "taste" of Brent. ;-)  Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I'm sorry everyone, but there's been another hitch. There's a power and internet outage in Brent's part of downtown Calgary due to a construction project problem. We don't know the exact cause but it may be related to repair work after the recent flooding. So, in order to give it a bit of time to get cleared up, Brent has to postpone today's webcam to Thursday, October 17th at 5pm Pacific. Based on recent history, it seems Calgary is definitely not the ideal place for live webcam shows ;-)  We apologize especially to anyone in Europe who stayed up late to participate tonight. George, Member Services

Friday, October 11, 2013
Here's this week's new video and vidcap gallery for you. It's the edited version of last week's webcam show from my high-rise balcony (well, at least the start of it was from my balcony) on a greyish fall afternoon in Calgary. I had expected it to be warmer but at least it wasn't raining or snowing, lol. Yet! As you know, I have a webcam scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, at 2pm Pacific. I'm afraid I have to postpone it, guys & gals. I'd forgotten that this weekeend is Thanksgiving here in Canada (blame George, he forgot too). I thought it was still two weeks away and we have a family gathering planned. Unfortunately, a couple of the events overlap and I have to postpone. I'll give you a new date as soon as I can.

Thursday, October 3, 2013
Hey guys, I'm just back from a week in Toronto and I had a great time there, despite what George thinks of the place, ;-)  Today's video is a short one, it's a few years old and we taped it during Kayden Hart's audition to become one of our models. I don't think I have to introduce him, I'm sure you've seen his videos on the site. He's always hot and it takes real talent to swallow all of him... Hopefully many of you will be at my next live webcam show, this Saturday, October 5th at 2pm Pacific. Let's hope this one works the way it's supposed to. See you in a couple of days?

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Things have been in a bit of turmoil in Calgary these past few days, Brent even thought he might have to cancel going to Toronto this weekend. Fortunately, things have settled down and he made it. (Personally, having escaped from there to the west coast, I don't know what the fascination is with Toronto. OK, so the first same-sex marriage in North America was performed there in 2003 and it has a huge gay and lesbian population. But, remember, it was a stand-in for Pittsburgh in the series "Queer as Folk". Pittsburgh? Really?). Anyway, since Brent is enjoying himself in Toronto, it's up to me to tell you about the latest video and vidcap gallery on the site. It's the edited version of last week's webcam show, called "Brent and his Cum Towel". At the end of the show, Brent raffled off his cum towel (a suggestion of one of the members). So you see, even without the bingos you can win something from time to time, because we'll continue to do that, not always a cum towel, but maybe even a FleshJack. Who knows? The odds of you winning are far better than with any lottery, but, of course, you have to be there... Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
I have to apologize to everyone on Brent's behalf. He has no choice but to cancel today's webcam show because of a sudden unexpected conflict. He asked me to tell you that he's terribly upset because there have been so many postponements lately. He'll try to re-schedule the webcam for Saturday, September 28th at 2pm Pacific, but that's tentative right now. Please check back here for more news. On a happier note, he asked me to let the winner of the cum towel from the last webcam show know that his prize went into the mail on Monday. The video of that show is being edited right now and will be up on the site in a day or so. All the best, George, Member Services

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Here's this week's new video and vidcap gallery - Devlin & Pierce try things on... It was shot a couple of weeks ago, so it's in High Definition. These two friends came to me because they thought doing it live on camera would add additional spice to their activities. And they were right! Just take a look at what they did with that dildo! :-P

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
As promised, here's the new video and vidcap gallery featuring Dayton O'Connor and Aaron Jacob - A San Diego Adventure. I know it's not the same as a live webcam show with Brent. Hopefully things will go better next week after his visit to Edmonton's Buddy's on Friday, September 13th. Cheers, George, Member Support

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I'm sorry everyone, but today's webcam is another disaster. The model/performer who was to be Brent's partner won't arrive till after supper Calgary time. Brent will film the scene and we'll have it up on the site as soon as possible. On the other hand, a new scene will be uploaded in a few hours - it's called A San Diego Adventure and features Dayton O'Connor and Aaron Jacob. Look out for it ;-)  With our apologies, George, Member Support

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
I'm sorry to have to tell you that today's webcam show has to be cancelled. Brent has had a minor accident. He was finishing off a set for today's show (which was to have had a guest) this morning and slipped off a stool and fell awkwardly. It looks like an ankle sprain right now, but we'll know more later. Hopefully, this won't keep him out of action long. Please send him some good thoughts in the meantime. Regards, George, Member Support

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Today's new HD video is from last week's live webcam show (which, being on a Sunday afternoon here in Calgary, thankfully went off without a hitch) - it's called "Brent and his Fleshjack" and was in response to one of your suggestions that I hadn't used a Fleshjack in quite some time. Just so you know, Fleshjacks, dildos and my Channel 1 Releasing DVDs are still available through, even though the store is closed because of the ongoing problems that you know about. Those items are just ordered through the store and not actually fulfilled by me. I can tell you that we are on the trail of a solution to the payment provider problem, so hopefully it won't be long before you can again get those things that you really can't do without, lol. Another suggestion that one of you made recently was to raffle off something at the end of webcam shows to one of the members taking part (since I can't do bingos yet). I'm planning to do that starting next week (just please remind me during the show, so I don't forget, lol). Of course, remember, you have to be there to win something... ;-) The next webcam show will be on Tuesday, September 3rd at 5pm Pacific (internet willing).

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
I have to start off with an apology for the screwed up webcam show last week. We still don't know for sure why there are bandwidth problems here at supper time. So we'll try again this coming Sunday, August 25th at 2pm Pacific. We haven't had any problems with weekend afternoon webcams, so please keep your fingers crossed. Apart from that, the earlier time will make it easier for the European members to participate. Today's new HD video - James Justin visits Brent - was supposed to be live during the webcam show. Instead we shot it afterwards. I think that just made it hotter, because we didn't have to be aware of where the webcam was all the time and we could concentrate on things that were more fun. Take a look, I think you'll agree. ;-)

Saturday, August 10, 2013
Today's new video and vidcap gallery features Cory & Ricky, two sailors. You've seen Cory before, he's shown himself to be quite a hit. He was still not too experienced when this video was shot, but really eager to please and with a quick sense of humor. Take a look... Brent is just on his way home to Calgary from his visit with friends and relatives. His next live webcam show will be on Tuesday, August 13th at 5pm Pacific. Try not to miss it! Cheers, George, Member Services

Sunday, August 4, 2013
Another HD video from last week's webcam on an afternoon in Calgary. Brent's apartment is right across the street from an office building, so it's a good thing the show was on a Saturday afternoon, lol ;) Brent is off camping and visiting relatives in Saskatchewan for a few days, so the next webcam won't be till next weekend or early the following week. Stay tuned, please. All the best, George, Member Services

Saturday, July 27, 2013
Here's the edited HD video and vidcap gallery from last Friday's webcam show. It's a combination of me shaving (which I still don't have to do every day) and showering. The first show from my bathroom in Calgary, well strictly speaking, the second - the glory hole webcam was from there too (no, the glory hole is NOT a permanent fixture of the bathroom). Hope you enjoy it, but don't try watching it on your cell or tablet in your bathroom, lol.

Sunday, July 21, 2013
Today's new video is of Tanner hooking up with Nick. They're on the site already, but never before together. Being ex-military, they still remember what it means to exercise without rest, lol. I'd like to thank those of you who drew our attention to the fake Brent Everett Facebook pages during last Friday's webcam and by email that same night. It allowed me to investigate all the fake pages and take some action. Quite a few of you retweeted the warning and even posted it to the worst of the fake pages. Thanks a lot, guys & gals!! My next live webcam show will be on Thursday, July 25th at 5pm Pacific. I hope to "see" many of you there. ;)

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Hey guys, I have to warn you about something. Yesterday during the webcam show I got a warning from one of our members that there was a "Brent Everett" Facebook page selling Buy Brent articles through PayPal. This morning someone else sent us an email with a similar warning. So, we did some investigating. FIRST OF ALL, I DON'T HAVE A FACEBOOK PAGE AND THERE ALSO IS NO AUTHORIZED BRENT EVERETT FAN FACEBOOK PAGE. Altogether, there are about two dozen of these fake Facebook fan pages out there. The worst of them is the one "selling" my stuff. It even seems to have a PayPal account through which you can make purchases. (That's really weird, because PayPal cancelled my account last fall because I was selling some items through they didn't approve of). Even more ridiculous is a statement posted there today which I just saw. Apparently I have found god and have decided to turn "straight". So the pretend Brent wants everyone to buy the stuff he's listed today, because after today he's going to incinerate everything. If you look at his comments, you'll notice that a lot of the postings are in awkward English. I'm assuming the Facbook page's owner is somewhere in South America, as are at least a number of the other fake pages. I'll be contacting Facebook and PayPal later. In the meantime, be careful, don't believe anything you see on these pages, nothing there is authorized by me, and above all don't spend any money to buy stuff from there.

Monday, July 15, 2013
Sorry guys, but Brent has to cancel his live webcam show scheduled for this Wednesday. He's picked up some kind of bug. We should know in a couple of days when to re-schedule the show. Send him some good thoughts in the meantime. All the best, George, Member Services

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Wednesday's live webcam came right in the middle of the Calgary Stampede, a huge annual event, especially welcome this year because it managed to show the city and its people at their best just a few days after the devastating floods that happened in large parts of Alberta just before. So this edited webcam video and vidcap gallery is my "salute" to the city where I'm currently living. I hope to see you this coming Wednesday at 5pm Pacific for my next live webcam.

Sunday, July 7, 2013
Today's new video and vidcap gallery is a re-union of sorts - it features Mark Collins & Tristan Matthews. Mark, of course, is everyone's favorite, but it's Tristan's first time on the site here. I know you'll love it, who wouldn't love a visit with Mark, lol? Brent is still in Montreal on a recovery day from two performances there. But don't worry, he'll be back in plenty of time for his next live webcam show on Wednesday, July 10th at 5pm Pacific. Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Well, guys, this has not been a good week for Brent. First, Homeland Security denied him entry into the United States again (I'm assuming they are monitoring this, so HI to all, hope you're catching lots of terorrists and illegal immigrants), and now, just about an hour before the show, with everything set to go, we've found out that Brent's blog may be one of the blogs targetted for deletion by Blogger. So we decided to try and save the content in case they actually go ahead and do it. We're told that Blogger has decided to delete ADULT blogs ONLY, any that carry "advertising", but without actually defining what they mean by that word. Do they mean any poster for a club event like Brent's appearance this coming weekend in Montreal at INFERNO, do they mean Fleshjack posts or links to other adult blogs? Only Blogger knows! So, we're playing it safe. We'll post the date for the next webcam as soon as possible. It'll most likely be next week. Please stay tuned! Happy Independence Day tomorrow! George, Member Services

Friday, June 28, 2013
So Brent's away from home again today attempting to cross the border to participate in New York City's Pride celebrations on the weekend. The new video for this week is a few years old - Cory Dillon's first time in front of a camera. He's 18, a sailor from Nebraska, and straight. He's a bit shy and quiet, but very eager to please, both in the tub and in the shower. We have another video with him on the site already, with a partner, Jon. So you know that he progressed very rapidly. Brent will be back in Calgary in time for his next live webcam show on Wednesday, July 3rd at 5pm Pacific. Things are slowly returning to more normal in south-eastern Alberta after the worst flooding since records started to be kept. But at least the power is now back reliably in Calgary. So, see you then? Happy Canada Day on July 1st and a Happy Independence Day to all Americans on July 4th! George, Member Services

Monday, June 24, 2013
It looks like we were too optimistic about the flood problems in the Calgary area. So, to be on the safe side, we're postponing tomorrow's live webcam show to Wednesday, July 3 at 5pm Pacific. Climate change is here, guys, never doubt it. Cheers, George, Member Services

Saturday, June 22, 2013
Brent is in Toronto this weekend, so he asked me to upload this week's video which is the edited version of last Tuesday's webcam show. If you were among those who were there for that, this version will clear up all the mysteries caused by the lack of sound (yes, technical problems yet again - just a couple of days ahead of the disastrous flooding in the Calgary area). This 28-minute HD video, with the sound happily recorded, answers all the questions surrounding Brent's friends appearing and disappearing from time to time during the show. Take a look. ;)  Brent gets back home to Calgary tomorrow and his next live webcam (hopefully with sound) will be at 5pm Pacific on Tuesday, June 25th. There is a slight possibility of postponement if there are power problems in downtown Calgary (the waters have started to recede). So please keep an eye on the News page over the next couple of days. All the best, George, Member Services

Thursday, June 13, 2013
As you know, Brent is in Edmonton, Alberta, today and heading for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan his home province, participating in the annual Pride festivities there, so he's asked me to post last week's edited live webcam and vidcap gallery for you today. This webcam is a bit shorter than usual because he was in the middle of packing. He was also surprised by the early arrival of the cumshot and where it decided to fly! Take a close look. ;)  Brent's next live webcam will be after his return from Saskatoon at 5pm Pacific on Tuesday, June 18th. Try not to miss it... Regards, George, Member Services

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
This week there's a video and vidcap gallery with Mark Collins and Cody, both of whom you've seen on the site before. They're on the roof and there's an added bit of excitement because of the neighbors (who fortunately don't spot them). I think you'll like it ;) Will I see you tomorrow at 5pm Pacific? Let's hope nothing unforeseen happens to spoil things this time!

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Today's new high definition webcam video and webcam gallery from last week's show has me doing my thing from the computer in my office. It had been a long day, so I decided to do the live show from right there still wearing my suit and tie (I always work wearing a suit and tie, lol). Hope you like what you see... Don't miss my next live webcam show on Monday, June 3rd at 5pm Pacific.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
This week's new high definition webcam video and vidcap gallery is from last Saturday's live webcam show. I had a mystery guest visiting me, so to keep the secret, we did a glory hole show. If I remember back to the beginning of the site correctly, I've only done one of these before. Hope you enjoy it, we certainly did, lol. My next live webcam is this Friday, May 24th at 5pm Pacific. Will you be there?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Today I have a new HD video and vidcap gallery I shot in my bedroom a little over a week ago after a live webcam that didn't work out too well because of internet problems in my area of Calgary. So I shot this right after with my HD camcorder near me so everything is pretty close in. ;) I've also uploaded a new photoshoot gallery to the Photosets pages of me together with Jim Winsor shot a while ago in San Diego. See you Saturday at 2pm Pacific at my next live webcam show with my special mystery guest?

Thursday, May 9, 2013
This week's new video and vidcap gallery of hottie Angel and me is actually a couple of years old. I just discovered it among my stored items. It's Angel's introduction to the site from the day after San Diego Pride a couple of years ago. All didn't go well during the live show because my place was really hot because we had rolling power black-outs that day and I wasn't feeling well at all (could it have been from too much celebrating the day before?). But Angel is really hot and we were both enthusiastic. Take a look and see if you don't agree ;)  Because of continuing problems with internet speed at my apartment building, the next live webcam show won't be until Saturday, May 18th at 2pm Pacific. I'm hoping the cable company will find the problem early next week and I apologize to you all.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Hurray, hurray, the first of May, outdoor fucking starts today (but not here in Calgary, lol)! This week's new video and vidcap gallery is the edited version of last week's live webcam show. I'm in the living room of my apartment in Calgary and the sofa was just so inviting!! Take a look at what happened (as if you couldn't guess, lol). My skin problem is clearing up nicely, so I'm pretty sure that Friday's webcam will happen as planned. But keep an eye on the calendar for the next couple of days just to make sure.

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Guys, Brent asked me to apologize to you for postponing another show. When he got up this morning he discovered a gigantic rash below his belly buttion from wearing a belt with a big metal buckle to an event last night. The rash can't be hidden from view with makeup, so Brent feels the show wouldn't be sexy. So, to give things time to clear up, he's re-scheduled the webcam to Friday, May 3, 2013 at 5pm Pacific. I hope you'll sympathize with him and send him good thoughts. Regards, George, Member Services

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Today's new video and vidcap gallery features your perennial favorite Mark Collins again taking on another hot newcomer, Ray. No need for long introductions before they get going and Mark gets another of his wishes fulfilled. ;)  My next live webcam show will be on Sunday, April 28th at 2pm Pacific. Will I see you there?

Sunday, April 21, 2013
I'm very sorry everyone, but much as I hate to do this to you, I have no choice but to postpone today's live webcam to Tuesday, April 23rd at 5pm Pacific. I've got a conflicting engagement that I just cannot get out of. I hope I can make it up to you on Tuesday. I apologize especially to those of you living in Europe. I had scheduled the show early especially to make it easier for you to participate. See you on Tuesday?

Thursday, April 18, 2013
Today I have a new edited live webcam for you, the first from my new digs in Calgary. It's also the first complete webcam in 720p high definition. We've only put a few short high definition videos on the site before, but we hope to be able to make it a fairly regular occurance from now on. The live streaming webcams won't be in high definition yet, but we'll also shoot the live shows with a high definition camera. Hopefully the slight difference in angle won't be too great. I've been told that my travel problems to the US are nearing an end as well, so I should be able to visit some of my favorite clubs down there soon again. Look out for announcements this fall. The next live webcam is this Sunday, April 21st at 2pm Pacific. hopefully that will make it much easier for my overseas fans to participate ;)

Thursday, April 11, 2013
I have a special little 9 minute video for you today - a little extra, not the weekly update which will follow in a few days. This video is a test of some new equipment I just got and it's in real 720p high definition. Unfortunately, we can't do live webcams in HD yet, so anything in HD to come will be "filmed". Oh, yes, I almost forgot, it's called "Hi-Def Brent", check it out...  So, tomorrow's live webcam will be in the usual standard definition webcam format. But don't let that stop you from visiting with me. ;)

Sunday, April 7, 2013
The saga of "Nate & the Donkey Dick" concludes today with Part Two. As you'd expect, after some more vigorous & acrobatic exercises it comes to the expected conclusions. But watch out for Donkey Dick. If you ever get a chance to experience him yourself, there's a danger of drowning as well as of choking, lol! Please check back in a day or so, I hope to be able to announce a live webcam from Calgary, Alberta. We just have to test the equipment first (it just arrived here a few days ago).

Monday, April 1, 2013
Today's new video is no April Fool's Day joke! "Nate meets the Donkey Dick, Part One" is all reality video. Nate asked for it and he took it almost without tears. Now that's courage, lol! It's a two-parter, so there's more to come. On a less festive note, we found out a few days ago that my US travel restrictions are not quite over and that it'll be a few more months before I can visit the US again. Of course, that also means I'll have more time for Europe, Canada and other places. So watch out for me there... Oh, before I forget, did you see on the blog or read on Twitter that I'm the first gay pornstar to have 100,000 Twitter followers (as of March 28th)? THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!! Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 24, 2013
As I'm writing this, Brent is down in Mexico for two appearances in Mexico City and Guadalajara. But a couple of days before leaving he was able to do a live webcam from Victoria, BC in Canada as those of you who were there online with him live know. This is the edited version of that webcam, it's called "Brent in the Studio". It's the first time he's been able to do a live webcam since his stay on the Turks & Caicos Islands (where the internet just isn't fast enough for high bandwidth live streaming). But now, that he's settled somewhat more permanently in Canada, his live webcams will resume more regularly in a few more weeks. I hope you'll be in a time zone where you can join him live. But, if not, the webcams will all be edited and posted to the site as in the past. We're also hoping to be able to re-open Brent's online store "" soon. PayPal is continuing to be a problem with its censorship policies, so we're looking for other payment solutions. Stay tuned... All the best, George, Member Services

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Another week has passed and today's new video and vidcap gallery is about Corlan, another straight Marine who caught Steve's eye some time ago. This was Corlan's first time in front of a camera, so despite having no inhibitions, he was a bit quiet. I guess living in barracks with everyone around you makes you a bit more careful? ;). Brent had hoped to be able to give you a new webcam show today, but he should be able to film one tomorrow and do a live one for you from Victoria next Tuesday, March 19th at 5pm Pacific. For those of you living outside of North America, make sure to check your local time because we're now on Daylight Saving Time here (earlier than the rest of the world that still uses Daylight Saving Time. That's thanks to a more than usually stupid politician who thought he could save electricity this way by making us get up in the dark and then go home in sunlight rather than the other way around...)  Cheers, George, Member Services

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
This week, the third and final installment of The Insatiables. Eventually it had to come to an explosion before these guys wore themselves out. They just couldn't delay any longer and let loose. Afterwards, a quick dip in the hot tub, followed by a period of rest and relaxation. ;-)  Now that I'm better and settled in my new apartment in Calgary, Alberta, I hope that my US travel restrictions will soon be resolved and I'll be able to fulfill some gigs in the US. But first, in a couple of weeks, a visit down to Mexico City on March 22-24th after a stop in Victoria, BC, and hopefully a live webcam from there. Stay tuned for further news...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Today I've got instalment two of The Insatiables for you. The guys went at it for hours and hours, never let up, so this is the second of three parts. You'll see that Mark was as vocal as ever, once again be careful with your volume control. ;) I feel very much better and I'm almost back to normal (whatever that is, lol). Thanks very much for your tweets and emails.

Friday, February 22, 2013
I'm sorry to have to tell you guys that things haven't quite settled down for Brent. You've probably heard by now that he's had to cancel his trip to Mexico City this weekend because of illness. He caught some kind of bug a few days after coming down off the mountains at Whistler. He thought it was just a cold and was all set to fly to Mexico yesterday but the airline refused to let him board, so he's back in Calgary swallowing antibiotics to get rid of what turned out to be bronchitis before it turns into anything worse. That also means he won't be coming to Victoria on Monday and that the next scheduled live webcam is off too. On a happier note, I've got a new video and vidcap gallery for you, It's called "The Insatiables, Part One" - because Dayton O'Connor, Mark Collins, Paul and Bradley went at it so hot and heavy that we have to give you everything that went on in several parts over the next few weeks. So get ready... Cheers, George, Member Services

Thursday, February 14, 2013
I have another new video and vidcap gallery for you today (on the Buddies pages). This is Justin, yet another ex-Marine who came to us to try his "hand" at something new. But with his big dick, I don't think what he did was all that new to him (at least not in private). Just watch him shoot his load way over his head... I apologize but a scheduling conflict after the Whistler Winter Pride shoot forced me to postpone the next live webcam to after my Mexico City trip. I've (a bit tentatively) re-scheduled it to Wednesday, February 27th from Victoria. Keep an eye on the calendar (just in case...)

Thursday, February 7, 2013
Today's new video and vidcap gallery (on the Buddies pages) is an almost no holds barred four-way, shot a little while ago in Houston, Texas, where they grow them big. Take a peek at these four hot young guys. You've only seen one of them here before, Mark Collins, the other three are Chris, Danny and a second Chris. I don't think you'll forget them soon. Brent is on his way to Vancouver and Whistler for the next few days, and soon, when he comes to Victoria, he'll be able to do at least one live webcam. We know the internet is fast enough and consistent enough there, because he's done a couple of live webcams from there before. So keep a lookout for him... Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Last weekend just after returning from the Bahamas, Brent filmed the webcam I've just uploaded for you. It's a bit different because he wanted to show some of the paintings he's done while spending the past few months on the Turks & Caicos Islands. That period has just ended and Brent is now in Calgary, Alberta, for a few days before heading to Vancouver and Whistler at the beginning of February to shoot some scenes and make some personal appearances in Whistler during the annual Whistler Pride Week. Hopefully you'll like his paintings as much as I do (some of them may become available on when the store re-opens). Cheers, George, Member Services

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Today I have another video and vidcap gallery (in the models area) for you featuring two guest models - Aaron & Fabio. "Performing" in front of a camera was new to Aaron, but as you'll see, it didn't slow him down at all! In fact he was one of the most enthusiastic newcomers we've had to the site. My week in the Bahamas is over and I'm back on the Turks & Caicos Islands for a few more days before I fly back to freezing cold Calgary on the Canadian prairies. But before I go I'll have a couple of new webcams for you, the first will go up on the site next week. Unfortunately the internet still won't permit live webcams from here, but once I'm back on the mainland, I look forward to visiting with you live as before. ;

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
This week's new video and vidcap gallery (on the Models pages) goes back in time a bit. We're in the gym and "suddenly" three of our favorite models appear as if from nowhere and start exercising, but not seriously for long. Soon they let their urges take over and the equipment is only used as a backdrop to some serious exploration. They're joined for a time by Tommy, and I think you can guess the rest... I'm in the Bahamas for a week, then back to the Turks & Caicos Islands and then, at the beginning of February, to Vancouver/Victoria and Whistler - Vancouver for the rain, Whistler for the ice and snow, oh Canada, eh? ;-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
For today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery we're back on the Turks & Caicos Islands and I'm a poolboy this time. The "problem" with being a poolboy is that you have to do whatever people tell you. So it's no surprise that after this poolboy cleaned the pool and gave the "owner" a drink, he would experience some fondling that quickly led to a massive explosion. The weather is still universally beautiful here, I'll have a hard time tearing myself away from here to go up to Vancouver and snowy Whistler at the end of the month... Fortunately, I'll be back in hot weather in mid-February (21st to 24th) in Mexico City!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013
Happy New Year everyone! To start 2013 off, I have a new video and vidcap gallery for you of a young sailor who came to us a while ago after a few sensitive tours of duty overseas. His name is Shamus and he's a real sweetie. This was his first time in front of a camera doing what he was more used to doing in private, but that didn't stop him. I know you'll like him. You'll find his video on the Buddies Area.  I'll have a new webcam video for you next week (not a live one unfortunately, I guess I was a bit too optimistic about the island's internet). The island's weather though is near perfect and you'd all be jealous of me (at least those of you who live north of here, lol).

Thursday, December 27, 2012
Well, we survived the Mayan calendar's so-called end on December 21st and managed a successful, if not visually perfect, live webcam on the 22nd. And here's the edited webcam and vidcap gallery for you. Please forgive the mediocre video quality of the first minute of the video (a recording problem, if it's not one thing, it's another), but the rest shows me celebrating Santa's imminent arrival around my parents' tropical pool. I hope you all had a marvellous holiday, some in sunshine, some in snow, some in rain (on the north-west coast of North America), and some, as usual, in the middle of a blizzard. And I wish you all a very happy New Year 2013...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
We're in my parents' garden for this week's new webcam video and vidcap gallery. I was hot from doing some yard work and also got bothered because I was hot. Letting yourself go in your garden may turn you on, but be careful, if it's fairly open to the world, someone may suddenly come along, even on a sparsely inhabited island. That's what nearly happened to me... No, no, wrong, it got edited out! lol. Remember, I'm going to try a live webcam show this Saturday, December 22nd at 12:00 noon Pacific Time. Come and keep your fingers crossed that it works! Hopefully, the interpretations of the Mayan calendar that claim to predict it's about the end of the world on Friday, December 21st are wrong, because otherwise the quality of the island's internet bandwidth will be the least of our worries. ;-)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Today is 12-12-12, the last sequential day for almost another century. The next time three numbers will align as they did recently previously on 10-10-10 and 11-11-11, will be on January 1, 3001, or 1-1-1. Just thought you'd like to know, lol. Today's edited webcam video and vidcap gallery from last week is a bit shorter than usual. As you'll see, it was a warm, windy and sunny day, and to be surrounded by palm trees is one of the best ways to spend some quality time by the pool. Your thoughts start to stray and before you know it, you're hard and things get out of hand. That's what happened to me here. The video may be a bit shorter than usual, but all the essentials are there, lol. I've been told that some improvements have been made by the island's internet service provider, so we'll be testing during the next few days to see if we can start up the live webcam shows again. Please check back here regularly, to see if it's going to happen.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
This is the edited video and vidcap gallery from last week's live webcam show which most of the members who were there missed because the island internet didn't co-operate at all. I had a coconut from one of the many coconut trees that grow on my parents' property with me and, if you're not familiar with coconuts, I'm going to show you how to open one up so you can get at the meat. Unfortunately it was a very windy day and the camera picked up a lot of wind noise. We've removed as much as possible, so I hope you won't mind too much... It was after this that we reluctantly decided to cancel live webcams for a while, but I'll continue to shoot them just as though you're there, ;-)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Guys, I've just uploaded a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. It's from the week after the Halloween show and is around Brent's parents' swimming pool on the Turks & Caicos Islands. Those of you who were there live will remember the streaming problems Brent had. But this is a video not to be missed!!!! Since last weekend we've been testing extensively to find a day and time when the internet can be relied on to co-operate with Brent. Unfortunately the situation has only gotten worse; a few days ago the islands were cut off altogether for almost a day. So, rather than have you waste your time, we've reluctantly decided to stop the live shows for the next few weeks. Brent will film his weekly shows so that we can post new videos weekly as always, but they won't be streamed live. There are also a number of unreleased scenes with guest models being edited which will also be posted as they're completed. I hope you'll bear with us till Brent is back in Canada early in the new year. Regards, George, Member Support

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery is from the day after the Halloween webcam when we had such problems with internet bandwidth here on the island. We're still experimenting with showtimes and days to find a winning combination, so expect a bit of jumping around with start times. Anyway, this show worked out reasonably well with a lot of members being able to "participate" live. This time I'm in my bedroom. I was hot to trot after the previous day's disappointment and everything worked as it is supposed to, lol. Don't be shy, cum take a look... My next webcam will be on Sunday, November 25th at 1pm Pacific (which is 4pm here) and hopefully technology will co-operate this week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
You've been seeing a lot of me lately, guys, and I don't want you to get bored or jealous of my stay on a West Indies island with perpetual surf & sand. So, today I have a video with two models for you, one of whom, Jon, you've seen several times before and one, Cory, a newcomer in several ways. They're both military men, one is gay, the other straight but obviously very willing - so enjoy! ;-)  My next live webcam, the internet gods willing, is on Sunday, November 18th at 11am Pacific time. We're still experimenting with different times to find one where the bandwidth on the island will give us uninterrupted live streaming. Check out the Time Zone Converter at the top of the Calendar page, if you're not sure what time & date 11am Pacific is where you live... See you then.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Hey guys, I'm really sorry we had such massive problems with streaming the video last Saturday (especially since we didn't have any problems the week before). Anyway, today's new video is the edited recording of the Halloween webcam you missed. It's a bit shorter than usual, because I left out some of the Halloween things I'd planned, but everything else worked out just fine. ;-)  I'm glad the extra webcam show I did on Sunday worked a bit better. I'm going to experiment with the webcam showtimes a bit for the next few weeks, because I think the ISP here on the island may be running close to its capacity, so I'm trying to find a time when people here are not on their computers. Remember, today's your last chance to elect a president who actually understands how real people live and is not part of, or the representative of, the 1% (not that I'm taking sides here on my West Indies island, lol).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
As promised, here it is, the record of my first webcam ever from the Turks & Caicos Islands. It went really well even though I'd wanted this to be my annual Halloween show. The islands are wonderful, white sand, palm trees, blue ocean, lots of sunshine (except a few days ago when Hurrican Sandy passed by here). But, believe me, it's the perfect place to relax...  Now, don't miss the Halloween show this Saturday at 2pm Pacific. See you there?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Well, guys, as you already know, my computer system has arrived safely here at my parents' on the Turks & Caicos Islands, so I'll be able to do a live webcam from here on Saturday, October 27th at 2pm Pacific. Hopefully, that'll make it much easier for members not living in the Americas to participate. I hope you like today's new video and vidcap gallery - Aiden fucks Urijah. This was a new experience for both of these hot guys who were Marines at the time the video was shot. Obviously, military training hadn't left them with any inhibitions, definite proof that "Don't ask, don't tell" was a once well-meant policy long overdue for abolition. Check out their enthusiasm! ;-)  And don't forget, it's only two weeks to the election. Make sure you vote, and please, vote for the candidate who did away with "Don't ask, don't tell" - not that I'm taking sides here, lol

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Brent is now relaxing in the sun and sand and palm trees of the Turks & Caicos Islands where he'll spend the next few months with his parents while his travel status is being sorted out by legal minds. In the meantime, here's today's edited webcam show and vidcap gallery of his last live webcam from Victoria last week. Victoria on Vancouver Island (also called Lotusland and Paradise) is such a relaxing place that all sorts of unexpected things can happen. Just take a look at the video, lol (Of course, if you were there live, you already know what happened). There won't be any live webcam shows for a couple of weeks while Brent is waiting for his computer system from San Diego which should arrive shortly (a few weeks ahead of Steve who has to stay behind until their dog "Coco" is cleared for international travel). Isn't modern life wonderful? Cheers, George, Member Support

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
So Brent is on his way to the Turks & Caicos Islands in the West Indies to visit with his parents for a while. As soon as he's settled in there and his computer equipment arrives and we've tested it out, his live webcams will come from there. But that'll take a few weeks. Today I have a video of Cade Rivers' very first time in front of a camera for you (so we're going back a few years). This is where he tried out to see if he wanted to be one of Brent's models. And you've seen on the site what happened of course, so I don't have to tell you about it. Watch out next week for the edited video of Brent's second live webcam show from Victoria last week. Those of you who were there know what happened. If you weren't there, you just have to be a bit patient, lol. Cheers, George, Member Support

Tuesday, October 2, 2012      My Border Adventures
Steve and I recently found out that there are some rumors going around about why I’ve been back home in Canada for a few weeks and why Steve is in San Diego. We thought it best to nip these in the bud before anything gets out of hand (you know how the rumor mill operates in the twitterverse). The story is very simple, if not really pleasant for us. At the beginning of September, I had two club appearances in Western Canada for which we both went up as usual. I used that time to visit some of my many relatives who live in the same area. On our return flight from Regina, Saskatchewan, to San Diego, our plane landed in Chicago (at O’Hare International Airport) where we had to go through the normal customs and immigration entry procedures of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection service. Apparently, they found some irregularity with my visitor status and denied me entry into the U.S. (I don’t know what Chicago has against me, a few years ago Steve and I were caught there in a horrible tornado on the way to a club appearance in Columbus, Ohio). So, for the next few months at least, I can’t return to the U.S. until my case is cleared up. I’ve hired an excellent US-Canadian immigration law firm to act on my behalf. I’ll be visiting my parents in the West Indies until early in the new year and will then return to Vancouver and live and work from there until everything is settled. Steve will be joining me in Vancouver at that time. Oh, and by the way, October 3rd is our 4th wedding anniversary, and the picture on the News page is of our actual wedding cake.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Hey guys, I bet you're surprised to hear from me after all this time, but this is the first time I've had access to a "secure" computer since I've been up here in Canada. I'm enjoying myself finally, but it'd be nicer if Steve were here with me instead of in San Diego. Anyway, today I have the edited video and vidcap gallery from last Thursday's webcam show for you. I hadn't cum for a few days, so the results are quite explosive, lol. Take a look! I have one more webcam show from here - this Thursday, October 4th at 5pm Pacific. After that I'm off to Calgary and the Turks & Caicos Islands to visit my parents. So there probably won't be a live webcam for about two weeks, while we figure out the technical challenges of producing a live streaming event on a small island in the West Indies.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Today I have another first timer for you. His name is James and he's a member of the navy. You'll find his video and vidcap gallery in the Buddies Area. He told us that he loves to wrestle and has done so since he was a teenager, and he also loves sex (he didn't say when he started with that, lol). He certainly has the equipment for it. Let Brent know what you think of him... Oh yes, and don't forget about Thursday's 5pm webcam! The equipment has been tested and works, so the show's on! Cheers, George, Member Support

Sunday, September 23, 2012
Bad news I'm afraid guys. We've just finished testing the setup Brent has available to him in Calgary and it won't do. So he has to postpone Monday's webcam to Thursday, September 27th at 5pm Pacific (from Vancouver). This is also a bit tentative yet, but I'll give you as much notice as I can. I'm sorry things aren't working out as hoped. Regards, George, Member Support

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Newsflash: Brent has just let me know that he plans to do a live webcam show from Calgary, Alberta, on Monday, September 24th at 5pm Pacific. Right now, just consider this an advance warning because Brent won't be able to test the equipment in Calgary before Sunday. So this date is somewhat tentative right now. Stay tuned, George, Member Support

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
For today's new video and vidcap gallery we're going back in time - an edited record of Cade Rivers' first time in front of a camera with another guy, a friend of his, Dimitri. You know that Cade is married and considers himself straight but very open to new experiences. Well this shoot was definitely a new experience for him, but he enjoyed it so much that he's come back for more several times, as you know... While Brent is still with his relatives in Canada and without his (computer) equipment, I'm afraid you'll have to do with my signature at the bottom of the news. There probably won't be a live webcam before next week at the earliest, Steve is still trying to find an available model in San Diego. But I'll give you as much advance warning as possible, so keep checking back. Cheers, George, Member Support

Friday, September 14, 2012
I'm sorry everyone, but another unforeseen event has happened that makes a things a bit irregular right now. Steve returned to San Diego a few days ago, but Brent had to stay up in Regina, Saskatchewan (his home town) due to a family emergency. At the moment things are a bit up in the air, so webcams may be a bit irregular and at short notice for a while. Since the trip was only supposed to be for the weekend and just for a club appearance, Brent doesn't have any equipment with him. Steve is working on making arrangements in San Diego. I hope to be able to give you more information as soon as possible. Regards, George, Member Support

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Today's new video and vidcap gallery is from last week's webcam show, and since it took place in Brent's "bedroom", logically enough it's called "Back in the Bedroom", even though it took place in his studio (which Brent called "extremely messy" during the show, though it doesn't show). Shortly after that, Brent & Steve flew up to Canada for a couple of personal club appearances in Winnipeg and Saskatoon. Regards, George, Member Support

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Thank goodness, two webcam shows in a row without a problem and here's the edited video and vidcap gallery of last week's webcam. I've called it "Brent's Return". So the new software is working really well with lots of new features, but on the other hand our expensive HD Canon camera is definitely dead and we haven't found a new one that will allow live streaming to the internet. So for the time being we have to do the webcam shows with our webcam, which is quite good, but the recorded video quality isn't as high as we'd like, and it's too small and light to operate easily (as you may have noticed). It's like going back a few years in internet time. But hopefully we'll get that sorted out soon as well. The next webcam won't be until after we come back from Canada, but I'll let you know as soon as I can.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Well, this week is a much more successful one than the past few. Not only did we have a successful live webcam show with the new software on Monday (look for the edited video next week), but I have a super-hot video and vidcap gallery for you today - Aaron meets Cade. Yes, the ever popular Cade Rivers is back, this time with an extremely willing Aaron appearing here for the first time. I don't think you'll be disappointed, lol Keep a lookout for the date of the next live webcam show. I'd hoped to announce it by now, but because of the Canadian trip things are a bit up in the air, so I may not be able to give you much notice. See you soon.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Today's new video and vidcap gallery on the Buddies' pages features Major, an ex-Marine who visited us a couple of years ago after having served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and a couple of other hotspots. It's no wonder that he needed a shower to clean himself up, but as so often seems to happen, the shower was only the start of things... I apologize for the longer than usual delay in posting a new video, but it's holiday season and my editor had to do tourist guide duty for some visiting relatives from Europe. I'll be announcing the date for the next webcam soon, so keep an eye out for that. At the end of the month I'll be up in Canada for about 10 days for a number of personal appearances in the western provinces. So hopefully I'll be able to do at least one webcam from up there.

Friday, August 10, 2012
If you were among the members who were at Tuesday's aborted webcam show and would like to receive a small gift from Brent as an apology for the continuing problems (it will probably be a signed postcard-sized picture of Brent), please email your name and mailing address to "". We have your usernames, but we'd like to confirm your address as well as have your approval to send you mail. We've obtained new software for the webchat and will announce a date for the next webcam show as soon as we've tested it successfully. Regards, George, Member Support

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Today's new video and vidcap gallery is Tim Bradley's audition for If he seems familiar it's because you've seen him before in a scene with Dayton O'Connor made a few days later. While this 21 year old gay and out soldier hadn't performed in front of a camera before, he had, before coming west to join up, performed for a while as a dancer, so he was familiar with the moves when the lights are on you. You can see why we brought him back! ;-) I hope to see you all this afternoon for my next live webcam show (we've tested the setup and everything is OK, but please keep your fingers crossed that nothing technical goes wrong this time).

Friday, August 3, 2012
Sorry guys, we have to postpone again, Brent and a friend are still working on getting his computer to run the live webcam chat software. But it looks like a no-go again. The software will only run on a Windows PC, and the other computer is a Mac. But the Tuesday date should give them enough time to fix everything and test the setup. For those of Brent's fans in the Vancouver area, this delay should give you enough time to recover from Vancouver's Pride Weekend. Too bad we can't all be there, it promises to be fabulous as always... Regards, George, Member Support

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I'm sorry guys but I have to postpone the webcam show once more, to Friday, because we haven't solved the problem that caused the cancellation of Monday's live webcam and, on top of that, I got stung by a bee in a strategic place so I have to wait a couple of days for the swelling to go down.... ;-)

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Here's this week's new video and vidcap gallery. This is Harris' audition tape (you'll find it on the Models' pages). Harris is a hot 20 year old Marine with a warm smile and a well-proportioned body. Being in front of a camera for the first time meant he was a bit quiet but not at all shy about going all out as you'll see. Let me know what you think. I hope to see you tomorrow at my next live webcam show at 5pm Pacific!

Monday, July 23, 2012
Guys, don't forget to check the site for new videos and image galleries. I'm hoping to be able to post a date for a new Strip Bingo soon, and I also hope to see you at my next live webcam show on Monday, July 30th at 5pm Pacific.

Monday, July 16, 2012
I've more or less recovered from our stay in London. What a fabulous place despite all the rain. So today I have another encounter for you with Dayton O'Connor; this time with Cade Rivers. Once Cade had been fucked for the first time by Jacob, he wanted to come back for more, and we were happy to oblige. So here's the video and vidcaps of that session. I can tell you Cade moved carefully for quite a while after that shoot. ;-

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Brent and Steve are still over in London, England and painting the town red as you can see if you've checked out the blog. So it's up to me to upload this week's edited webcam and vidcap gallery. Today you're going to see the results of last week's hidden camera show. It's something Brent had been wanting to try out for a while - inviting a couple of fuck buddies over to watch some porn without telling them they'd be on the air live. Hiding a small camera and not being able to change any angles or zoom in or out shows the restrictions of this kind of thing. But the boys had a lot of fun as you'll see. I can't give you a date yet for the next webcam show, but it'll probably be around the end of the week. Also, look out for a new video soon with Cade Rivers and Dayton O'Connor. All the best, George, Member Support

Sunday, July 1, 2012
Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends. Here's a hot new video and vidcap gallery for all you guys. You'll find "Cody meets Dayton" on the Buddies Pages and below. This is the first time that Cody has gotten to gether with Dayton O'Connor on the website. The shoot took place outdoors on a friend's deck with San Diego as a backdrop. I think that makes it all the hotter. For those of you who were disappointed by the live webcam chat problems on Friday, I'm hoping to make things up to you tomorrow, Monday, at 5pm Pacific. See you there?

Friday, June 29, 2012   6pm
I don't know yet what happened in San Diego this afternoon, I haven't been able to contact Brent by phone yet. I'll see if the webcam show can be re-scheduled for Monday, July 2 at 5pm Pacific, but at the moment that's not certain. Please check back from time to time, anything new will be posted here ASAP. Regards, George, Member Support  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sorry everyone, but Brent has to postpone the webcam show scheduled for today until Friday, June 29th at 5pm Pacific. It's due to a doctor's appointment that was just re-scheduled to this afternoon at the last minute. I hope you all understand, George, Member Support

Sunday, June 24, 2012
For today's new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery, I'm home alone in my bedroom in San Diego and as usual it's hot. Because I can't concentrate on work, my mind turns to the usual. ;-)  This show was shot with the webcam which isn't high definition (the expensive HD camera still isn't back from the repair shop), but despite that, the video leaves nothing to your imagination... I'm really hoping we'll get our good camera back very soon, so we can film the three-way we're all eagerly awaiting. I hope to see you on Tuesday, June 26th at 5pm Pacific.

Monday, June 18, 2012
With today's new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery let me introduce you to Roman Priapus, a super-hot young masseur!! His first appearance on the site has been awaited impatiently while we worked through out technical problems of the past few weeks. So it's probably no surprise that it resulted in the longest live webcam show ever since I started my site - about 90 minutes. And let me tell you, if you weren't one of the three dozen or so members who were there last week, you missed something really hot. It took me several days to recover from the pounding I got! lol I hope you agree with me that it was worth the wait! Will you be there tomorrow, Tuesday at 5pm Pacific for the next live webcam show?

Saturday, June 9, 2012
As promised, here's this week's new video and vidcap gallery. I hope it makes up a bit for the webcam problems we've been having during the last little while. This is Cade & Jacob: Cade learns what it feels like - you'll find it on the Buddies Pages. You already know Cade Rivers and Jacob Deacon, they've proved to be popular favorites of yours. Today's twist is that Cade agreed to bottom for the first time in this video. And remember, both Cade and Jacob are straight, even if extremely open & eager for new experiences. As you'll see Cade was in for the surprise of his life (well, one of them anyway).

Thursday, June 7, 2012   6:30pm Pacific
After a few hours of on and off again, the website is back up and everything appears to be working as it should. We seem to have dodged a bullet and don't have to be moved to a new server. Apparently some programming on the server became corrupted and prevented the site from opening. The webhosting company is still checking that everything is OK. If it isn't, there may be another interruption of service. So, please, keep your fingers crossed for a while. Oh, and keep a lookout tomorrow or Saturday for a new Cade Rivers & Jacob Deacon scene... ;-)  Thanks, George, Member Support

Thursday, June 7, 2012   3:30pm Pacific
Guys, just when we thought things couldn't get any worse, they have. This time it's not a question of our own equipment (not that that makes us feel any better). Just in time for today's live webcam show, our server has gone down. Our webhosting company is working on the issue. But because it appears to be a hard drive issue as well as a possible hacker attack, we may have to be moved to a different server, which will make unavailable for a while, but hopefully not more than a few hours. Please be patient a while longer. The black clouds still appear to be lingering above our heads. Regards, George, Member Support

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Just a quick note guys, The next live webcam show will be on Thursday, June 7 at 5pm Pacific. I still don't have a camera that'll allow live streaming, so I'll be using my computer's webcam for this one. The live flip flop webcam show with me and Roman Priapus is going to take place on Tuesday, June 12th at 5pm Pacific. I was able to get a hold of a rental camera for that one and wanted to do the show as soon as possible after my Los Angeles Pride commitments this coming weekend. I'm really sorry for all the confusion lately, I expect to get my own camera back by next week. Hope you can make it on Thursday.

Sunday, June 3, 2012
Brent has asked me to apologize to you all because he has to cancel another webcam show. He hasn't been able to find out when his good HD camera will be fixed and has been unable to rent a camera that will stream live. So he's reluctantly decided to cancel all webcam shows till the problem is resolved. He doesn't want to disappoint those of you who come to the webcams by having to cancel so often at short notice. If he can't rent a streaming camera, he (and Steve) will shoot scenes with himself and/or other models for editing and uploading to the site in the near future. Hopefully, we'll be able to return to normal in a short while. Regards, George, Member Support

Friday, June 1, 2012
Today's new video is something a bit different. I hope you'll like it. Back in 2006 I shot a scene with Pierre Fitch in Vancouver (it's on page 7 of the Buddies Area). We came across some "behind the scenes" footage from the shoot and I thought you might like to see some of it, and that's what I've just uploaded. The video is not widescreen because we didn't have HD cameras back then, but it's still pretty good. So take a peek. See you Sunday at 3pm Pacific? Even if we don't have our good camera back yet? Keep checking for any updates about that here, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Well, the black clouds are still following Brent. If you came to today's webcam show, you already know that things didn't go well. Brent came back ill from the Vegas flights (for some reason he often seems to pick up some cold or flu virus while flying) but he didn't want to cancel the webcam show again because of the scheduling problems lately. Unfortunately the model who was able to come today was very nervous because it was his first time and Brent was in no shape to help out. And on top of that, Steve had an appointment out of town. So the show had to be broken off half-way through. The fact that the HD camera still isn't back from the repair shop didn't help either. The next scheduled webcam is the flip-flop duo with Brent and Roman Priapus this Sunday, June 3rd at 3pm Pacific. Since there's still a chance that the camera won't get back in time, please keep checking the site for updates. Hopefully, this will be the last time for apologies for a while. Regards, George, Member Support

Thursday, May 24, 2012
Guys, just when we thought things couldn't get any worse, they have! First, the guys didn't get the HD camera back from the repair shop when they were supposed to and couldn't rent a replacement that can stream live in time for today. Then, Alex Vaara ended up with a scheduling conflict and couldn't make it today either. While Brent & Steve were trying to figure out what to do, they found out that they have to fly up to Las Vegas early tomorrow morning instead of Saturday. And if that wasn't bad enough, Brent had an emergency dental appointment tomorrow which he now has to take this afternoon. All this to explain the reasons for cancelling the three-way show today (don't worry, it'll be re-scheduled) and having the next webcam on Wednesday at 5pm Pacific (hopefully with the repaired camera). With apologies once more, George, Member Support

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Today's new video and webcam gallery has me in the shower, well what's going to be a sauna soon... The really interesting thing is what happened after my shower. Have you ever noticed that I always take a shower BEFORE anything happens? lol  I hope to see many of you tomorrow, Thursday, at 5pm Pacific together with Alex Vaara and Paul. Try not to miss it. Otherwise you'll have to wait for the edited video...

Saturday, May 12, 2012
I'm sorry everyone, but I've just had a call from Brent and he has to postpone today's webcam show to Tuesday, May 15th at 5pm Pacific. It's been extremely hot today in San Diego and there's just been a power failure in his area of the city. As you can imagine, Brent is very upset that this happened because of all the recent postponements and cancellations. He was really hoping that his luck had changed...  Regards, George, Member Support

Friday, May 11, 2012
This week's new video and webcam gallery on the Buddies Pages is from a while ago but just newly edited - Jon & Tanner. You've seen Jon who's a marine here a few times, but Tanner is new to my site. They're both hot and enthusiastic and have no limits...  Don't forget, my next webcam is tomorrow, Saturday, May 12 at 3pm Pacific. See you there?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Hurray, hurray, the first of May, outdoor fucking starts today! Well, that's what we say back home in Canada... I apologize for having to cancel Wednesday's Bingo, but my eyes are much better now, so I'll be able to post dates for new webcams and the next Bingo asap. Today's new webcam is another first for me (and I have to say I'm sorry for this as well). I'm calling it my Secret White Party because I forgot to post the date for this Easter webcam on the site and on the Blog, so it really was a secret for most of you. But check it out, there I am ready to party, wings and all...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012   
I'm sorry everyone but today's Strip Bingo has to be cancelled. You may remember that earlier this year Brent contracted an eye infection. Unfortunately it's returned in a more serious way that makes it very painful for him to work under bright lights. He's being treated by an ophthalmologist this morning and with any luck should be OK again in a few days. We'll let you know of any new developments asap. Regards, George, Member Support

Monday, April 23, 2012
Today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery is from a couple of weeks ago when I initiated my newly built locker room studio. I originally built this (with my own two hands) for a new setting for some videos we're shooting that should be up on the site fairly soon. The webcam was a bit shorter than usual (because I came a bit earlier than expected). Maybe that was Steve's fault! lol I hope to see you at this Wednesday's Strip Bingo which will be at 5pm Pacific. If you're new to the site, click here for all the rules and to order a bingo card.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Better a bit late than never! Things have been a bit confused here lately what with a couple of last minute webcams that weren't properly advertised. I hope I can make up for all that with today's new video and vidcap gallery that you'll find on the Buddies Area. This video was shot a little while ago with two of your favorites - Cade Rivers, super-hung Kayden Hart & his boyfriend Troi, here for the first time! One 10 incher and two 9 inchers, what more could any sex-starved guy want? Cum and check them out. You'd think they hadn't had sex in a long time, and bareback too... My next live webcam will be this Sunday at 3pm Pacific right after our trip to Detroit. See you there?

Monday, April 2, 2012
And now for today's new webcam and vidcap gallery I give you Paul once more. The videos and pictures are on the Buddies Pages. I know from your reaction that he's a hit with everyone. This time we go back to late last year when he first came to us to audition. You know he's only 19 and straight, but he's not inhibited. This first time, he was a bit shy and quiet still, but oh, so willing and eager. You'd never know this was his first time in front of a camera! ;-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012
You've been asking for it for a long time, guys. Well, the wait is over. Today's new edited webcam and vidcap gallery is an event for and it was for me as well. ;-)  For the first time ever on the website, I get fucked live!! And boy was the wait worth it. You just saw him for the first time a few weeks ago. Super-hung Paul is back with a vengeance. Because, remember, he's straight and this was his first time fucking a guy. Really! But you'd think he'd been doing it for years! You should have been there to experience it live!  LOL

Monday, March 19, 2012
Today's new webcam and vidcap gallery has me "visiting" my office supposedly answering my email. But, of course, you know what happened instead. I sincerely apologize to anyone still waiting for me to write to them. Steve and I are still recuperating from this weekend's trips to Austin and Las Vegas, but I hope I'll soon be strong enough to give you a date for the next live webcam show. ;-)

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Let me introduce you to Paul, the new model who appeared in today's new webcam video with me back on January 3rd. He's 19, a wrestler, straight but open-minded. This first time, it was a dueling jackoff "contest" between him and me. But, if you were at this Friday's live webcam, you already know that this won't be his only appearance on the site. I won't tell you here what happened on Friday, but it isn't too difficult to find out! lol  The fact that today's new video features Paul and me together just days after another webcam with him and me is purely coincidental! My editor had no idea this was going to happen!

Friday, March 2, 2012
I've got another new video for you guys. This time it's a model who's new to the site. His name is Kris Diesel, a navy corpsman, who shot his first ever live webcam for you and us a few months ago. He absolutely wanted to try out some of my toys. Who was I to say no to him? Check him out in the Buddies Area. I'm sorry we had to delay Monday's Strip Bingo to Wednesday again because of technical problems with our equipment. And then we had a great surprise, the whole thing only lasted about 20 minutes (11 numbers) before someone from Canada yelled BINGO (OK, typed). It was the shortest bingo ever. We didn't even have all our clothes off, let alone had chugalugged enough shots to start feeling it. lol  I hope to see you at 5pm today for my next webcam show. Are you gonna cum?

Sunday, February 26, 2012
This week's new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery is called "Brent in Suspenders (again)" - the "again" is for the coincidence that a few weeks ago there was another video of him in new suspenders. Coincidence, because the live webcam shows actually took place some time apart. It just so happened that they were edited out of sequence... But you need to know that Steve has a thing for Brent in suspenders, so he often brings home new ones for him to try out. The thing about suspenders and webcam shows is that they have to come off before anything much can happen... lol  Don't forget Brent's live webcam at 4pm Pacific today and his Strip Bingo on Monday, February 27, also at 4pm Pacific. George, Member Support

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Well, we all survived my birthday and Valentine's Day, but I don't mind telling you, it was touch and go for a while! And I apologize for the confusion of the last few days. You'd think another year would make me more responsible, but it hasn't quite kicked in yet! lol I have a hot new video for you today though that'll help make up for everything I hope. Alex Vaara came back for another go around with me a couple of weeks ago. How could I resist! Could you? If you missed the live webcam, don't miss this video! ;-)

Friday, February 10, 2012
Just had a call from Steve. He and Brent apologize but they have to postpone today's webcam show to Tuesday, February 14th at 5pm Pacific. Apparently lots of friends and colleagues from the industry have started arriving in San Diego earlier than expected and are creating chaos at home. So rather than having to deal with all that and the show, they decided to postpone and build in enough recovery time to make sure that the next show (which will feature a guest model together with Brent) will be great. Sorry for yet another postponement, George, Member Support

Monday, February 6, 2012
We had a fantastic time in Reno and Las Vegas this weekend with a couple of great shows. The only fly in the ointment was all the time we had to spend on airplanes flying back and forth; and, oh yeah, someone stole my cell during one of the shows, can you believe it? Anyway here's a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. We're calling it "the Glee Set!". Check it out and you'll see why! lol This Friday, February 10 at 5pm Pacific there'll be a special birthday webcam show (with perhaps some surprises), so cum and watch me live. Don't worry, I'll have a bang-up birthday bash on Saturday!

Thursday, February 2, 2012
I'm sorry guys, I just had a call from Steve. Today's webcam has to be postponed to next week. The date will be announced shortly. The model scheduled for today had to take his partner to the hospital because of a sudden illness and Brent can't jump in today because of his treatment for the eye infection that's been plaguing him for the past couple of weeks. With our apologies, George, Member Support

Monday, January 30, 2012
Just in time for Tueday's Strip Bingo, here's the edited version of last week's Cybersocket Award webcam show. Fortunately the camera recorded both video and sound, unlike the live show which was like a silent movie due to a technical glitch. Despite the problem, we had a lot of fun doing it, the silence didn't detract at all from the sexperience. lol  See you tomorrow at 4pm Pacific?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Our editor had to deal with a couple of lengthy power outages up in the Canadian winter, but here finally is my latest edited webcam and vidcap gallery. It's me with new suspenders, a gift from Steve. Don't they look good on me, for all of a couple of minutes? ;-)  Thanks for the many messages of support for my winning the Cybersocket Web Award for Best Porn Actor, but of course I couldn't have done it without you! Don't forget, the next Strip Bingo is coming up on Tuesday, January 31st at 4pm Pacific. For all the bingo details and how to order your bingo card, click here.

Saturday, January 14, 2012
I'm happy so many of you came to yesterday's webcam show despite the late change. I'll do better in future and try not to party the night before a show, no matter how strong the temptation. But today I have a new video and image gallery for you. We filmed this some time ago with Fabio, an Italian stud who was visiting from Italy. We met him while he was go-go dancing in San Diego and he decided to film a jacuzzi & bedroom scene for us. Check him out. ;-)  I'm also bringing back Alex Vaara in a couple of weeks, back by popular demand. And, at the end of January, we'll have another one of my Strip Bingos. Check here for more news soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2010
I'm sorry everyone, but I've just had a somewhat shaky phone call from Brent asking me to postpone today's webcam show to tomorrow, Friday, January 13th at 5pm Pacific. Apparently, he and Steve were taken out last night by a bunch of friends to celebrate his being named Cybersocket's Best Porn Star of the year. The celebrations lasted until this morning and Brent is now still "under the weather", suffering from the results of excessive consumption and lack of sleep. He promises a total recovery by tomorrow and asks for your understanding. I have had some appropriate words with him on your behalf. ;-)  George, Member Support

Friday, January 6, 2012
The first live webcam of the new year is behind us and here's the first new video of 2012 for you. I'm trying on a new singlet in the shower, it's really clingy and feels very sexy. I loved doing this one and hope, if you weren't there for the live show, you'll love this video as well. Early next week, I'm off to West Hollywood for the annual CyberSocket Web Awards and the 2012 XBIZ Awards. I'll let you know if I win anything. ;-)  But because of that, the next live webcam show can't be till Thursday, January 12 at 5pm Pacific. I hope to see you there!

Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year everyone. I want to apologize to anyone who may have been confused by the original announcement of a webcam show for today. As you can see, it was corrected to Tuesday, January 3rd at 4pm Pacific. This is the sort of thing that happens when you do things in the middle of the night before catching an early morning flight to New York City. LOL  I promise it won't happen again (at least not this exact same thing)!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Here it is, the last new video of 2011, and it's a doozie. Just before Steve & I left for Texas for Christmas, I did this webcam show with a hot young twink model by the name of James Sparks. It was his first time and he was really eager and got really into it as you'll see if you missed the show last week. The camera work is a bit wonky at times, but we thought it was better not to cut out too much so as not to spoil the flow of the action.
I'm not sure yet if I can squeeze in a last 2011 webcam show before we head off to New York City for the New Year's weekend, so, just in case - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Monday, December 19, 201
Well guys, Steve & I are about to get underway - we're driving to Texas from San Diego!! But first, here's a new video and vidcap gallery for you. I'd like to introduce you to Mike West, another marine buddy we filmed a while ago. It was his first time in front of a camera, so he was a bit quiet, but, as you'll see, he knew exactly what to do... I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We'll try to do a live webcam show from Texas, so keep checking back for the announcement. Have a great holiday,

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 
I'm sorry everyone, but Brent is still not well enough to do his webcam show today. Steve has asked me to let you know that the show has to be postponed to Friday, December 16th at 4pm Pacific. Brent will be doing the webcam show with a new cute young model who'll be appearing here for the first time - it'll be a sort of break-in show. So, hopefully you'll be able to come back for it. With everyone's apologies, George, Member Support

Monday, December 12, 2011
I have a hot new edited webcm show for you today, guys, and I really hope you find it as hot as I did last week when I did it live with Alex Vaara, a really hot and eager new addition to the site. I also hope you like the changes to the design of the Member Area to bring it in line with the earlier changes to the unrestricted pages. There's still more work to do, but I hope where we've gone so far is OK with you (especially since the design is all my own). ;-)  See you tomorrow at 4pm Pacific?

Friday, December 9, 2011
I'm sorry everyone, but we have to postpone today's webcam show to Tuesday, December 13th at 4pm Pacific. Both Steve & I are still down with the flu (the weather in southern California has been miserable these past two weeks). But everything should be back to normal by Tuesday. See you then?

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Hey guys, I hope those of you who came to yesterday's hot webcam show with Alex Vaara and me had a good time! ;-)  We'll have that edited as soon as we can and add it to the site for everyone to check out. Today's new webcam show and vidcap gallery is from very early this year. Steve & I are just back home from the holidays which we spent together with our families in the Cayman Islands and Texas. Unfortunately, the weather difference between there and New York City where we celebrated New Year's left me with a vicious cold. I was just getting over the tail end of it when I did this webcam show. Take a look.

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Brent is off to Las Vegas for a surprise appearance together with Perre Fitch this weekend. So he asked me to post this recently edited video of everyone's favourite model Jacob with Diesel, appearing here for the first time. I think you'll agree this is one of the hottest vids on the site so far! ;-)  Check it out & see if you don't agree, George, Member Support

Monday, November 21, 2011
Hey guys, Steve & I are still recuperating from our fantastic trip to Guatemala City. You won't believe this, but we spent a lot more time in the air than on the ground. But while we were there, we had a great time. Today's video and webcam is from a while ago with a model by the name of Peter Black. He operated the camera himself and focused it on mainly one thing. Take a look. :-)  I hope to see you all at this month's Strip Bingo on Wednesday at 4pm Pacific. If you don't have a bingo card yet, it's not too late, but hurry. Go to the Bingo Page for details and a link to order your card.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Here's a new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery that you'll be very happy to see. Jacob is finally back after almost two years. Among other things he's been in the Far East serving a tour of duty with the military. But during the summer he did a webcam show with me and, as you'll see, he's as beautiful, charming, hot and enthusiastic as ever! Don't you agree? ;-)  Make sure to come to the webcam show this Friday at 4pm Pacific with our new hot model Sasha...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I'm really sorry for the kerfuffle over yesterday's webcam show, guys. I'd promise it will never happen again, but I don't want to damage my credibility with you. :-) Today's new video and vidcap gallery is from last September, the day before Steve and I headed off to New York City once again. Of course, I wasn't ready to go yet, so the webcam was a bit shorter than usual to give us time to get everything we needed to take with us organized. But it was fun just the same (for me anyway). Enjoy!

Saturday, November 5, 2011
I'm sorry everyone, I hate to do this, but I have to postpone the webcam show to Monday, November 7th at 4pm Pacific. I wanted to avoid this because of the time change back to Standard Time which will inconvenience many members outside North America.
I'm doing this as a precaution, because my computer is more seriously damaged than we thought at first. (Steve's computer is a Mac and not compatible with the WebChat server software). I apologize for the confusion all this has caused. Please come to see me Monday.

Friday, November 4, 2011
Bad news, guys! Brent's new assistant just had an accident moving & damaging the computer. So Brent has to postpone the webcam to tomorrow, Saturday at 4pm Pacific. By then, he'll either have a new computer or a new assistant. I apologize for this on Brent's behalf. Will you be there tomorrow? George, Member Support

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Well, thank goodness Halloween has come and gone and I'm still alive. There was just a bit too much excitement and a few too scary moments even for me. ;-) To catch you while you're still in the mood, today I have the edited version of my annual Halloween fright night webcam show for you. Although, to tell you the truth, once you get past the costumes, it really isn't all that scary! Awwww...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery feature a new hot young model, Seth Roberts, and me, of course. :-)  When Steve & I met Seth in the spring we knew right away we had to try to get him for the site. And here he is! Isn't he something else though? Super hot & super enthusiastic. What more could anyone want? Later on tonight Steve & I are off to Anaheim (which is just south of Los Angeles, for those of you not familiar with southern California) for a live appearance. Tomorrow we'll spend the day recovering from our exertions and, then, on Thursday, October 27th at 4pm Pacific, get ready for my special annual HALLOWEEN webcam show, featuring blood, gore and just possibly some live zombies. You'll never know unless you cum...See you then?

Monday, October 17, 2011
Guys, October has turned out to be one super hectic month. Steve & I are out of town every weekend (we just got back from a fantastic weekend gig in Mexico City), and that makes every little hiccup much worse. I've had to cancel a couple of webcams and today's video should have been on the site last week! I hope you'll forgive me. "Four Guys and a Couch" from last month is special - it's the first four-way on the site because we did it just before our big "Military Madness Night" event last month and we had lots of friends in town for that. So enjoy!! Also, don't forget, this Wednesday at 4pm Pacific is our first Strip Bingo in a while. if you're new to the site and don't have a Bingo card yet, please click here for everything you need to know. I'm also planning a big special webcam for Halloween soon, so keep an eye out for that as well. ;-)

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Another disaster today, guys. Brent just called to say that his computer crashed an hour ago and he can't get it to work. Unfortunately, Steve's computer is an Apple product and the webchat software is for PCs only. So today's webcam has to be cancelled as well. Brent & Steve are heading for a gig in Mexico City on Friday, so the next event is the Strip Bingo next Wednesday at 4pm Pacific. But keep an eye on the news because the Bingo may be combined with a webcam. Brent will let you know after they come back home. Sorry for this new disappointment, George, Member Support

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I'm sorry everyone, but the webcam show has to be postponed to tomorrow at 4pm Pacific. There's a problem with the server hosting our webchat software and they've been unable to fix things in time. I apologize, but it's beyond my control.

Monday, October 3, 2011
We just got back from a wild weekend in New York City, so today we're spending a quiet day recovering and also celebrating our third wedding anniversary! Three years already, amazing! Today's new video and vidcap gallery is from just two weeks ago - me getting together with Steven Daigle. Boy was that a fun show! And very hot. Take a look if you weren't there! ;-)  I'm doing a shoot for C1R this week, so my next webcam show will probably not be till early next week - I think you can probably guess why! I'll give you the next date as soon as I can.

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Guys, if you weren't at yesterday's live webcam show, you really missed something - the first four-way on the site. I'll get it edited as quickly as possible, but it'll still take a while. So, remember, come to the weekly webcam show, you never know what's going to happen. We're still all recovering from last night's Military Madness Night event in San Diego celebrating the end of DADT for U.S. military personnel. While I'm in the recovery phase, you can enjoy today's new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery - Fuck, baby, fuck ... with Cameron Marshall and me. ;-

Saturday, September 17, 2011
I have a new edited webcam and vidcap gallery for you today. I've called it "Lollipop, Lollipop!" I think you can probably guess why. LOL  Steve got really excited during the filming and couldn't stay behind the camera...

Saturday, September 10, 2011
I'm sorry guys, but I have to postpone tomorrow's webcam show to Tuesday, September 13th at 4pm Pacific. I scheduled Sunday's show while I was still in Calgary, but as you may have heard, San Diego was hit with an almost 24-hour power outage on one of the hottest days of the year. All because some hydro worker in Arizona made a mistake, southern California, north-western Mexico and Arizona ended up with no power, no air conditioning and a mountain off rotting food. We're still cleaning up here, everything smells.
On a more positive note, Steve is hoping to get me a partner for Tuesday's webcam show, so it should be a hot one! ;-)

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Just back from Calgary's Pure Pride Festival. Steve & I had a blast. And thank gawd, I got my new passport in time to travel! Today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery is from June, way before I had all my troubles that I described last week. This time I'm trying out something new in the shower - a fleshjack that looks like a pop can. It wasn't really meant for me though - it's way too small. Take a look. ;-) See you on Sunday at 3pm Pacific?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Feeling better today! I have to, because tomorrow I'm off to Calgary, Canada, for their big Pride Festival. But today I have a webcam video and vidcap gallery from July 7th, which was during one of the worst weeks of my life. Read the lengthy tale of woe on the webcam page for the show. I won't bore you with it here. The next webcam show posted to the site will be longer, I promise! ;-)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I'm sorry everyone, but today's Strip Bingo is cancelled. Brent hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days, but he hoped to be able to do the bingo today. He was a bit over-optimistic. :-(  I apologize on his behalf, George, Member Support

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Something new for you today - I demonstrate the shadowbox I built for touring around the US where it's still illegal to dance nude in most states, and I pound Brent Corrigan's fleshjack ass. Lots of fun, but I wish Brent had been here in person! LOL  Don't forget, the next Strip Bingo is at 4pm Pacific on Tuesday, August 30th. If you're new to the site, click here for the rules and how to get a bingo card. Please ask for one no later than Monday. See you Friday at 5pm Pacific for my get-together with Cameron Marshall?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Guys, today I'd like you to meet Tyler West (unless you already met him at the webcam show two weeks ago where he did his very first live show). This is also the first time I had access to a massage table. It was a lot of fun, as you'll see. So don't be surprised if you see it again soon! ;-)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Today's edited webcam show has me in the shower again. It looks different from the last shower video because I spent quite a bit of time remodelling the shower. That sort of explains why some of you had to wait longer than usual for my answers to your emails. :-)  And to top it all off, I never got to turn on the water! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Another new webcam video with another hot new model here for the first time. I met Cliff Jensen in Florida last year, and now that he's moved to California, I hope we'll be able to show him to you often. Check him out - 22, 6ft 3in (190cm), and hot, hot, hot. Let me know what you think of him. ;-)  See you this Sunday at 3pm Pacific?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Today I have something special for you. Not an edited webcam show, but a scene with Dayton O'Connor and Tim Bradley that I've given the title "Dayton O'Connor fucks Tim Bradley". Dayton's appeared on the website before, so if you've seen his scenes you'll know what was in store for Tim. You'll see how Tim took up the challenge. This is one of the hottest videos on the site so far! Enjoy, but be careful! ;-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I apologize for today's problems with the webcam show. I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. I've just posted a new edited webcam show for you. It's called "Getting Ready for Strip Bingo". It'll act as a reminder that the next bingo is coming up next week. Don't forget to get your card if you need one - click here for the details.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I apologize for today's problems with the webcam show. I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. I've just posted a new edited webcam show for you. It's called "Getting Ready for Strip Bingo". It'll act as a reminder that the next bingo is coming up next week. Don't forget to get your card if you need one - click here for the details.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Today's show will start about 15 minutes late. Brent's L.A. guest has been delayed in traffic. With Brent's apologies, George, Member Support

Friday, July 15, 2011
I'm sorry everyone, but Brent has to disappoint you  once again by
postponing today's webcam show to Tuesday, July 19th at 4pm Pacific. The timings for today's start of the San Diego Pride Weekend (where Brent is appearing) were changed at short notice making today's show impossible. With his apologies (and the anticipation of a special guest on Tuesday), George, Member Support (and Official Apologist)

Monday, July 11, 2011
Well, we had a fabulous time in Washington this past weekend (nothing got stolen!). So I feel a lot better than last week at this time. ;-)  Today's new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery is from earlier this spring. I'm in the shower and Steve's behind the camera! I had a blast. See at the next webcam show? There may be a surprise...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I'm sorry everyone, but
I have to postpone the webcam show to tomorrow Thursday, July 7 at 4pm Pacific. I don't know if you heard, but our room was broken into while we were in Michigan for Independence Day. They stole everyone we had with us - camera, suit cases, cash, etc. I thought I''d be able to replace everything I need for the show in time, but no go. So it has to be tomorrow. Please forgive this delay, will I see you tomorrow?

Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Independence Day, all you lucky Americans! Brent & Steve are off doing whatever one does on this day in San Diego, and Brent left it up to me to post this hot new video for you - check it out, it's called Teamwork. Up here in Canada it's just another normal working day today. We celebrated Canada Day on July 1st with fireworks and an absolutely grand Pride Parade in Toronto with one million visitors. Hard to beat that!! Cheers, George, Member Support

Monday, June 27, 2011
I'm feeling better, so the next webcam will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, June 28th at 4pm Pacific. In the meantime, I have a new edited webcam show for you. This time I'm taking a break from building a new set in my studio to do the show. All the clutter made me horny. What can I say, construction materials turn me on! LOL


Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sorry guys, I have to disappoint you. Tomorrow's webcam show has to be postponed. Brent has been sick for two days with a serious stomach virus and has to see his doctor again to review his medication which is not working. The show is tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday, June 28th at 4pm Pacific. I will keep you informed of developments. 
With Brent's apologies, George, Member Support

Monday, June 20, 2011
From two weeks ago, here's the edited webcam video of me initiating Russell Ryan. This was his first ever live XXX show anywhere, and he took to it like a duck takes to water. :-)  Boy was he enthusiastic, Steve and I just love him! What do you think, should we bring him back for more? Let me know...

Monday, June 13, 2011
We should be on our way back from the Edmonton "Pure Pride" celebrations by the time you see this new webcam video. It's from last November when we had a big birthday bash for Steve at home and at a local club in San Diego. Despite all the decorations, I was all by myself because our friends were about to come over. Didn't stop me from having some "old-fashioned" fun first though! :-)  See you on Wednesday at 4pm Pacific?

Monday, June 6, 2011
Today's newly edited video is from last fall, from right after I got back from Texas where the Fleshjack people made all the molds for my fleshjacks and dildo. Now I'm in the studio with my new outfit and without my pubes (which I had to lose for the molds), Of course, I was as horny as ever... but I know you won't be surprised by the result! ;-)  Don't forget tomorrow's live XXX show with me and Russell Ryan at 4 pm Pacific. Also, you can still email us for a card for Wednesday's Strip Bingo.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Well guys, here's a new edited webcam show video and vidcap gallery for you. I'm previewing my leather costume for the 2010 GayVN Awards in San Francisco. Boy was it hot (literally)! But it really turned Steve on and he abandoned his position behind the camera several times to get into the act. I also want to apologize again for the cancellation of last Wednesday's show and really hope to be able to make it up to you tomorrow (Wednesday, June 1st) at 4pm Pacific.

Wednesday, May, 25, 2011
Guys, I've just had a call from Steve. There's been another internet service interruption thanks to AT&T, so
today's show has to be cancelled. Brent & Steve are off to the Grabby Awards in Chicago tomorrow, so the next webcam show will probably not be till next Wednesday, June 1st. Steve asked me to apologize on Brent's behalf. Thanks for your patience, everyone. George, Member Support

Monday, May 23, 2011
Hi everyone, Today's new webcam video is from my birthday earlier this year. I decided to give away the fleshjack I used during the show to one of the participating members. So you see, when you cum there, you may actually take something away from time to time. LOL Do you really need more encouragement?


Monday, May 16, 2011
Hey guys, Here's another new webcam show for you. A week after I had him, Matt Singer decided to come back for another round - this time with Jayden Grey. You don't think he wanted to make comparisons, do you? LOL  Well, it was a gorgeous day, so we did the show outside on a friend's deck. These two hot guys went at it so enthusiastically, I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear them. Didn't call the cops though. Why do you think that was? I'm sure you'll love this one.

Monday, May 9, 2011
Hey everyone, To help make up for Saturday's disappointment, here's the freshly edited webcam and vidcap gallery from last week's really hot show between me and Matt Singer. Those of you who were there live will remember how we went at it. It was really something to experience! ;-)

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Hi guys,
I want to apologize for the loss of streaming video signal during the webcam show this afternoon. I'll be investigating what happened, because right now we're all mystified. The internet appears to be sort of working here (I can download, but I can't upload). That's something I've never experienced before. It may have something to do with the company which provides the streaming server and software. They've just moved all clients to a new faster server (you may have noticed the improved video quality at the beginning, about 50% highr resolution). I was online with them earlier today to make sure that everything was working, and it was. So for now, all I can do is apologize to you. But don't worry, we continued to film during the time we were off the air, so you'll be able to see everything that happened soon (probably next weekend). Last week's webcam with Brent & Matt Singer should be up on the site Monday, Mother's Day celebrations permitting. :-)  Once again, I'm sorry for today's disappointment,

Monday, May 2, 2011
Hi guys, Well, May 1st was certainly a memorable day - congrats to all the US service personnel who finally got rid of one of the world's worst criminals! On a lighter note, in Canada we have a saying: "Hurray, hurray, the first of May! Outdoor fucking starts today!" - it gets warm a bit later in Canada than down here in San Diego ;-)  Go ahead, try it out! And then there's today's new video and vidcap gallery for you. This time it's not a webcam but an audition shoot of Robert, a dancer at one of our local clubs. He was bit shy, but a hot eyeful! Let me know what you think of him. I also have some news for the recent bingo winners who've been waiting for their prizes. We've untangled the confusion left behind by my former assistant, and you should receive your winnings shortly. Thanks a bunch for your patience, and don't forget, come back to the next bingo. You might win again! ;-)


Monday, April 25, 2011
Hey everyone, I hope you had a great Easter weekend. Fort Lauderdale was lots of fun for me, as usual. And today I've got a new webcam video for you. It's from last summer during Pride season. Steve & I had just finished the move to our new place which has room for a studio. I'm planning to build a lot of sets for it. If you've been a member of the website for a while, you know I love constructing and painting - both walls and pictures. ;-)  So the studio is still bare. The show is a bit shorter than usual too, because we've got friends coming over to help us celebrate San Diego Pride. But, as usual, I don't need a lot of encouragement, I was horny as ever, so it didn't take long before I got hit in the face. LOL  See you at Bingo on Wednesday, April 27th at 4pm Pacific? If you're new to my website, the bingo rules and how to order cards, can be found on the Bingo page.

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Hey everyone, I've got a new webcam video and vidcap gallery for you today. It's from last month from my parents' place in the Cayman Islands. Man was it hot and humid there - even for someone from San Diego! I did the show from my parents' living room because we couldn't find any place outdoors to do the show from. Fortunately my parents were able to get a faster internet connection so we can now do proper webcams from there. I hadn't had sex or cum for a few days because of the heat, so I was all set to go. Take a look at what happened. LOL  See you on Wednesday, April 20th at 4pm Pacific?

Monday, April 11, 2011
There's a problem with today's webcam show, guys. It has to be postponed to Wednesday, April 13th at 4pm Pacific. Brent & Steve got home from Pittsburgh late last night to find that their internet wasn't working. They've contacted their cable company to find the problem, but just to be on the safe side, Brent needs to postpone the show by two days. Regards, George, Member Support

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Hey everyone, My trip to Pittsburgh was a great success, with live appearances at Pegasus nightclub on Friday night and at Pulse Niteclub in Youngstown, Ohio on Saturday night. But tonight I'll be back home (exhausted)! I have a new edited webcam show for you today. It's Aiden Snow and me together. Aiden is another one of those hot, young and straight marines who've modeled for us over the past little while - word is sure getting around in marineland! This is his first ever live show, so he was a little nervous, but no matter, as you'll see. Hope you'll like it and him! My next webcam will be tomorrow, Monday, April 11th at 4pm Pacific from home in San Diego. See you then?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Hey all, Brent just texted me that the next webcam show will be on Monday, April 11th at 4pm Pacific, after he returns home from Pittsburgh. Cheers, George, Member Support

Monday, April 4, 2011
Hi guys, I'm off to Los Angeles for a few days of shooting a new video for Channel 1 Releasing. But before I go, here's a new edited webcam and vidcap gallery from a couple of months ago. I'm alone in my office, letting my old fantasy take hold of me. You know the one - making out in the office, any office, staying one step ahead of the boss. It's pretty hot, I think, take a look. :-)  I'll post the date and time for the next live webcam as soon as I can figure out my schedule in LA and beyond. Perhaps it'll be on the weekend from Pittsburgh. I'll let you know ASAP.

Friday, April 1, 2011
Sorry guys, I just had a text from Brent. Today's show has to be postponed by 1 hour to 5pm Pacific. There's a problem with the set in the studio. George, Member Support

Monday, March 28,2011
Guys, Brent & Steve had to make a quick week-end trip to Las Vegas, the American captal of sin and bad taste. Before he left, Brent asked me to post this video for you. As you'll see, it may be about sin, but certainly not about bad taste. It's a record of Brent initiating the straight but eager Lucas Wolfe into going on camera for the first time with a male partner. Enjoy! George, Member Support

Monday, March 21, 2011
Hi all, I'm sorry for the confusion of the past few days, but I'm much better now and hope to be in top form by Wednesday. Today, I have the edited version of last week's live webcam from my parents' place in the Cayman Islands. Overlooking the beach on the balcony, just out of view of the passers-by was really hot. Also, I hadn't cum for five days, so you can probably imagine what happened! LOL Enjoy,

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hey guys,
I'm sorry but I have to disappoint you one more time. The next webcam won't be until Wednesday, March 23 at approximately 4pm Pacific. It'll be combined with Brent's Strip Bingo and, as a few times in the past, will follow immediately after the bingo. The Bingo will be at 3pm Pacific. Don't forget to email for your bingo card if you've recently joined the site and don't have one yet. Click here for the details. Brent hasn't recovered completely from the transcontinental return flights from the Caymans and is still not feeling well enough to perform with his "usual enthusiasm" for you. He asks for your forgiveness and promises to make it up to you. George, Member Support

Friday, March 18, 2011
Hello everyone, I've just been asked to let you know that today's webcam has to be postponed to Sunday at 2 pm Pacific. Brent & Steve got home late last night and because of the long flights and jet lag, Brent is not feeling well at all. He's asked me to apologize to all of you and said he should know better by now than to schedule a webcam the day after a long transcontinental flight. George, Member Support


Monday, March 14, 2011
Hey guys, As I promised during yesterday's "momentous" webcam show, here's today's new edited webcam from two weeks ago. This is me getting together with hot & eager Matthew Singer, a welcome newcomer to my site. I loved grooving on his giant dick. Even Steve, who's normally a very shy (?) person, couldn't resist getting in on the act several times. It's a good thing we were off to the Cayman Islands to visit with my parents the next day. I've now fully recovered! ;-)  Sadly, that visit is coming to an end later this week and I'll be back in San Diego Thursday night. That's a good thing though, because the next webcam show will be from there on Friday March 18th at the usual week-day time of 4pm Pacific. See you then?

Sunday, March 13, 2011
PLEASE NOTE: Because of the early time change to DST in North America, today's webcam at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern will be an hour earlier than usual if your clocks were not set forward by an hour overnight.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Hey guys, Steve & I are now in our second week on Grand Cayman visiting my parents. Our tans are progressing very nicely. :-) You can see some pics on my blog. Today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery is from a couple of weeks ago when I was home alone in San Diego. The video quality isn't quite as good as usual because I had to use a webcam, not the HD camcorder we usually use. But the video is pretty hot just the same. I talked longer than usual with the members who were there, and that made me really horny. So, go check out what happened... We'll be here on the island till a little after mid-month and then it's back to San Diego. I hope the weather there will have improved by then!

Monday, February 28, 2011
Hi all, Steve & I arrived on Grand Cayman in the Caribbean earlier today, where we'll be spending the next three weeks with my parents. I tell you, it's much hotter here than it was yesterday in San Diego! Here's a new edited webcam show for you - the first part of the double bill of a few weeks ago. Last week you got the second part with me and Jayden Grey, and today's is of the pre-show solo by our friend and my recent co-star in the latest, not-yet-released DVD for Chi Chi LaRue, Brandon Wilde. When Brandon heard about my get-together with Jayden, he said he wanted to do a pre-show solo to introduce Jayden and my scene. Well, who was I to say no? So, here's Brandon Wilde with the occasional paricipation of Jayden...

Monday, February 21, 2011
Today's edited webcam show and vidcap gallery is from just two weeks ago. I thought I'd share it with all those of you who missed it as soon as possible. I've wanted to get together with Jayden Grey for a while now and the opportunity came when he and Brandon Wilde came to visit Steve and me. Then Brandon said he wanted to do a pre-show solo to introduce Jayden and my scene. Well, of course I didn't say no (you'll see that next week). The scene with Jayden was very, very hot in quite a number of ways. I won't say any more about it here. Just cum and see for yourselves. ;-)  And don't forget, the next webcam show on Saturday, February 26th will be at 3pm Pacific and will be with me and hot pornstar Matthew Singer. Be there?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I'm really sorry guys, but I have to disappoint the bingo enthusiasts again today. Steve got the flu during our Houston trip and then passed it on to me a couple of days ago. I feel miserable because of that and because I'm going to have to postpone the Bingo to Thursday at 4pm Pacific.
I should be OK by then. Please keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day, guys. Well, Steve & I are just back home and recovering from our Houston trip! ;-)  But here's a newly edited webcam video and vidcap gallery for you. Lucas Wolfe came back to visit us after a long absence and was eager to try out one of my new Fleshjack designs - the one molded from my mouth. He loved using it so much that it almost became something like a how-to guide for using Fleshjacks. Cum take a peek. Tomorrow, February 15th at 4pm Pacific is the long delayed next Strip Bingo. I hope lots of you will be there. So, if you don't yet have a Bingo card, click here for the rules and to email us. But do it before the end of the day today, or we won't have time to send you a card

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Today's new webcam and vidcap gallery has me in front of one of the pictures I painted during the past few weeks. I suddenly got this urge to add painting to my love of sketching and drawing. And I wanted to share some of the resulting paintings with you to see what you think. Of course that wasn't the main reason for the webcam show!! ;-) My next webcam show is on Thursday, February 10th at 4pm Pacific, on my birthday. Cum share a piece of birthday cake with me. You never know what might happen. Also, if you don't yet have a Bingo card for February 15th, click here for the rules and to email us. PS - Almost forgot. If you haven't heard yet, F*CK U won Movie of the Year at the Cybersocket Awards last night. Yay!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I apologize for having to cancel the last webcam show at such short notice. My doctor did finally diagnose my allergic reaction to some medicine I was taking. I almost also had to cancel my filming for Channel 1 Releasing over the week-end, but in the end it turned out OK. Today's new webcam and vidcap gallery has me trying out the Fleshjack molded from my butt hole for the first time. You could say that I fucked myself during the show. :-)  Don't forget February 5th at 2pm Pacific, I'll be back for a new live webcam show with special guest Jayden Grey! This webcam will be a little longer than usual - there'll most likely be a little extra surprise for you.... That night I'll also be at the F Street Adult Store in Hillcrest promoting my line of Fleshjacks from 8 to 9pm. After that from 10pm on I'll be appearing at The E List UNZIPPED party, also in Hillcrest, hosted by ChiChi Larue. Cum by and say hello!

Thursday, January 27, 2011
I'm sorry guys, but today's webcam show is cancelled. Apparently, Brent has had some kind of allergic reaction and is still at his doctor's office. I don't have any other details right now. George, Member Support

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
For today's video we're back into the vault a bit - to earlier this summer when we first found Urijah, a then 20 year-old straight marine near the end of his enlistment. He said he was eager to experience everything and he's proved it often since then as you know. But this was his very first time in front of a camera. And with a little encouragement and help from Steve everything worked out with gusto! ;-)  See you tomorrow at 4pm Pacific? After that I'm off to Los Angeles for a few days to shoot another movie for Chi Chi LaRue and Channel 1 Releasing. And on February 5th at 2pm Pacific, I'll be back for a new live webcam show with special guest Jayden Grey!

Friday, January 21, 2011
The HD video footage from the second Texas webcam show is now up on the site.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Today's video is the second one from our travels in Texas in December. We spent the Christmas holiday period with Steve's family in the country south of Corpus Christi. Again, the internet there was a bit iffy, so the webcam video quality is a bit soft but, to help make up for that, there'll be some more high definition footage in a couple of days. It's still being edited today. Hopefully I'll be able to post it before this Friday's next live webcam show at 4pm Pacific time.See you then?

Friday, January 14, 2011
The High Definition versions of the Corpus Christi Webcam Show are now up on the site. Go take a look - it's almost like being there! LOL

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
As you know, during December we were away from home all month long. Today's webcam and vidcap gallery is the first of two we were able to record while on the road. This one is from Corpus Christi in Texas. It's significant not only because I had one of the hugest cumshots ever, but also because it'll allow us to post some High Definition video footage for the first time. I hope to be able to make this a more regular event in the future, but we're still working out some editing issues. The HD footage is not quite ready yet, but will be posted in a couple of days. In the meantime, enjoy the standard definition version of the show, if you weren't there live! I hope to see you all on Sunday, January 16th at 2pm Pacific at the next live webcam.


Friday, January 7, 2011
I'm sorry guys but I have to postpone today's webcam to Sunday at 2pm Pacific. I caught a very bad cold (maybe flu) in New York City over New Year's. I thought I'd be over it by now, but I need a couple of more days. I want to be at my best for you... ;-)  See you Sunday?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
We're finally back in San Diego, after more than a month away from home. Steve and I had a great time recuperating from an exhausting year with our families in the Cayman Islands and in Texas over the holidays. Now I'm raring to go again! I hope you like the start of the re-design of the site which should be done soon. The aim is to refresh everything and to make it easier to navigate as the technology changes. I even hope to be able to upload some High Definition videos soon. We've already experimented and found HD will stream if you have a fast enough internet connection. Today's new video - Brent & Urijah - is not a webcam but a scene we did together in our new studio during the summer. It's pretty hot, I remember it well!! :-)  Happy 2011 to you all, and see you on Friday at 4pm Pacific for the first webcam of the new year.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Well, guys, the holidays are almost here. Steve & I are now in Texas visiting his family. Today I've got the special Christmas webcam show for you that I did in November from our studio because I wanted to have a more festive one than we could do on the road. So here it is - with Urijah who came to help with some of the presents! ;-) This will be the last new webcam to be posted this year, but a new one will come in early January. I hope you can make my webcam show on Thursday at 4pm Pacific, because that will be the last one this year also. The next one will be in early January (after I've recovered from my New Year's visit to New York City). Merry Christmas & a Happy 2011 to you all, and thanks for your loyalty during 2010!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Well, guys, the internet is not co-operating with the Cayman Islands this time around. We did some speed tests on Monday and it was no better than on Saturday, so the next webcam won't be till Friday, December 17th from Texas (at the usual time of 4pm Pacific). Today's edited webcam show is "Big Red's" first live one for us, although he's been shooting scenes for a while. Take a look and let me know what you think of him. Is he a keeper? The webcam to be posted next week is the Christmas show we did a few weeks ago back home before we left. We were worried about the internet already and I also wanted to have a "christmassy" set in our studio. If you didn't make it for the live show, you'll love the video that's now being edited!

Monday, December 6, 2010
Hey everyone from the Cayman Islands where I am right now visiting with my parents. It's St. Nicholas Day in many parts of the world, especially in Europe, a day of gift giving. So, here's my gift to you today: the first ever webcam show from the new studio in our new house. I really love this because it allows me to design and build sets with my own hands. Can't wait to build more. The internet here in the Caymans is co-operating this year, so the next webcam show will be this coming Saturday at 12pm noon Pacific. That will allow us to do the show in the bright Caribbean sun. See you then?

Sunday, November 28, 2010
The family emergency is resolved and Bent & Steve can now relax in the Caymans with Brent's family. They're still looking for a reliable and fast internet connection, so the next webcam show will be on Thursday, December 2nd at 4pm Pacific. Brent asked me to post this newly edited webcam show from August 1st, the day of Vancouver's annual Pride Parade. The surprise guest during the show was Justin Parker who first did a webcam show for Brent four years ago when he was still living in Vancouver. I think you'll like this video, and you can also check out Justin's archived webcam near the end of the Buddies' Videos. Cheers, George  Member Support

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Brent & Steve were called away from San Diego early this morning because of a family emergency. I don't have the details yet, but to be on the safe side, Brent has asked me to cancel Saturday's Strip Bingo and make next Tuesday's webcam show tentative for now. Regards, George  Member Support

Monday, November 22, 2010
Today's new video and webcam gallery takes us back to the end of June, just before my trip home to Canada for Toronto and Vancouver Pride and a big family reunion in Saskatchewan. We're in the middle of our move to a new home in San Diego. Everything is in a big mess. Cum see what happened...

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Guys, today's webcam will start at about 4:15 pm Pacific, 15 minutes late. Please forgive me!

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Today's new video and webcam gallery will introduce you to Leo Paige (if you missed his first live webcam a few months ago).  He's just 18. With a sunny smile and a winning personality, he can't miss. Also, he's super enthusiastic and up for anything. So Steve can't resist giving him a hand (and a bit more)! Leo had already shot a number of scenes for another studio when he came to us. Once his contract runs out, you can be sure you'll see more of him on Do you want to? LOL

Friday, November 12, 2010
Guys, I'm sorry, I have to postpone today's webcam to tomorrow, Saturday, at 4pm Pacific. The carpet cleaning company hired by our landlord is coming by today at 3pm and their hose runs right through out studio. I totally forgot that when I posted the time for the show lasr week. Please forgive me! ;-)

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Hi guys, Surprise, surprise! Today's upload is the edited version of last week's Halloween webcam show - Brent's Lair - where
strange things are happening. I thought I'd get it up as close to Halloween as possible. I built the most elaborate stage set ever for this show and I think it really worked out well. Follow me into the dungeon and you'll discover that I've lured Urijah, the marine, and Andrew Bradley, an innocent young twink, into my lair to have my way with them. Not that I had to do much urging to turn them into willing participants in the goings-on. Cum and join them! ;-)=

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Hey everyone, Well, it's Halloween again, and we had a fantastic triple-bill of a Halloween webcam yesterday. If you missed it, don't worry, we're going to edit it right away and hopefully get it up on the site next week. In the meantime, I have a special video and vidcap gallery for you today. We shot it a few months ago with Kayden Hart and Cade Rivers. It was Cade's first experience of Kayden's super humongous cock and he survived! These two hot guys went all out and really enjoyed themselves. Cum take a look! ;-)

Monday, October 25, 2010
Because of timing problems and the necessity to finish the Halloween show set, I have to postpone Tuesday's model webcam to the following week. But look out for the possibility of a visiting Zombie on Saturday at 4pm Pacific. ;-)

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Hey everyone, If you missed Saturday's webcam, make sure you come to my special Halloween show on Saturday, Oct 30th at 4pm Pacific. Also, remember, I'm doing a special live show on the C1R website from LA on Thursday at 6pm Pacific, but you need to be a member of C1R. I've uploaded a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. I'm celebrating Spain's win of the 2010 World Cup just a few hours after it happened on a friend's unscreened patio. Thankfully, no one called the cops. LOL  See you again soon?

Monday, October 18, 2010
Hey everyone, Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 19th at 4pm Pacific, Lucas Wolfe will make a return visit to the site with his own webcam show. Try to be there if you can, he was a popular visitor the last time he was here. Today's new edited webcam and vidcap gallery is from early June just after I won the Fleshjack contest. I have some sexy new N2N underwear which really got Steve going! ;-)  Also, at the last webcam show, a few members asked when I did my first live webcam show. So, I've added it to the bottom of Page 16 of my video pages. It's from early March 2005. Take a look. My next webcam will be on Saturday, October 23rd at 2pm Pacific. See you there?

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hey guys, My next live webcam show will be on Saturday, October 16th at 4 pm Pacific and I'll have a new model with me - another hot young Marine - Aiden, just back from desert training! Don't miss it! ;-)  And today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery is a particularly hot one. Steve and I were in Fort Lauderdale where I filmed a scene for Channel 1 Releasing. After the filming was done, we did the webcam show from the set where the scene was shot. It got us both really turned on. Take a look! ;-)  Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to all my Canadian friends.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
It's hard to believe but today is Steve's and my second wedding anniversary. It seems like only yesterday that our families and friends got together to celebrate this great occasion of human equality that we still have to fight for here and in many other countries! Today's new edited webcam is not one of mine but Kayden Hart's first solo for us. You've seen him here before - he's a Exclusive Model. A super-hot, super-sized, super-enthusiastic participant in everything you can think of. What a treat this webcam show was, and what a treat for those of you seeing him here for the first time. Watch closely, and be careful what you do! LOL I'll post a date for the next webcam very soon, today Steve & I are recovering from our trip to Fort Lauderdale!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
My next webcam show will be from Fort Lauderdale on Saturday, October 2nd at 2pm Pacific. I want to apologize to you all for screwing up on Tuesday - the celebrations after the GAYVN Awards on the weekend got way out of hand. I guess you heard by now, we won for BEST PORN STAR SITE and you guys helped vote me in as FAN FAVORITE. I hope you'll forgive me for letting go! ;-)  I promise to do better. Till Saturday

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 3:15pm
Just had a call from Brent. Both he and Steve partied too much in San Francisco and are still "under the weather". Also, they have to catch an early flight to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow morning. So the webcam will have to be re-scheduled from there in a couple of days. Brent told me he's cutting down on his outside engagements after that, so that there should be no more repeats of these types of cancellations. I hope you'll understand. George, Member Support

Monday, September 27, 2010
Well, you can imagine how pumped I am from this award-winning week just past! Steve & I are just back home from San Francisco for a couple of days and then we're off to Fort Lauderdale again. I've uploaded a new webcam show for you; this one is one of my somewhat rare showers from a couple of months ago, a few weeks after Steve and I got back from my last visit with my parents in the Cayman Islands.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hey everyone, I've just had a quick call from Brent to tell me that he has to postpone today's webcam to tomorrow, Thursday, September 23 at 4pm Pacific. He's stuck away from home and can't get back in time. I apologize on his behalf, George, Member Support

Sunday, September 19, 2010
For today's video and vidcap gallery, we're going back a few months when Steve and I had been visiting my parents in the Cayman Islands. We came back with really bad sunburns because we forgot that the sun is much more direct there than even in San Diego and hadn't used the right kind of sunscreen. Of course that didn't stop me from getting horny, and doing it in front of the living-room window didn't stop me either! LOL  See you on the 22nd?

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Last Tuesday was somewhat of a special event for Urijah. It was
this straight marine's first time with a partner at a live webcam show and I broke him in myself. Well, if you missed the live show, here's proof that Urijah is not only open-minded (as he describes himself), but also very enthusiastic. I thought we should post this hot show as quickly as possible, so here it is! Don't forget, if you need a bingo card for Tuesday's Strip Bingo, there are only a few hours left to email us. Click here for the necessary info. See you Tuesday?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The time for today's webcam has been changed to 6pm Pacific. My apologies to all my members from outside the Americas - I know this will be inconvenient for most of you. I'm hoping to be online together with another hot model who's been unavoidably detained but has said he'll be here by then. See you at 6?

Sunday, September 5, 2010
New Orleans' Southern Decadence was a blast - they sure know how to have fun there! Today's new edited webcam is one some of you have been waiting for for quite a while. My elephant undies really got me going! Take a good look! ;-)   Don't forget to email Steve for a bingo card if you don't already have one. Remember, they're good for the whole season, so you don't need a new one if you got one earlier this year. See the note above for more details.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Just back home after finishing the Fleshjack moulding in Texas, guys. It was a lot of fun!! Just take a look at my blog. ;-)  Today, I have a new edited webcam and vidcap gallery for you, This time, Jacob, the marine that many of you have seen here before, takes time out before deploying to Afghanistan to train a newcomer to - straight boy Jimmy. This is Jimmy's first time doing a gay scene. Really! Just see the two of them going at it. You'll think he's done this before, but no, it really was his first time. And check out that tongue! See you Wednesday at 4pm Pacific.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Today's webcam show has to be postponed to 5pm Pacific time. All will be explained then, with apologies...

Sunday, August 22, 2010
I'm up in Los Angeles this weekend (no, I'm not partying, honest) hard at work having a dildo made for all those of you who've been asking me about it for a long time. Well, it'll be here soon. Oh yes, I will be partying a bit at the Channel 1 Releasing DVD release party for "Grand Slam - Little Big league 4", but that can't be helped! ;-)  But before that, here's a new new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you - it's me christening my new iPad with a lot of help from Steve, who almost forgot to operate the camera during the show. LOL  See you at the next live webcam on Thursday, August 26th at 4pm Pacific.

Monday, August 16, 2010
I'm happy to tell you that the next webcam show will be on Thursday, August 19th at 4pm Pacific, just before I head up to L.A. again to shoot more scenes for Chi Chi LaRue and C1R. See you Thursday?

Saturday, August 14, 2010
While we're working to sort out our camera troubles, I wanted to post this hot webcam show a day or so earlier than usual. It's Cade Rivers and me, together trying out a Fleshjack (and each other). Well, as you'll see if you weren't there, we got really turned on and shot tons of cum! Thanks for being patient,

Thursday, August 12, 2010
I'd hoped to be able to post a new date for a live webcam show by now, but the damage to my Canon camera is more serious than I thought on Sunday. My other high-end camera (which we use as a second camera for shooting scenes) is not designed for live streaming and my laptop's sound card is on the fritz. I hope to have a solution during the next couple of days, and as soon as we do a test to make sure there are no incompatibilities, I'll post a new date (and hopefully, also a date for the next strip bingo which you were asking about on Sunday). Once more, I'm really sorry, but a little black cloud seems to have been following me for a while. ;-)
PS - Don't forget to take a look at the new edited live webcam and vidcap gallery from last Sunday. Many of you have been asking for this. Cade Rivers getting together with 18 year old hottie Justin Chambers for Justin's first live webcam with a partner. I know you'll love this! ;-) And look out for Cade Rivers to re-appear again soon.

Sunday, August 8, 2010
I'm really sorry guys, but I think I'd better postpone today's webcam show to Tuesday at 4pm Pacific. I know I've been doing this too often since Steve and I have been on the road during this Pride season. I should know better by now than to schedule a webcam the afternoon after an event. It's just too easy to get caught up in the celebrations and get totally wasted. Our event in San Diego went really late last night (actually this morning) and I'm hung over and still running on little sleep from our road trip from Victoria to San Diego (we just got back on Friday night), and I really want to be at my best for you. So, my apologies once again and see you on Tuesday.
PS - Almost 10pm. Here's a new edited live webcam and vidcap gallery for you. Many of you have been asking for this. Cade Rivers getting together with 18 year old hottie Justin Chambers for Justin's first live webcam with a partner. I know you'll love this! ;-)

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Well, I've survived Friday's partying at Vancouver's famous Celebrities Night Club and the following very necessary recovery period. Those Vancouver boys sure know how to do it. I'd almost forgotten after all the time I've spent in the quiet of San Diego (don't tell anyone I said that!). Today's webcam show and vidcap gallery is from the day after one of those "quiet" San Diego gatherings. There were many of you online that day and your dirty talk made me especially horny!

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Guys, please note - the webcam show has been postponed to Sunday, August 1st at 4pm Pacific.

Monday, July 26, 2010
If you've read my blog, you know that Steve and I are now in Saskatchewan at a big family reunion. But at the end of the week we have to leave the family and head for Vancouver to take part in the Vancouver Pride Festival. So the next live webcam show will be from Vancouver on Saturday, July 31st at 2 pm Pacific. I love Vancouver and hope to be able to shoot some video of the city to share with you. But that all depends on what Steve and I actually get up to during the weekend! ;-)  Today's edited live webcam show and vidcap gallery on the Buddies' pages is from a few months ago and is a record of Cade Rivers' first live appearance on the site with a partner - me. As you'll see, it was a very hot session!

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Well, the move is all done and the last webcam show was actually from our new place. We got access to the internet just in time. I've also just finished filming a new scene for Channel 1 Releasing for a DVD which will be released in a few months. And now we're getting ready to fly to Saskatchewan for a big family reunion. So the nest webcam show will be coming to you from Canada. But today I've got a new edited webcam show for you. It's from last month when I christened the Fleshjack Award which you all helped me win with your votes. I've been christening my awards for a couple of years now (after a suggestion from a long-time member), and I have to tell you it's always very hot when I do that. For some reason it always makes me very horny. But then it doesn't take much to make me horny! ;-)

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Well, the move is almost done. At least everything is in our new place, now all we have to do is unpack and start decorating the place (we're gay, after all!). Here's Part 2 of Dayton & Kayden for you. And you won't be surprised at what they do during this segment of the video. Dayton especially gets his wish, a thorough fucking by a super-cock that hurts. But he's a real trooper! lol See ya later.

Monday, July 5, 2010
The Toronto Pride Festival was a blast. A million people came to watch the parade. A perfect way to celebrate Canada Day on July 1st and Independence Day on July 4th. If only it hadn't been so hot and humid - no sign of the Great White North this weekend! lol  Today's video is the first of a two-parter. Dayton O'Connor and Kayden Hart filmed this for us a couple of months ago and it was so hot that we decided not to edit it down too much. So today you're getting Part One - Sucking. ;-)  Hope to see you at my next live webcam from San Diego on Sunday, July 11th at 2 pm Pacific right after I finally finish my move.

Monday, June 28, 2010
Here's another one of my edited webcam shows and vidcap galleries for you, guys. I know it doesn't make up for the show I had to cancel yesterday, but I hope to make it up to you tomorrow! I hope you'll forgive me one more time. ;-)  See you tomorrow?

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Just had a call from Brent, guys. As you know, he and Steve are in the middle of moving to a new place. Well, AT&T decided to take this weekend to switch their internet account over and they won't have access to the internet till Monday afternoon. So Brent has no choice but to postpone today's webcam show to Tuesday, June 29th at 4pm Pacific. He hopes you'll understand. Regards, George, Member Support


Friday, June 25, 2010
I've added a photoshoot image gallery to the Dayton & Frank page. Take a look by clicking here.

Monday, June 21, 2010
Well, despite the one day delay, the Strip Bingo went ahead yesterday right after a really hot live webcam show by our new model, 18-year old hottie Leo Paige. You'll be seeing much more of him on the site soon. And yesterday's lucky bingo winner scored a copy of my brand new C1R Releasing DVD "F*CK U". It was a popular win. Today's new edited webcam is called "Brent and his Trojan". During this webcam I decided to use one of my extra large Trojan rubbers to see how much of my cum I could catch. Well, there was lots of dirty talk, so I got really horny quickly. I think you can guess the rest by now. But check it out for yourselves. Steve and I are still in the middle of moving to a new place in San Diego, so my next webcam show will be on Sunday, June 27th at 2pm Pacific. Also, don't miss BIG RED's webcam show on Thursday, June 24th at 5pm Pacific. He's our newest nodel and this is his debut.

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Once again, I have to apologize to those of you who came to the Strip Bingo today. As you all saw there was no sound because, somehow, my laptop's sound drivers got corrupted this morning and a bingo with no sound is worse than a webcam show without sound. I'm now trying to figure out what happened. If we can't fix the laptop, we'll set up my desktop computer for tomorrow's Model webcam show at 2pm Pacific, and the Strip Bingo will follow immediately after at around 3pm Pacific. This gives a small window of opportunity to those of you without bingo cards. If you email Steve at today, we can still email you a bingo card (remember to give Steve your username and put BINGO on the subject line.) See you tomorrow then?

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Guys, to help make up for yesterday's screw-up, here's a new edited webcam and vidcap gallery. It's Lucas Wolfe, one of our Exclusive Models, whom you first saw late last year. I think he's a real hottie, don't you? I'm really sorry for all the last minute changes that have happened lately, but they were not intentional and out of my control. All the best, Brent

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sorry everyone, for the new hiccup. Brent phoned me a while ago that there was an internet outage around 2pm at their hotel in Los Angeles. Not a happy start to LA's Pride Weekend! Instead the next webcam show will now be at 4 pm Pacific on Tuesday, June 15th. And the next strip bingo will be at 2pm Pacific on Saturday, June 19th. So get your requests for bingo cards in as soon as possible, guys. Our apologies for all the confusion. George, Member Support

Friday, June 11, 2010
TODAY'S WEBCAM SHOW IS POSPONED TO TOMORROW AT 2 PM PACIFIC. Just heard from Brent, guys. He and Steve are stuck in traffic because of a bad accident and won't make it back in time. So, the webcam will be on Saturday at 2pm Pacific from Los Angeles. I apologize on Brent's behalf. George, Member Support

Monday, June 7, 2010
I'm back from a quick side trip to Kansas City where I appeared at the FLEXX Nightclub on Saturday night. Today I have a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. It's from a few days after San Diego's Mardi Gras and I have some special clothes and beads I got there that I really like and wanted to share with you. I was alone that day, so I was lucky that Steve was at home to "help out".

Monday, May 31, 2010
My god, where has the time gone? It's almost June. The trip to Pennsylvania and Maryland was a great success and we're just back home. Today's new webcam and vidcap gallery is from a couple of months ago - February 14th, Valentine's Day. I hadn't really finished celebrating my birthday or my win of the Cybersocket Award for best Webcam Show (two years in a row thanks to all your votes!). So, I not only have a gigantic Valentine's Day card for you, but I'm also christening the trophy during the show. It was hot! Enjoy! lol  See you on June 3rd?

Monday, May 24, 2010
Guys, I'm sorry to have to cancel this month's Strip Bingo, but there just isn't time to fit it into this month's schedule. Pride season is starting and I'm getting ever more involved, and I can't get back from the East Coast in time.. Today's new edited webcam and vidcap gallery is from early January, when I was still recovering from my kidney stones. I was still on pain killers at the time and bought myself a new hat in New York City to help me get over it all! I love it so much, I thought I'd share it with you during the show. Don't you think it suits me? ;-)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
By the time you get to read this, with any luck, we'll finally be on our way back to San Diego. Steve and I had to extend our stay in Fort Lauderdale by several days because I had to shoot some extra scenes and also because I was invited to perform in a couple of clubs in the area. Today's new edited webcam and vidcap gallery is from a few weeks ago, just after I got my fauxhawk. Steve really loved the look of it and it really turned him on. Although he's usually pretty shy about appearing on camera (he prefers to be behind it and direct as well), This day he just couldn't resist, so you get the benefit of the two of us for the price of one. Take a look, wasn't it hot?? Watch out for a couple of possible date changes in upcoming webcam shows and the bingo which may become necessary because of my appearances in Pennsylvania and Maryland at the end of May. I'll let you know ASAP.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Guys, Justin Chambers is back with another webcam show video and vidcap gallery. Being a self-described super bottom, we wanted to put him together with another hot guy, but it didn't work out because of a scheduling conflict. So Justin played all by himself in our tub and shower. Have a peek. As you know, I'm in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, this week shooting scenes for a new DVD to be released soon by Channel 1 Releasing. Things are going really well despite the hot muggy Florida weather.
There has been a schedule change though and I won't be back in San Diego till Tuesday. So, my webcam show has had to be re-scheduled to Friday at 4pm Pacific from here in Fort Lauderdale. Also, I'll be at the Boardwalk Nightclub on Saturday and Sunday night (visiting, not performing). If you see me there, come and talk to me! :-)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Check out today's new webcam video and vidcap gallery. During one of my recent webcam shows, Peter Black, a straight friend you may have seen before, dropped by and let himself be talked into taking part by Steve. He's got the biggest uncut cock we've ever seen. So Steve naturally got into the act! ;-)  See you on Thursday at 4 pm Pacific for my next live webcam?

Friday, April 30, 2010
Sorry for the short notice, guys, but Exclusive Jacob and a special guest will do a live webcam show tomorrow, Saturday, May 1 at 2 pm Pacific. I hope you can make it! ;-)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Here's today's new video and vidcap gallery for you. Steve and I met Ryan & David the last time we were in Vancouver up in Canada. We took them back to our hotel room and filmed this scene with them. If you love sucking and rimming - and who doesn't - then you'll love this video. Check it out on the home page and on the Buddies' Pages.

Monday, April 26, 2010
Great news, everyone, My new online store is finally open. Just click on the Store button above, or go directly to  to check it out. Let me know what you think. You'll be able to buy the things you're "longing" for by using PayPal or credit card. Happy shopping,

Monday, April 19, 2010
I'm glad so many of you managed to come to the webcam show this afternoon. To help make up for my no-show on Saturday, I've got the hottest webcam video for you ever. It's Brent & Kayden - Kayden Hart, our newest Exclusive model, whom you'll be seeing often. The biggest cock and a lovely butt I just couldn't resist. We hadn't planned to fuck, but - well, see for yourselves, on the homepage and on the Buddies pages. See you this Thursday at 4 pm Pacific?

Sunday, April 18, 2010
I'm so sorry guys about missing Saturday's webcam show. When I did the Yahoo Chat at noon I wasn't at home and because the chat was only text we had no inkling that the internet bandwidth was too slow for video streaming. I only found out when I tried to set up my laptop for the webcam chat and there wasn't time to do anything about it. So, this week there will be a webcam tomorrow, Monday, April 19th at 4 pm Pacific and another one on Thursday, April 22 also at 4 pm Pacific to help make up for it. I hope you'll forgive me and come see me tomorrow.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
1:35 pm Pacific - Just got a text message saying that Brent has to postpone today's webcam. I don't know what the problem is yet. Sorry guys, George Member Support


Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hi guys, Our fantastic family gathering in the Cayman Islands is almost over, we're headed back to San Diego in two days. I hope you like the new look of the website. We've been working at it for quite a while and it's still a bit of a work in progress, but we're almost there. The next big thing is the re-opening (finally) of a proper online store. But that's still a few weeks away. In the meantime, here's another new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery. This time, I'm showing off my first new hair style in years - a fauxhawk. I hope you like it. I got it especially for the Cybersocket Awards Show, where I was nominated for four awards, and won once again for best live webcam site (thanks to all your votes!). I hope you like the video and I look forward to seeing you at my next live webcam show on Saturday, April 17th at 2 pm Pacific. See you then?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hi guys, I apologize for the periodic server slowdowns during the past few days. Our web hosting company is now confident that the brand new server they just gave us will have no more teething problems. Please keep your fingers crossed together with me! Today, I want to introduce you to another one of our new exclusive models - Lucas Wolfe. This was his very first time ever in front of a camera, but definitely not his last, believe me. Go take a look. I'm also happy to let you all know that the new laptop, which was the top bingo prize for these past few months, was finally won at the latest Strip Bingo, this past Saturday. So, there'll be a new top prize available to be won, starting with the next bingo. But, you have to be there to get a chance to win it! ;-) Hope to see you tomorrow at my last live webcam before Steve and I head off to the Cayman Islands for a bit of quiet time with both our families.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I'm really sorry guys, but I have to postpone the webcam show to tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific. The lens of the camera we use to stream the video just got scratched during an accident as we were setting up and there isn't time to have the camera fixed before the show. This is just not my week! Once again, I apologize!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Here's another edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. This time, we're in Kingsville, Texas, in early December and it couldn't have been much colder (not here in the south anyway). LoL I hope you've noticed that our new server's teething problems appear to have been fixed. The last time we checked, download speeds were faster than ever, so we're hoping that things have now settled down. I want to apologize again for having to postpone the Strip Bingo because of that. The replacement will be this Saturday at 2 pm Pacific. So, please send us your requests for bingo cards by Thursday evening. You only need a bingo card if you don't have one already, they're good for the season. Click here, to order a card or to read the rules. Will I see you (or rather, will you see me) tomorrow at 4 pm at my next live webcam?

Saturday, March 27, 2010
I apologize to you for having to cancel the Strip Bingo because of our new server's instability. I'll re-schedule it as soon as I can. The cause of the problem appears to have been found and speeds have returned to normal. The culprit was the Network Interface Card which has been replaced. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for a bit...

Friday, March 26, 2010
I guess it was too much to expect the server move to go off without a hitch. If you've been inconvenienced by slowdowns and a couple of outages during the past couple of days, I apologize. We hope to have it fixed ASAP. If the server is still slow tomorrow for the bingo, it should be allright as long as you can login. The webcam link will take you to the chat server, which is not hosted here. Please be patient a while longer.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Here's this week's new video - the record of Jacob's first live webcam show with us. You've seen Jacob before, in the recent "Brent trains Jacob", his debut scene as a Exclusive. Look out for him, he'll be back with new videos soon. ! hope to see you tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific in a live webcam with me and Kayden Hart in his debut as a Exclusive, another one of many more new models to be added to the website during the weeks and months ahead. And remember, the next Strip Bingo is coming up fast, this Saturday, March 24th at 2 pm Pacific. The new laptop is still there to be won. So be there, whether you want to win it or not. Ask anyone who's participated, the Strip Bingos are a lot of fun. But to play you need a bingo card. You can get one and read the rules by clicking here. To be sure to get a card in time, email Steve by Thursday night. You only need to get a card once, they're good for the whole season.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Well, guys, we're on the new server and so far there have been no reports of problems. We're all keeping our fingers crossed. The major design changes have also been done and you can see what's left to do as it develops. Our new billing company is ZOMBAIO which accepts all major cards and allows members to choose their own usernames. If you have a recurring membership with CCBill or Verotel, you can continue with them without change. Or you can switch over to Zombaio. It's completely your choice. Our new Affiliates program, also managed by Zombaio, will be ready in a few days, and we're very close now to opening a store with the usual secure payment opportunities. So keep a lookout for that also. In the meantime, check out my new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery. It's from earlier this year when Steve was away and I'm horny and in the shower. ;-)

Friday, March 12, 2010
Good news, guys! Thanks to all my loyal members, we will be moving to a new, faster and much bigger server during the next few days. We've been working towards this for the past three weeks and we hope that it will all happen without incident and interruption of service. But we're dealing with computers, guys, so I thought I'd better warn you. The website has been updated and that process will continue after we switch over. You'll also see a different domain name "", but it'll still be the "" you're all familiar with (remember the "" of my first site back in 2005?) We're also switching over to a new Payment Processing Company, Zombaio, which has been in business since 2007, and we'll have a new Affiliate Program shortly. And finally, I expect our new store, with secure payment options, to open shortly after the switch-over. Anyone wanting to become a member of my site from now on will be taken to the new site for the sign up process. Current CCBill and Verotel members will continue as before unless they want to sign up with Zombaio (which should be of interest to those members who've been wanting to choose their own user names). Thanks for your loyalty, guys!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I just had a phone call from Brent asking me to let you know that he and Steve were unavoidably detained in a meeting and have to postpone today's show to tomorrow at the same time. I apologize on Brent's behalf. George Tech Support

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hey guys, Here's a webcam show many of you have been asking about. It's Justin Chambers, one of our newest models. He did his first live webcam just a couple of months after turning 18. We were all very impatient for him to become legal. I'm very happy to be able to post this right on the heels of Justin's and Cade Rivers' live webcam together a few days ago. That one will also be edited and posted as soon as possible. Also a brief word of explanation to any of you who tried to visit the site on Monday and couldn't find it. Our web hosting company had a major incident which caused all of its hosted websites (including its own) to be unavailable for several hours. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hi guys, I've just uploaded a new edited webcam show and a vidcap gallery of my latest return visit late last year to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where I danced at the Boardwalk Nightclub three days in a row. Steve helped me out a bit which added some extra heat!! I hope to "see" many of you at the Strip Bingo in a bit. Remember the laptop is still waiting to be won. And I hope you're looking forward to the live webcam show with Justin Chambers and Cade Rivers this Saturday, March 6th at 2pm Pacific. I can't wait to see those two together. ;-)

Saturday, February 27, 2010
I'm sorry, guys, but I have to postpone Sunday's Strip Bingo to Tuesday, March 2 at 4pm Pacific because of a scheduling conflict.

Monday, February 22, 2010
Thanks guys, for bearing with me for the change in yesterday's webcam format. I'll make it up to you soon, I promise. I've got a new video and vidcap gallery for you today. I'm on my own in the bedroom with my new Candyman undies. Check it out on my video and picture pages. Don't forget this month's Strip Bingo on Sunday, February 28 at 2 pm Pacific. For the many new members who joined the site recently, if you're not familiar with Bingo, click here for an explanation of how things work. Also click on the link above to email us for a bingo card. Please do it no later than Friday. Oh, and don't forget, the laptop prize still hasn't been won! See you at my next webcam show on Friday at 4 pm Pacific.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Guys, I have to postpone today's webcam to tomorrow at the same time. We're having a bit of a problem co-ordinating things. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience. See you tomorrow?

Monday, February 15, 2010
Well, guys, I've survived the Cybersocket Awards show (LOL) and my birthday celebrations with family and friends (LOL), and now we can go on with the changes to the website I told you about earlier. We're moving to a new, much larger server and you'll see the design of the site change a few pages at a time. But there won't be any service interruptions because our hosting company will let us run this site off our current server while we work the kinks out on the new one. In the meantime, here's a new Dayton O'Connor video for you - a record of his first live webcam show with us. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Good news guys, thanks to your efforts I won the 2010 Cybersocket Award for Best Amateur Webcam yesterday, just in time for my birthday tomorrow. And I can also tell you now that I've signed on with Channel 1 Releasing as one of their Exclusive models. So look out for some new DVDs to come soon. ;-)  And I've got a new webcam and vidcap gallery for you of a very hot show we thought had gotten lost. Take a look, I think you'll agree it's one of the hottest webcams ever! And it took place just a few weeks after Steve's and my wedding a little over a year ago. See you in a few days at my next live webcam?

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that we've undertaken a revamp of the site to bring the design more up-to-date and to introduce some new features. Rather than inconvenience everyone by closing the site down while this is happening, we're keeping it open so you'll see the changes as they occur. It may happen from time to time that a link may not work when you click on it. I apologize for that in advance. But if it should happen, please email and tell us what's wrong. I hope you'll like what you'll see.

Monday, February 12, 2010
Here's a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you, guys. I'm calling it "Home Alone with my Dildo". You can check it out on the members homepage and on my video and photo pages. I hope to see you all this Saturday at 2 pm Pacific when I train Cade Rivers live on camera. I think it'll be a hot show! ;-)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Guys, I've just posted a new video and vidcap gallery for you to the models pages. It's the kind of scene I bet you've been waiting for... ;-) I have a training session with one of our newest EXCLUSIVE models - the stunningly hot Jacob. We filmed it a few weeks ago. Cum and see me later today at my next live webcam show, and don't forget, the next Strip Bingo is this Thursday, January 26th at 4pm Pacific. The laptop prize still hasn't been won yet, so be sure to get a bingo card (if you don't have one yet) from Steve by clicking here.

Monday, January 18, 2010
I've just posted a new video and vidcap gallery for you to the models pages. Cade Rivers recently became a EXCLUSIVE. He's 21, bisexual, and he's recently filmed a few scenes for the website. But this is his first live webcam show. I think you'll love him. ;-)  Also, you won't have to wait long for another one of my edited webcam shows. I know you'll understand that the delay was caused by my recent health problems (all O.K. now). Check out our new model Lucas on Friday, Jan. 22nd at 4pm Pacific and I hope to see you on Tuesday, January 26th at 4pm Pacific.

Monday, January 11, 2010
I've just posted a new video and vidcap gallery for you to the models pages. Ashton is a Las Vegas showboy (dancer) we met last year. He's tall as showboys (and girls) have to be in Las Vegas, and he puts on a hot performance for you in the video. I think you'll like him. ;-)  Hope to see you for my next live webcam from right here in San Diego this Friday, January 15th at 4 pm Pacific. See you then?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I've just had a message from Brent, underway from Texas back to San Diego. He's asked me to let you know that his next live webcam show will be on Friday, January 8th at 4pm Pacific. George, Tech Support

Monday, January 4, 2010
If you've read the blog, guys, you'll know that Brent and Steve are in Texas right now, because Steve's dad died suddenly on New Year's Eve. Brent asked me to upload a new webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. This one is from the combined Strip Bingo and Webcam Show just before Halloween - Brent's Golden Tie. Hope you like it. The date for the next live webcam show will be announced soon, but for right now, family considerations have to come first. I hope you understand. George, Tech Support

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Hey guys, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. I feel much better after a few stress-free days here on Grand Cayman. We're going to try a live video chat from here on Tuesday, December 29th at 2pm Pacific time. The internet bandwidth on the islands is pretty low, so the video quality will probably be choppy. But I really want to get together with you after all this time. Also, I have a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. It's the one where I try out a new toy - the Fleshlight! ;-)

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Please take a look at the blog for an update and some pictures of Brent on the way to the Cayman Islands. Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
I've just had a call from Steve and, reluctantly, Brent has to cancel today's webcam. He'd hoped to be at least able to talk with you. But he's had to be admitted to a hospital with kidney stones. He's in quite a bit of pain, but otherwise in good spirits. Steve sent me an iPhone picture of Brent for you to look at. Click here to take a peek and send good thoughts Brent's way. Brent & Steve's plans for the next few days are obviously up in the air. I'll let you know of any developments as soon as I can. As partial consolation, there's a new webcam video and vidcap gallery for you on Brent's pages. Regards, George  Tech Support

Monday, December 14, 2009
Brent is feeling much better but is still recuperating from his infection. He's asked me to let you know that there's a new edited webcam and vidcap gallery on the site - Brent Everett, Home Alone.  He's very much hoping that he'll be well enough to do his next webcam on Saturday. In the meantime, don't forget Peter Black's live webcam tomorrow afternoon. This will be Peter's second since he started modelling for Cheers, George Tech Support

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Brent and Steve are now back in San Diego, but Brent is still recuperating from his illness. So, to give Brent a bit more time, Justin Chambers will do the webcam show in his place on Friday. Brent will let you know ASAP when his own next webcam show will be. George Tech Support

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Guys, I'm sorry to have to let you know that Brent has caught a viral infection while in Texas. As a result, he and Steve won't be able to fly back to San Diego for another day. That also means that the Justin Chambers webcam show scheduled for tomorrow has to be postponed. I don't know right now what the new date will be. Steve is in the process of changing their flight arrangements and re-scheduling the webcam show. I will let you know more details as soon as I hear from either Steve or Brent. George Tech Support

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Well, Steve and I are still in Texas, because Steve's dad suddenly became seriously ill a few days ago. Fortunately, he's already out the hospital and recuperating at home. But we won't get back to San Diego till Tuesday night, so Justin Chambers' webcam show has had to be postponed to Wednesday at 4 pm Pacific.  Today I have a new webcam show for you from Nashville, Tennessee, where I took a shower in our hotel room a few weeks back. Enjoy!  Oh, and a Happy St. Nicholas Day for all you European members who expect to be visited by Santa Claus tonight! ;-)

Monday, November 30, 2009
Hey guys, I'm feeling a lot better, but not quite on the up and up yet. I'm really sorry about missing Friday's show, but I really wasn't up to it. I hope you understand. But, tomorrow is another day - a Strip Bingo day, and I hope to see you there. Maybe you'll win the laptop! Click here for the Bingo page which tells you everything you need to know. And I've also got a new edited webcam show for on my pages and at left. It's me using a dildo on my leather couch. It's really hot and slippery! lol.

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Here's an update for you, guys. Brent is still feeling quite ill - not sure why yet, could be flu or food poisoning. But the Strip Bingo will go ahead as planned on Tuesday, December 1st, and the next Webcam Show will be on Thursday, Dec. 3rd, instead of Saturday, Dec. 5th.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Guys, I'm sorry for the short notice, but I just had a call from Steve asking me to let you know that today's show has to be postponed. Perhaps to tomorrow, but that's not certain right now. I'll let you know as soon as I know more. So please check back from time to time. I apologize for the disappontment I know you all must feel.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
For Halloween, I've got the latest of our new series of videos of hot exclusive models and of other models who are eager to work with us. This one's of Dayton "Hunter" O'Connor, whom you met in "The Crucible" a few weeks ago, and super stud Frank Castle. This video's to remind all you guys that turkey is not the only meat you should eat on Thanksgiving! lol Remember, the next Strip Bingo is coming up fast. And the laptop computer hasn't been won yet! Good luck! Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Today's a special day, guys, I've just uploaded my Halloween Webcam Show - Brent's Zombieland. I spent three days building the set, because Halloween is my second favourite holiday (after Christmas). That's why we made a special effort to edit it and get it up on the site as quickly as possible. It's a bit dark because, after all, I'm in a dungeon. I hope you like it. lol Don't forget Tuesday's webcam show with Ryan Michael. Also, watch out for the next Strip Bingo on December 1st and write to Steve for a bingo card if you don't have one yet. If you're new to the site, click here for all the rules and to email Steve for a bingo card. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2009
Hey guys, I'm just back from Washington, DC where I danced at the Town Danceboutique on Saturday. A fun place! Today there's a new webcam show and vidcap gallery for you from a few weeks ago when Steve and I were in Las Vegas again. We stayed at the Palazzo Hotel looking right at Trump Tower. So I couldn't resist jacking off in the window. Hope you like it! lol Don't forget Tuesday's webcam show with Dayton O'Connor. See you there?

Monday, November 9, 2009
This past weekend in Fort Lauderdale (with three live appearances) was awesome. I wish some of you could have been there. But, to console you, I have a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. This one's from mid-September when Steve and I were getting ready to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. I won't tell you anything about it except the title: Getting Drenched. Does that tell you enough? ;-) See you all this Thursday?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm sorry everyone, but I have to postpone today's webcam show to Friday, November 6th at 4 pm Pacific. It'll be from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, again where I'm appearing for 3 nights at BOARDWALK. Our cameras got damaged last night during a video shoot and we haven't been able to get them to work properly. I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out what happened. ;-)  Please forgive me. See you on Friday?

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Well, it's the day after Halloween and I hope you guys had as wild a time as Steve and I did! lol I have a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you today. Going back a while to the summer and San Diego's Pride celebrations. Even though I had a cold, I was as horny as ever. Cum see if you don't agree. Also take another look at the hot new video from our growing series of videos by Exclusive models. This is Mark Collins - It's his first appearance on the website. I'm sure you'll love it. ;-)

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Hey guys, I'm feeling a lot better, so I should be OK for the Combined Strip Bingo and Webcam Show on Monday. Thanks for bearing with me. I'll do the webcam show right after the Bingo, so why not come to both. You can still get Bingo cards by emailing Steve till tomorrow. Now today I have a special treat for you. Take a look on the Models pages. I've uploaded a new hot video and vidcap gallery from our growing series of videos by Exclusive models. This time it's Mark Collins - It's his first appearance on the website. I'm sure you'll love it. ;-)  Don't forget tomorrow, Sunday, at 2 pm Pacific time. It'll be Peter Black's first live webcam show. See you there?

Thursday, October 22, 2009
I just had a phone call from Steve, Brent has a bad cold and has to postpone today's webcam show to MONDAY and combine it with the Strip Bingo. The webcam show will follow immediately after the Bingo, so why not participate in both. You can still get bingo cards by emailing Steve. For all the rules and to email for a card, click here. We don't think Brent has the H1N1 (swine) flu despite some fever and a bad cough, so he should be OK. Please check back here regularly for updates.  George  Tech Support

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I have a new webcam show and vidcap gallery for you guys today. I'm in the garage working on our car and take a smoke break. Can you guess what happens? :-)  Thanks for bearing with me during the email issue last week. I hope those of you who came to the two webcam shows enjoyed yourselves. We sure did. See you on Thursday at the usual time!

Friday, October 16, 2009
Well, we managed to fix the email issue for and faster than we thought we might. So please resume using those email addresses as of tonight. But since we don't know exactly when the problems started, please re-send any emails you sent to us duriing the past week. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Also, remember there's a special webcam show with Exlusive Cade Rivers on Sunday, October 18th at 2pm Pacific. George  Tech Support

Friday, October 16, 2009
I'm afraid for the past few days we've been having problems with our two most often used email addresses: and Our web hosting company is still troubleshooting the issue. If you need to get in touch with Brent or Tech Support during the next few days, please send your email to Since we don't know exactly when the problems started, please re-send any emails you sent to us duriing the past week. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. George, Tech Support

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Just got back from Canada late last night. We had a great time in London, Ontario. Now I'm sorry everyone, but due to a conflict, Cade Rivers' live webcam show has to be postponed to Sunday, October 18th at 2pm Pacific. My own next live webcam is on for Friday, October 16th at the usual time.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Thanksgiving Day in Canada and we're about to fly back to San Diego after a great weekend in London, Ontario. Before that though, here's a new webcam show and vidcap gallery for you - Brent's Coconut.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Guys, Here's something special for you to help make up for the mix up last Tuesday and the fact that so many of you missed Thursday's make up webcam. One of our new Exclusive models, Cade Rivers, will make his first appearance on with a special webcam show this coming Wednesday, October 14th at the usual time. Try not to miss him! And then, on Friday, October 16th, I'll follow that up with my regular webcam show. A Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!

Wednesday, October 7. 2009
Guys, I hope you'll forgive me for missing yesterday's webcam. I'm really sorry and embarrassed. We had friends visiting for our wedding anniversary weekend and both Steve and I totally got our timings mixed up taking them back to the airport. So I'm re-scheduling the webcam to tomorrow, Thursday, October 8th at the usual time. I hope you can make it. Don't forget to take a look at the new edited webcam show on the site - Cooking with Brent. I think it'll help you forgive me. ;-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
4:05 pm Pacific Time - Guys, I haven't been able to raise Brent on the phone all day. I can only assume there's some kind of problem and that today's webcam has to be postponed. George  Tech Support

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Well, our wedding anniversary has come and gone - and we had a blast. And to help you celebrate with us, I've uploaded the hottest webcam ever to the site. I know I said that a few weeks ago, but this one's even hotter. See if you don't agree. It all happened a few weeks ago when I did my first ever cooking webcam - just call me Julia! lol Steve decided to get into the act, and, well, just go and take a look!

Monday, September 28, 2009
Guys, Thanks for bearing with me because of the latest postponement. I hope you were able to make it to the webcam show today. I have a new webcam show and vidcap gallery for you as well. This one's from Fort Lauderdale and Steve gives me a hand (and a bit more). :-) Don't forget the Strip Bingo on Wednesday. The laptop is still there to be won. If you don't have a bingo card or are not familiar with the rules of the game, click here. See you Wednesday?

Friday, September 25, 2009
Guys, Brent has asked me to apologize to you, but he's had an emergency and has to postpone tomorrow's webcam show to this coming Monday, September 28th, at the usual time. But Wednesday's Strip Bingo will take place as announced before. Regards, George Tech Support

Sunday, September 20, 2009
This week it's another one of my edited webcam shows, with a vidcap gallery. It's the height of summer and it's burning hot in San Diego. So I'm in the hot tub again. Steve surprises me by hosing me down with ice cold water. After I recover from that, it's down to business. After all, nothing can distract me from being hot and bothered. Can you guess what happens? ;-)  Don't forget, Brent's Strip Bingo is coming up soon. If you don't have a Bingo Card yet, click here to order one and also to read the rules.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Good news, guys. As I promised on my blog a few days ago, here's the first in our series of marines and other jocks model shoots that we've been working on for the past few months. This is Brent XXXclusive Jay Nyne & Channel 1 Releasing star TJ Young getting it on together. It's a really hot scene and it's the first time Jay sucks dick. He does a pretty damn good job. Gotta love those marines. And look out for TJ trying and succeeding to swallow all of Jay's humongous cock! Enjoy!!

Monday, September 7, 2009
I've just uploaded the hottest webcam video and vidcap gallery on the site yet! In July, Steve and I were in Texas visiting Steve's parents. It was super hot - I couldn't have survived the trip without air conditioning. :-) We're on the balcony of our hotel in Corpus Christi, trying to stay invivsible to the general public. That made the show all the hotter, so Steve couldn't resist getting into the act. Take a look! lol  Don't forget, the next live webcam show is this Saturday, September 12th. See you there?

Thursday, September 3, 2009
I'm sorry guys, but I have to postpone tomorrow's webcam to Monday, Sept. 7 at 2 pm Pacific, 5 pm Eastern, 10 pm London and 11 pm Berlin time. We have to go up to LA tomorrow and won't make it back in time for the webcam. Forgive me?

Monday, August 31, 2009
I've uploaded a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. I got this sudden urge to repaint our bedroom and to build a new head board for our bed (Steve helped). It took till just before the show to finish it, so I had very little time to get ready and couldn't find new underwear. I decided to try a sock and it turned out it made a perfect sock puppet! :-) It really turned me on. Take a look at the result... See you this Friday for my next live webcam from San Diego?

Monday, August 24, 2009
This week's new video is from super hot San Diego. I'm on a friend's deck, in his hot tub. The sun is so bright I have to wear sun glasses. But I'm also super horny, so after a while i have a gigantic cumshot. Take a look. ;-)  See you Friday for my next live webcam from San Diego?

Monday, August 17, 2009
This week's new video is of Damien, one of our exclusive models, taking a long shower. He visited us a while ago from his home on the East coast. You can access the video and vidcap gallery on the left and on the Models video and photo pages. Enjoy! See you tomorrow for my next live webcam from Las Vegas?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
This week's new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery has me all alone in my camnet decorated bedroom. I'm horny of course and all in leather! Cum take a look. I hope you like it! ;-)  And don't forget tomorrow's Strip Bingo. It's not too late to get a bingo card today. Click here for the rules and to write Steve for a bingo card. See you Friday for my next live webcam?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
This week's new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery has me all alone in my office. I'm very horny. I show you some new underwear I just got and then get down to business. I hope you like it! See you Friday for my next live webcam? And don't forget the next Strip Bingo on August 12th. Click here for the rules and to write Steve for a bingo card.

Monday, July 27, 2009
Steve and I are still in Texas for a few more days. The weekend in Corpus Christi was a lot of fun! Two appearances at SIXX Nightclub and a really hot webcam show from the hotel room balcony. Watch out for it to be posted here soon. But for today, I have another really hot show for you - from three weeks ago, right after we came back from the midwest. I was bruised from a bad fall at home and Steve decided to help me out. It's one of the hottest on the site yet. Take a peek! See you Friday for my next live webcam?

Tuesday, July, 21, 2009
We're off to Texas today to visit with Steve's family & to recover from all the travelling we've done lately. So we're travelling, of course! ;-) But before we're off, there's a new video and vidcap gallery for you on the Models pages - On the Road to Prague, Part 3. See you Friday at my next live webcam chat? And to anyone who was inconvenienced during the server upgrade this weekend, thanks for your patience. We're growing to serve you better!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
PLEASE NOTE: The website's server and the website itself are undergoing maintenance right now. The password-protected pages will not be available until this work is completed. It shouldn't take too long, but don't forget, we're dealing with a computer here, guys, and the internet. Anything is possible! :-) I apologize for the inconvenience.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I have a new edited webcam for you today - Steve and I are in Florida in Fort Lauderdale for the Memorial Day weekend. I'll be dancing at the Boardwalk Nightclub. It's raining. But I don't notice it because I'm really randy today. Cum see for yourselves!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A heads-up guys: our server is expected to go offline for maintenance for a short time at some point today. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
While we're waiting for my next webcam show to be finished editing in a couple of days, here's a new video and webcam gallery for you, on the left and on the Models pages - More Bistro Boys.

Monday, July 6, 2009
Guys, I think the black cloud over my head may be gone, because today's webcam show went off without a hitch. and it was really hot as well, as you'll see when I get it edited (if you weren't there). For today, here's the webcam show that started my run with bad luck four weeks ago - I'm all tied up in leather, but had to do the show with my laptop's webcam because the cable linking our HD camera to the computer broke just before the show started. But Steve recorded it all with the camera and that's what was edited. Enjoy! ;-)

Friday, July 3, 2009
Please don't hate me, guys, but I have to postpone the webcam show one more time - to Monday, July 6th at the same time, 4 pm Pacific. I had no control over this. It looks like a black cloud has been hanging over our heads since the middle of June. Yesterday was no different. We were bumped off our flight and won't get out of New York till today and won't get home till late tonight. So, rather than interfere with the Independence Day celebrations tomorrow, I decided to wait till Monday. We'll be home for the next three weeks, so hopefully things will settle down. Again, I'm really sorry guys. See you Monday?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'm sorry guys, but I have to postpone today's webcam show to Friday, July 3rd at the same time. This time it's not the hotel's fault, but we ran into an unforeseeable scheduling conflict, and I can't get back in time to do the show. I hope you'll forgive me once more.

Monday, June 29, 2009
We're having a great time in New York City, The Pride Celebrations went really well, and now we're spending a few days filming models before we head back to San Diego. I have a new video and vidcap gallery from the Road to Prague series for you - it's on the Models pages. Also, another one of my edited webcam shows will be ready for uploading in a few days. Watch out for it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Well, guys, hard on the heels of our horrible flight (and drive) from Regina to Columbus via Chicago last week, we had another horrible flight from San Diego to New York City yesterday for New York's Pride Festival this week-end. What's going on with the airlines? It can't be just the weather! ;-)  Anyway, as promised, here's the latest of my webcam shows to be edited. I decided to christen our glass-topped dining room table, just like I did a new mirror last year. Dinner will never be the same! lol

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A final reminder: It's not to late to get your new bingo card for today's Combined Strip Bingo and Webcam Show and a chance to win a laptop. Everyone needs a new card. If you don't have one yet, you can email Steve until 1 hour (3pm Pacific) before the show.

Sunday, June 21, 2009 Here's a new video and vidcap gallery for you - Hardcore Habits, Part 2. And watch out for a new edited version of one of my webcam shows, coming around the middle of the week. ;-)

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Well, the little postponement turned into another cancellation when our hotel lost its internet access just before the show. I can't tell you how sorry and frustrated I am about this! We're back in San Diego for a few days on Sunday afternoon. I'm going to combine Tuesday's Strip Bingo with a live webcam show to try to make up for everything. So, get your new bingo cards (remember, everyone needs a new one) and get a chance to win a laptop, or just come and watch! You can read all about our horrible trip getting to Columbus on My Blog.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Another little postponement by 30 minutes to 4:30 pm Pacific. Our delayed luggage has just arrived at the airport and we have to pick it up before the webcam show. Sorry, guys. Read the story of our horrible trip to Columbus on My Blog.

Thursday, June 18, 2009 NEWSFLASH: The next webcam will be on Saturday, 4 pm Pacific, from Columbus, Ohio.

Thursday, June 18, 2009 I'm really sorry guys, but I have to postpone today's show. The Regina area has been hit by a major thunderstorm and very strong winds and had a large-scale power outage a short while ago. So, there's no internet access. I'll post a new date as soon as I can figure things out, but we're leaving here first thing in the morning and flying to Columbus, Ohio for the Pride Festival and then back to San Diego. With the Strip Bingo on Tuesday, I'm not quite sure right now when I can fit a re-scheduled webcam show in, but I will let you know ASAP.

Monday, June 15, 2009
As promised, here's probably the hottest webcam on the site yet. First Steve feeds me drinks, trying to get me drunk? And then, with the show barely started, all of a sudden he joins in. Man, was it hard not to cum right then and there! Check it out and let me know what you think! ;-) And here's another reminder for you. The next Brent's Strip Bingo is coming up on Tuesday, June 23rd. You can win a new laptop. But to get a chance at it, you need to participate. And, everyone needs to get a new bingo card. If you're not familiar with bingo, click here for the rules and how to obtain a bingo card.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
I have good news for the dozen or so members who haven't been able to log in for the past week. It looks as though the problem has been fixed. The developer of our security software, Strongbox, has found an anomaly on our server and has come up with a work-around while he works with our hosting company to get rid of the problem (hopefully) permanently. So far, I've heard from two members who tell me everything is back to normal. So let's keep our fingers crossed, guys. I'm really sorry it took so long. There''ll be a new edited webcam show uploaded to the site on Sunday or Monday, and I can tell you now, it was one of my hottest ever! So look out for it. ;-)  Also, please don't forget that for the next Strip Bingo on June 23rd, you all need to write Steve for new bingo cards. Remember, you could win a new laptop. But only if you come and play with me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I just wanted to give you a update on the login problem that some of you are experiencing. It's being worked on by our programmer, the web hosting company and the security software company and should be resolved shortly. As usual with isolated issues, it's taking longer than expected. I apologize to anyone who's been affected. Please be patient a bit longer.

Sunday, June 7, 2009
PLEASE NOTE: We've suffered yet another hacker attack! This has affected new members and a few existing members, preventing them from logging into the site. We're working with our web hosting company to locate and fix the problem. It may take a few days. While this is happening we've disabled the "Join Now" links to CCBill and Verotel so that any potential new members are not also affected. I apologize for this inconvenience, guys - I guess I'm just too popular and some people think it's OK to steal - but it's a pain in the (well, you know where) for everyone.

Friday, June 5, 2009
There's a new video and picture gallery on the Models pages - "Trying It On...". Check it out. All of last week's camera hiccups were fixed and today's webcam show was really hot. The next one will be on Thursday, June 11th, just before I head off to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Please remember that for the next bingo on Tuesday, June 23rd, we're issuing new cards to bring the participants' list up to date, so everyone has to email for new cards. And, you have to come and play to have a chance at winning a new laptop computer. Check the calendar page for details.

Saturday, May 30, 2009
While we're testing to make sure everything is OK for Sunday, here's a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you - "Heading for Las Vegas ... again!" It's from five weeks ago, when Steve and I headed back to Vegas for their Pride festivities. Also, here's some advance warning for my bingo fans. For the next bingo in June, we're issuing new cards (to make sure lobovic doesn't win again! lol). So everyone who wants to participate has to email for new cards when I post the next date. No, no, it really hasn't got anything to do with lobovic, we just need to bring the list of bingo players up to date to just those of you who are playing regularly, as well as new players.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Hey guys, I'm sorry but I have to postpone Saturday's webcam show to Sunday (at the same time) to make sure that some videochat server problems that cropped up during the past few days are solved.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Steve and I are having a great time in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (despite the weather)! Till we get back to San Diego, there's a new video and webcam gallery for you on the Models pages - Hardcore Habits. Don't forget my Strip bingo on Wednesday. It's not too late to sign up - all the details are on the calendar page. You could win a laptop! See you Wednesday

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today's new webcam show was shot on April 10th. That was exactly four weeks after I got a really great birthday present thanks to you guys, because I needed your votes to get it: the 2009 Cybersocket Award for Best Live XXX Show. Then, the very next day my video chat streaming software stopped working - for four whole weeks! Boy was I pissed! So this was my first show after the four week hiatus - and I think it's pretty hot. ;-)

Saturday, May 16, 2009
I'm in Toronto, Ontario, today to help celebrate the Victoria Day long week-end. But today's new video and the vidcap gallery that goes with it are on the Models Pages. It's called Bistro Boys. Go check it out. :-)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today's new webcam show is from last summer: The night before this webcam show, Steve and I had been to a military theme party, so I thought it might be fun to have a webcam show with the same camouflage "in the field" look. Boy was it a lot of work to get all the netting, etc. up in time for the show! But it was worth it, don't you think? ;-)

Thursday, May 7, 2009
A new video and picture gallery from a European audition session. Don't you think this twink's got what it takes?

Sunday, May 3, 2009
A couple of weeks ago Steve and I were in Las Vegas where I made two live appearances at the Piranha Nightclub. Well, we're no sooner back home in San Diego, when they call and ask me to come back for Las Vegas Pride for more live appearances and to appear in Piranha's float in the May 1st Pride Parade. Here's a new edited webcam and vidcap gallery. You see me in my new shorts for those appearances and to get ready for that (and to please a member of the website who keeps asking for it), I cum twice during this webcam show. Take a look! ;-)

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Guys, here are some details about my upcoming live appearance at FLY Nightclub in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on May 15th. The event is called PRISM COLLEGE and is a lead-in to the PRISM FESTIVAL 2009, part of Toronto Pride from June 25-28, 2009. The Prism Festival 2009 has its website at The FLY Nightclub is located at 8 Gloucester Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Tel: 416-410-5426 and its website is at Come on over to Toronto on May 15th and party with me. Toronto is one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world.

PLEASE NOTE: We've recently had to enable a spam trapper program called BoxTrapper (provided by our hosting company) on some of our email addresses because of a great increase in spam. You may therefore be asked to respond to your email to us by sending a verification email. The text of the email you'll receive is as follows: "The message you sent to requires that you verify that you are a real live human being and not a spam source. We regret having to ask you to take this additional step but the amount of spam email we are receiving is going through the roof. The verification program we are using is called BoxTrapper. It is part of our web hosting company's service. To complete this verification process, simply reply to this message and leave the subject line intact. You don't have to add any text, just click on reply." This messge is not a scam and you'll receive it only once. After that your email address is placed on a "white list" and all future emails from you will be delivered without the need for verification. We apologize for having to put you through this extra step.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Guys, I'm really sorry but I have to postpone today's webcam to Tuesday. We started having cable problems in our area late last night and it's not fixed yet. So, to be on the safe side, I won't do the show till Tuesday just in case the problem doesn't get fixed quickly. I apologize for this late notice and hope you'll forgive me. See you Tuesday?

Friday, April 24, 2009
Here's a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. Steve and I are in Texas near Corpus Christi. We're in a hotel room, and the first thing I do is to show off my Texas cowboy duds, and a new brand on my left upper arm (actually I got burnt by a hot iron - don't worry, it's healed). This is one hot show! See you at the live webcam show tomorrow?

Monday, April 20, 2009
We're still in Las Vegas, but I have a new video and vidcap gallery for you, from the Czech series. See, these two hot guys are on the road to Prague. They stop off overnight, and the inevitable happens. Take a look! We're back home tomorrow. Don't forget to register for Wednesday's Strip Bingo, if you haven't yet. It's free, fun, and you can win prizes! The details are on the calendar. See you Wednesday?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Here's another new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you - I'm alone at home on a hot San Diego winter day with a new dildo. Check it out! ;-) Hope to "see" you on Friday at my next live webcam show. And don't forget to register for my next Strip Bingo, if you haven't yet. It's free, fun, and you can win prizes! The details are on the calendar.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Here's another little video and picture gallery for you on the Models pages. See you tomorrow? ;-)

Monday, April 6. 2009
Hey guys, my webcam shows are finally back. Yay!! I can't tell you how frustrating it's been, but it's all fixed and the video quality is better than before. So I hope you can join me this Friday, April 10th at 4 pm Pacific. There are more details on the calendar. Thank you so much for your patience! There's also another new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery. It's early January and I'm finally back from a month on the road. Boy is it good to be home! Little did I know that four weeks later we'd have to do a server move and run into real problems with the video chat software... lol

Friday, April 3, 2009
Here's another new video and vidcap gallery for you from the Czech Inn series that started last year. It's hot. ;-)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Today I have something special for you. Remember, in mid-December 2008 I had a bunch of club dates during my first visit ever to New York City. Boy, what a blast that was! But I had to cancel a live webcam show because there just wasn't time. So instead, one night after we came back to the hotel, Steve filmed a special scene of me in the shower and in the hotel room picture window. Well, cum and see for yourselves how the video turned out...

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Another new video and picture gallery for you on the Models pages - Alone at last. :-)

Sunday, March 22, 2009
I'm hoping to be able to give you good news about the videochat problem in a few days. In the meantime, here's another edited webcam show for you. Back from Texas, not having cum for three days. Oh my gawd!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Today's new video and picture gallery is on the Models pages - two guys making out.Monday, March 16, 2009
Got another of my edited webcam shows for you today - someone asked for a black jockstrap, so here's a whole black theme for you. Enjoy! ;-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
While we're waiting for the videochat to get fixed, here's another new video and picture gallery for you - it's two hot guys in a tub. You'll find them on the Models pages.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Here's a new webcam video and vidcap gallery for you. This time I'm in Las Vegas, and while Steve is winning at the  roulette table, I'm cumming all over the hotel room window. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Added a new photo gallery to my Photo Page - Brent's Red Bike. It's more pictures from a "Wantin' More" photoshoot.

Sunday, March 1st, 2009
We still haven't quite solved all the bugs with the live videochat system, but we're hopeful it'll all be sorted out in the next few days. In the meantime, here's a new video and vidcap gallery for you. This one shows two of our exclusive models - Jay and Jeremy. You've seen Jay a couple of times before, but this is the first one of him having (bareback) sex with another guy. Jay, you see, is straight. Or is he? ;-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
While we're working on fixing the videochat, here's a new photo gallery of me & Jason Hawke from "Wantin' More". We'd forgotten all about these pictures. They're on the Models Photo Pages.

Monday, February 23, 2009
Guys, while we're working on restoring the videochat to my website, here's a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. I'm in Tampa, Florida,  getting ready to dance at G Bar at an event with a cowboy theme and you get a preview of my costume. We still haven't cleared up the incompatibilty between my website, my new server and the company hosting the videochat. But we're working hard to find the bug and I'm hoping to give you good news soon.

Thursday, February 19, 2008
I'm forced to postpone the webcam show one more time.
I have to apologize to you all once more, but I have to postpone Friday's webcam show again. My programmers have been checking scripts and coding all day and I've been testing the software together with the videochat hosting company, but we haven't been able to resolve all the issues between the two servers reliably. So rather than give you a definite date now, I want to be sure that everything is working properly before I commit myself and you to a new date. I know this is very frustrating for you, it is also for me, believe me - I hate to disappoint anyone. So, check back here and on the blog from time to time. I'll post a new date the minute we're sure everything is working. Sometimes I really hate computers! Argh...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I'm sorry guys, we're still having a few teething problems with our new server. Everything is working as it should now, but we can't link up my server to the server hosting the videochat. My programmers are checking all the scripts and coding right now, but they won't finish in time for today's show. So I have to postpone the webcam show for two days (just to make sure). Forgive me, and see you on Friday? Also, there'll be a new edited webcam show uploaded to the site in a few days, probably Sunday or Monday..

Friday, February 13, 2009
Hey guys, it may be Friday the 13th, but it's a lucky day for us all. The site is finally back after far longer than it was supposed to take. I apologize for that from the bottom of my heart and I want to thank you all for your patience. If you find you have a problem logging in the first time you try it, click the F5 key on your keyboard, that'll clear your old cookies.  And for all of you who voted for me for the Cybersocket Awards, you should know that I won for Best Live XXX Show on my birthday on Tuesday. Yay!!  Also, check out the new edited webcam show from the Cayman Islands that's part of this posting. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
MORE ABOUT THE SERVER MOVE The server move is taking a bit longer than expected because of the size of the site. It should be completed this week however, so, if there's a service interruption it'll happen during the next few days. A new edited webcam show is almost ready to be uploaded, but may also be delayed by the server move if we don't have access during the actual chage-over. Please be patient. In case you're interested, it's the webcam show from my holidays in the Cayman Islands last December. In case you didn't see it on the blog, here's another link to my little Cayman Islands holiday video: Brent & Steve's Excellent Stingray Adventure.

Monday, January 26, 2009
SERVER MOVE - SERVICE INTERRUPTION Hey guys, here's a quick heads-up for you. I've just been informed that my website has to be moved to a new, faster and bigger server because of how popular it's become during the last six months. That'll happen during the next few days and is supposed to be finished by the end of January. Unfortunately, it'll also mean that there has to be a short service interruption that's expected to last no longer than one day (please keep your fingers crossed). This switch may affect the next "Brent's Strip Bingo" scheduled for this Saturday afternoon, January 31st. Let's hope everything works out without any major hiccups.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sorry for the delay, guys, but our trip to Texas has slowed things down a bit more than we thought. But now, here's a new edited webcam show and vidcap gallery for you - Steve and I are in a fancy mirrored bathroom, so you'll see me from many angles at the same time. Even Steve, who's doing the filming, can't stay out of sight. I'll let you guess what happened. ;-)  I've decided to postpone the next Strip Bingo to Saturday, January 31st. We don't get home till late on January 27th, so we wouldn't have time to send out bingo cards to any new participants. Also, I don't want to risk having to cancel at the last minute, if there are any flight delays.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Here's the last of my wedding webcam shows and vidcap galleries. It's three days to the ceremony and I'm a little hyper. I'm as horny as ever though and, with encouragement from the many members who are watching me live, I have a huge cum shot that hits me square in the face. Take a look. ;-) Hope to see you all on the 22nd for my next live webcam from Texas!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Well guys, the New Year is here and today's my first live webcam show of 2009. I hope many of you can make it. I've also got a new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery for you. This one is from two weeks before Steve's and my wedding. I keep a promise and show you how I trim my bush, among other things! ;-)Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Guys, I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! Steve and I are back in the States now and I'll be hosting the New Year's Eve Mega Party at Rush in NYC tomorrow night. Just in time for the new year, I've posted the video and vidcap gallery of the webcam show shot a week after our wedding in October. I hope you enjoy it. As soon as we get back to San Diego, I'll post the date for the next live webcam show and also for the next Strip Bingo. See you soon! Don't forget to vote for me for the Cybersocket Web Awards.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hey guys, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and not too much snow and ice wherever you are! I'm down in the Cayman Islands visiting my folks and it's just wonderful down here, except for the slow internet connections which interfered with yesterday's webcam. But don't worry it's all recorded on HD tape and an edited version should be up on the site sometime in January. In the meantime, here's Part Two of last week's new video and vidcap gallery. I hope you enjoy it. Another one of my own edited webcams will follow soon after the holidays!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Hey everyone, Steve and I are in New York City two more days and I'm feeling much better. My next webcam show will be on Saturday from sunny and warm George Town in the Cayman Islands where we're spending the holidays with my parents. I have a new video and vidcap gallery for you - this time it's one of the videos we've been shooting with a variety of models. This one is with Skip and Jon, a sailor and a marine. Check it out.  ;-)  Also don't forget to check out my Online Store. Among other things, WANTIN' MORE, the DVD, is back! Click on the ONLINE STORE link above to find out what else is available and how you can get it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hey everyone, There's another new webcam show and vidcap gallery up on the site. It's Friday afternoon and I'm fantasizing about having sex in the office. Also, my Online Store is back (sort of). Among other things, WANTIN' MORE, the DVD, is back! Click on the ONLINE STORE link above to find out what else is available and how you can get it. I'm just home for a day, and tomorrow Steve and I are off to spend nine days (and nights) in New York City. Check the calendar for when and where I'm appearing there...

Sunday, December 7, 2008
I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's webcam show from Las Vegas. I apologize for the time delay, I really had no choice. But it was a fun show anyway! :-) I have some good news for you today. My Online Store is back (sort of). Among other things, WANTIN' MORE, the DVD, is back! Click on the ONLINE STORE link above to find out what else is available and how you can get it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Brent is stuck in a meeting. THE WEBCAM SHOW IS DELAYED BY ONE HOUR (6/9/2am). He sends his apologies. Please be patient.

Friday, December 5, 2008
Guys, please note the time change of my webcam show from Las Vegas tomorrow. It's at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern, 1am (Sun) London, UK (UTC/GMT/Zulu 01:00). See you then?

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Last night's server problems have been fixed, so both the Yahoo Chat and the Webcam Show can go ahead as planned - the Yahoo Fan Group chat at 12 noon Pacific and the Webcam immediately following at 1 pm Pacific. Please check the Calendar for other details. I'm really sorry for yesterday's 8 hour interruption, which started while Steve and I were in the air on our way to Tampa, Florida. See you soon, guys.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Today's Strip Bingo
Guys, there appears to be a problem with the chat server. The chat is not hosted on our website server and we're talking to the company that hosts it. We're going to try to do the bingo today at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern, 1am London, UK time. I'm really sorry for this. See you soon!
5:15 pm Pacific Time
Sorry guys, we weren't able to fix the chat server problem. We're still troubleshooting. We'll post a new date for the Bingo as soon as we can. If you're in the U.S., have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
There's a new photo gallery - Paul - for you on the Models pages.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
There's another new webcam show edit and vidcap gallery on my pages for you all. Take a look, I'm a blond, all over. Tell me if you like it. The next live webcam is on Sunday, November 23rd, earlier than usual. The times are on the Calendar page. Also, don't forget the next Strip Bingo coming up on Wednesday, November 26th. Check the Calendar page for the rules, etc. if you haven't participated before. It's easy and you can win lots of prizes!

Monday, November 10, 2008
Hey guys, Steve and I are still in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, filming scenes with new models. In the meantime, I've uploaded a new webcam show and vidcap gallery for you. See if you like what I brought back from Canada after my big family reunion and Vancouver's Pride Weekend. Will I see you on Friday at my next webcam show?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's election day, guys, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed! You can guess for whom! There's a new webcam and vidcap gallery on the site for you in case you're not watching the election results on TV - it's another one of my occasional shower shows. Enjoy! And come visit with me on Friday when my next live webcam comes to you from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. See you then? ;-)

Monday, October 27, 2008
Hey guys, I have a new webcam show and vidcap gallery for you - Brent Gets A Helping Hand. It's about what happened in our newly redecorated living room... Don't forget about the special Halloween webcam show on Thursday. The details are on the Calendar page, as usual. See you there?

Monday, October 20, 2008
Hey guys, I want to apologize for cancelling my webcam show on Saturday, but I got sick very suddenly and had to go to the hospital. But I'm OK now and I hope you were able to make it to my make-up show this afternoon. Don't forget about the next Strip Bingo this Wednesday (the details are on the Calendar page). You can still get a bingo card on Tuesday if you need one. Also, I've just uploaded a new edited webcam show - my own July 4th fireworks - and a vidcap gallery.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Brent has asked me to post his apologies for not appearing for his webcam show this afternoon. He fell ill suddenly, shortly before the show and had to be taken to the doctor. There was no time to put a notice on the website. Don't worry, it's not too serious, it was a sudden fever and dehydration; he'll be fine in a couple of days. To make up for your disappointment, Brent has scheduled a webcam show for this Monday (the timings are on the Calendar page), as well as the Strip Bingo on Wednesday. Again, he's really sorry this happened, guys, and hopes you'll forgive him.
Brent's Tech Support Guy

Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Columbus Day (and Thanksgiving in Canada) everyone! I've got a new webcam video and vidcap gallery for you. It's the show where we used a cell phone for the first time to let members phone-in live. It's really hot. Take a look... ;-)  For my next webcam show on Saturday, we'll probably be using a new version of the chat software with better video quality. We'll have the option of using either Windows Media or H.264 (MP4) format. We'll be doing comparison tests during the next few days.  Please make sure you have the latest version of Apple's free Quick Time Player installed on your computer, in case we decide to use H.264 to get the best live streaming video quality possible.

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Guys, it's done - Steve and I are married! It was a fantastic day last Friday. Family and friends came from Canada, Texas, and the Cayman Islands to celebrate with us. I still can't believe it's happened. I'm sorry nothing new has been posted to website during the past 10 days, but everyone was here and no work got done. I hope you understand. ;-)  For now, there's a new photo gallery - Vincent - on the Models photo pages. One of my webcam videos is being edited right now and should be ready to post over the week-end (if Canadian Thanksgiving and Columbus Day in the U.S. don't interfere too much with the work).

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Guys, I've just posted a new webcam show and vidcap gallery to my pages. I'm giving my new red hot wrestling singlet a workout. I'm so horny, I cum twice, a first for one of my live webcam shows. Check it out!! This will be the last posting to the site before my wedding this Friday. I can't wait! But don't forget to come to the next live webcam show on Tuesday. The details are on the Calendar page below, as always.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Added a new photo gallery - Paulo - to the Models pages. Also, look out for another one of my webcam videos coming in a couple of days.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I've just posted a new edited webcam video and vidcap gallery on my pages. I'm in my home office fantasizing about having sex near, on, and under my desk - mostly just about how hot it would be to have someone under my desk blowing me!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Added a new photo gallery to the Models Photo pages - Nico & Jogi in the Sauna.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Just posted a new webcam video and vidcap gallery to the site. First off I talk with Chris, one of our members, on my cell phone, and then I tell you guys about my surprise for the webcam. Several members had been asking me to use a dildo again. Sooo, I found a really "gynormous" one and this day I'm doing my best to impale myself on it. Cum see what happens... ;)

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Added a photo gallery - Martin - to the Models Photo page.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hey guys, as I said on the blog, the drought of my webcam shows is over. We're beginning to catch up. Here's the first new webcam and vidcap gallery - Brent in Regina. It was worth the wait, I think. But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourselves. :)  Also, if you haven't yet, check out Google's new Chrome browser. It works well with my website and it's very fast.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
I've posted another new video and vidcap gallery - Tom & Palo -  and a new photo gallery - Ricky - to the Models pages. And look out for the first of many new vids of my webcam shows in just a few days. I'm sorry this has taken so long, and I promise to do much better in the coming weeks before my wedding. Remember, we'll be upgrading the live webcam software over the next week or so. The software consists of a combination of Windows Media Player and Flash. Please make sure you have the latest plug-in versions of both installed on your system. See the Site Requirements page for a link to Adobe for the Flash Player.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
I've posted another new video and vidcap gallery - The Boys' Club -  to the Models pages that I addded a new photo gallery - Kevin Ray & C.J. - to on Tuesday. And take a look at the new hot story - Rag - on the Hot Stories page. We'll be upgrading the live webcam software over the next week or so to get rid of the Video Chat Closed issue and to improve the video and streaming quality. The software consists of a combination of Windows Media Player and Flash. Please make sure you have the latest plug-in versions of both installed on your system. See the Site Requirements page for a link to Adobe for the Flash Player.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I've addded a new photo gallery - Kevin Ray & C.J. - to the Models Photo pages and a new hot story - Rag - to the Hot Stories page.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
It looks as though the Video Chat Closed issue is not quite solved yet after all. If you get that message and have another browser installed, log out of your current browser and close it. Then log in with another browser and click on Live Cam above. This has worked for a couple of members who've reported this problem. For those of you using Firefox, there's a new Add-On (IE Tab Extension) on the Site Requirements page. For the half dozen of you who are still getting Internal Server Error messages when you try to view videos, please send us the information we asked for asap, so my programmers can track this unusual and sporadic issue down. I'm really sorry for this continuing annoyance, guys.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
I've added a new video and vidcap gallery to the models pages - Sasha, John & Michael - from the Czech Inn series. Some good news: we think the Video Chat Closed problem is fixed with a software update. We're waiting for a slight server code rewrite and expect that to be done by Sunday's live webcam show. Keep your fingers crossed!  ;)  For the half dozen of you who are still getting Internal Server Error messages when you try to view videos, please send us the information we asked for asap, so my programmers can track this unusual and sporadic issue down.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Guys, if you get a Video Chat Closed message using your usual browser, try logging in with another if you have one installed on your system. The chat streaming service is aware of this issue which is affecting a small number of members and they're working on it. My programmers are working on the Internal Server Error issue a few of you are getting when trying to view videos. I apologize for these pesky problems.

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Added a new picture gallery of me on the Saskatchewan prairie with my 4 wheeler ATV and also a new video and vidcap gallery - Spellbound Cummandos, Part 3 - to the Models pages.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
At long last, here it is, the webcam show you've been waiting for! We'd finished redoing our office just before the show and I was feeling really horny. During the show, Steve all of a sudden started to jerk me off and then he did something really unexpected and I had the most explosive cumshot ever! Take a look... My next webcam show will be this Saturday, August 16th at @ 2pm Pacific, 5pm Eastern, 10pm London, UK, (UTC/GMT/Zulu 21:00). Please note the early time.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Well, the login problem have been fixed and everything appears to be working as it should. We're still testing various parts of the site to make sure there are no other problems. My next webcam show will be Sunday, August 10th at @ 2pm Pacific, 5pm Eastern, 10pm London, UK, (UTC/GMT/Zulu 21:00). Please note the early time. I've also added a new video and vidcap gallery - Richy & Roman - and a new photo gallery - Michael & Jack - to the site. You'll find them on the Models pages. Go take a look. :-)  Thanks for your patience,

Thursday, August 7, 2008
I have to apologize once again, guys, but I have to postpone today's webcam show because we haven't completely fixed the login security problem yet. Right now, you're either getting an "Internal Server Error" message when you login, or you won't see the security word which allows you to log in. The problem started last night and our programmers, the server hosting company, and the security software company are working to fix things. It shouldn't be too much longer. I'm hoping to be able to do the webcam show tomorrow, but that's tentative right now. Please check again later.

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Well, we're in Vancouver now and entering the home stretch of our trip. There's a new video and vidcap gallery for you on the Models pages - Jiri & Zdenko, another pair of recruits out in the woods. Also, there's a new photo gallery of a really hot model - Pavlik - on the Models Photo pages. I'm looking forward to getting back to San Diego and finishing off work on the many vids that need editing still before I can upload them to the site. See you all at the next live webcam show next Thursday!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hey guys, I'm still in Canada. But I have a new video and vidcap gallery for you. It's a scene specially filmed for the website, not an edited webcam show. You can see it on my video and photo pages. As soon as Steve and I are back in California there will be a lot more videos to come, webcam shows and all the videos from the special model shoot we had last month. So, keep checking back here regularly. See you all next Thursday!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
There's a new video and vidcap gallery - Spellbound Cummandos, Part 2 - and also a new picture gallery from a photoshoot - Jim & Michael - on the Models pages. Go check them out...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I'm so sorry guys, but I have to postpone Tuesday's webcam show due to an unforeseen change in our travel plans to Canada. So the next live webcam show will be on Tuesday, July 29th from Canada. See you all next week!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Here it is: the edited version of the Captain Bulge webcam show, with not one, but two vidcap galleries. Watch me explode all over the camera lens! (Well not quite, the camera was protected - these things are murderously expensive)...  :)))  There's also a new video and vidcap gallery on the Models pages - John & Michael in the Czech Inn. See you Friday at my next live webcam chat?  ;)

Thursday, July 10, 2008
There's another new video and vidcap gallery for you on the Models pages. The video quality isn't the greatest, but that doesn't mean it isn't hot!  :) Hope to see you at the live webcam chat tomorrow. All the details are on the Calendar page. Look out for another one of my edited webcam shows here in a couple of days - Brent's Captain Bulge, it's rendering as I write this.

Friday, July 4, 2008
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all! And a new video and vidcap gallery featuring our exclusive, Damien and his pal Jayden. ;)

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Another new video and vidcap gallery - Jiri & Karel. See them on the Models pages.

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
HAPPY CANADA DAY to all Canadian members of I've just uploaded a new video and vidcap gallery to the site just for you (and for everyone else as well, of course). Would you believe it's a webcam show from Regina, Saskatchewan, my home province - in the middle of a Canadian prairie winter (I really don't want to remember how cold it was).  :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tonight I have two videos and a new model, Carlos, for you guys. The videos are at left, one of them is the re-worked Brent & Shane video, the first ever live sex webcam on the site from 2006. The video quality is only so-so, but it's hot! For those of you waiting for the backlog of new videos from the past few weeks, I can tell you the wait is almost over. Look out for one of my newly edited webcam videos next week. We're just finishing it up now. Also, for information about how to participate in Brent's Strip Bingo, click

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Check out Adam & Jan on the Models pages.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Another new video from 2006 has just been added to my video pages. It's another one we thought was lost during my first big server melt-down. Go take a look - it's a shower show. The video quality is pretty good for an old webcam show, so I thought you might like to see it. There's also a new photo gallery (James) on the Models photo pages. For those of you waiting for the backlog of new videos from the past few weeks, I can tell you the wait's almost over...

Monday, June 9, 2008
I just added another new video to the Models video pages - my straight younger brother's chat from 2006 (which we just rediscovered) when he talked with you and let out some family secrets. It's right beside last week's new video of the two straight marines, Jay & Drake. Go check them all out. And don't forget to send Steve your e-mails if you want to participate in the first new Brent's Strip Bingo on June 11th. For the details go to the
News page. Hope to see you there. The application deadline is TONIGHT... ;)

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hey guys, I just added another new video to the Models video pages - Jay & Drake. There's also a photo gallery of these two hot straight marines. Go check them out. Don't forget my live webcam show from Texas tomorrow at the usual time. The details are on the calendar. And don't forget to send Steve your e-mails if you want to participate in the first new Brent's Strip Bingo on June 11th. For the details go to the News page. Hope to see you there. ;)

Friday, May 30, 2008
Brent's Strip Bingo returns on June 11th. For all the details, please see the News page. Also, check out my latest new webcam video, Brent's Joe Boxers (above left) and the photo shoot of Mark Collins, our latest exclusive model.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hey everyone, Just uploaded a new webcam video and picture gallery of my new black jockstrap show. I got it to celebrate our freshly painted and redecorated bedroom. Check it out. ;)  We've just spent almost a week shooting new scenes for the website with a number of new models. All these scenes were shot on location all over San Diego, a first for us. Can't wait to show them to you. But you have to be patient. There's a lot of editing work ahead of us.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hey guys, Take a look at the new video of Damien, our first exclusive model that I've just uploaded. We filmed him last year when I danced in Washington, DC. Isn't he something else!  ;)  Don't forget my next webcam show is this Friday at 4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern, 12 am Fri/Sat in London, UK. For more details and a time zone converter for those of you located in other parts of the world, please check the CALENDAR.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hey all, I've just uploaded the video and vidcap gallery of my Valentine webcam show. I'm dressed up as your Cupid. I hope you like it!  ;) Don't forget my next webcam show is this Friday at the usual time. For more details and a time zone converter for those of you located outside of North America, please check the CALENDAR.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Guys, I'm really sorry, but I'm still in LA because my car hasn't been fixed yet. I don't have any equipment with me so I have to postpone the webcam show again. To be sure I can do it and to make it as easy as possible for everyone to come and see me, I'll do the show on SUNDAY, MAY 4th at 4pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern, 12 am London , UK time. It'll be right after the text chat I'm doing with the Yahoo Fan Group at 3 pm Pacific. I'll explain all my troubles to you then. Once again, I'm really sorry guys, but it's way out of my control.  :(

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
BRENT'S NAKED BINGO is coming back soon!
The popular show we had while I was living in Vancouver, Canada in 2006 is coming back once a month starting in May. We'll have awesome prizes and more. I'll have more details soon & pictures of the set so you can see how it'll look. I've been building the set for a while now, and I'm so excited to show you. I hope to see many of you there when Brent's Naked Bingo returns! I also added a new video and an image gallery to the Models pages. Check them out above.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Great show today, guys. I had a lot of fun!. Hope you did too. I've uploaded a new webcam video and vidcap gallery to my video pages. It's from last month when I had a bad cold that I brought back with me from Canada. Go take a look, I think you'll like it if you missed the show.  ;)  And there are also two brand new picture galleries on the Models Photo pages. I'm still sorting out what's happening in the next few weeks. So please check the calendar for details...

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Steve and I are off for two weeks in the Cayman Islands and Fort Myers, Florida, where I'll be dancing twice. Ah, deep-blue skies, green water, palm trees, and sharks & alligators. Check the calendar for more details... I've uploaded a new video and vidcap gallery to the Models pages - ANTONIO & HUNTER, BOYS' CLUB 2. My next live webcam show will be from Fort Myers on Tuesday, April 22nd. (No high speed connection on Grand Cayman!) - See you all then?  ;)

Thursday, April 11, 2008
Guys, I've just uploaded two new webcam videos of me "in my TOO SMALL jockstrap" and of a young straight marine "Rick" which is on the Models page. I've also added two vidcap galleries from both shows. So, go take a look! And don't forget to come to my live webcam show tomorrow, April 11th at the usual times (4 pm Pacific,  7 pm Eastern, and 12 am London, UK). On Monday, Steve and I are off for two weeks in the Cayman Islands and Fort Myers, Florida, where I'll be dancing twice. Check the calendar for more details...

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Guys, I've just uploaded a new webcam video of me "In the Navy". I was sooo horny in my sailor uniform that I came and came, and shot myself in the eye! Probably my biggest load ever! I've also added the vidcap gallery from that show to the other four new galleries that I uploaded last week. Go take a look! And don't forget to come to my next live webcam show on Tuesday, April 1st - and that's not an April Fool's joke.  :-)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I know you're all waiting for new videos of my last few webcam shows. They're all being edited now and will be ready soon. In the meantime, I've uploaded four new vidcap galleries - two of my XMas show, one of me in desert camouflage gear, and one of the new Rhett & Neal video uploaded last week. Go take a look! I hope to see you all a bit later for today's live webcam show! I can't wait, now that I'm back home at last in a city without snow & ice!  :)

Saturday, March 15, 2008
I'm sorry again, guys. But this time it's not the fault of the internet, but of the company that provides my chat software and hosts my live cam chat. For some reason their server was down today, and because it's the week-end, I couldn't get ahold of anyone there. This company is a different one from my web hosting company, and this is the first problem I've had with them. Still I'm really bummed out, and I'm sure you are too. As soon as I know what's going on, I'll re-schedule my show - maybe even before I come back to San Diego next week, I can't wait! I've posted a new video to the Models Video page. It's of Rhett & Neal, two hot guys, doing their first video shoot together. So, go take a
look!  ;)

Friday. March 7, 2008
Posted a new short video to the site - it's of the shower I took after my first show shot with my new High Definition camera. All my new videos for the website will be filmed with this camera, although bandwidth restrictions won't allow me to upload HD videos to the website yet. Don't forget to come to my next webcam show, Saturday, March 15th at 1 pm Pacific, 4 pm Eastern, and 8 pm London, UK. For times in other parts of the world, please use the Time Zone Converter at the top of the Calendar page.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Hey guys, I'm totally bummed - the internet crapped out up here while I was fixing the camera. Everything worked fine all day till just now. I've checked with the hotel we're in and they've confirmed it's their problem not mine. I promise I'll re-schedule the show as soon as I can. I'm really sorry guys, you can't believe how sorry I am and how totally pissed off!

Friday, February 29, 2008
Hey guys, I'm up in Canada for a few weeks, and believe me, it's cold where I am. But, I've just uploaded a new webcam video of me gettimg ready to go to Houston last month. Go check it out; it'll get you hot all over!  ;-)  And remember, Sunday's webcam show is an hour earlier than usual.

Friday, February 22, 2008
Hey guys, I've just uploaded a new webcam video to the Models' Videos page of the site - it's JAYDEN'S webcam.. Go check it out...   And remember, Sunday's webcam show is three hours earlier than usual, ahead of the Oscars. See you then? Also, if any of you are still having problems accessing my live webcam show, please e-mail me at I'd like to have as much detail as possible to give to my programming company for troubleshooting.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hey guys, Happy Valentine's Day! I've just uploaded a new webcam video to the site - BRENT'S CATHOLIC SEX ED and a new image gallery. Go check them all out - I hope you like them. See you later at my live valentine webcam show? Also, if any of you are still having problems accessing my live webcam show, please e-mail me at I'd like to have as much detail as possible to give to my programming company for troubleshooting.

Saturday, February 4, 2008
Hey guys, I've received a few e-mails from members who've had problems accessing my live webcam show. If there are others who haven't written, please do so, to I'd like to have as much detail as possible to give to my programming company for troubleshooting. There's new webcam video on the site - BRENT GOES HIDEF and also two new image galleries. Go check them all out.

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hey guys, Just posted another new video - Spellbound Cummando, Part 1. Check it out above and on the Other Models video page. Also, take a look at my calendar page to follow what I'm up to and check out my ever-growing blog. Hope you like it.

Monday, January 21, 2008
Hey guys, Just posted a new video - Jay, a straight marine, a friend of last week's Drake.  And, don't forget to come to my next show, Friday, January 31st at 4 pm PST, 7 pm on the East Coast, and at midnight in the U.K.

Friday, January 11th, 2008
Hey guys, For some exciting new developments and additions to the site, please click on "What's New" above. And, don't forget to come to my next show, next Tuesday, January 15th at 4 pm PST, 7 pm on the East Coast, and at midnight in the U.K.

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
Hey guys! Well, we made it! I almost thought we'd have to cancel today's show because of the connection problems. Thank god it all worked out - I was sooo horny! Now, don't forget to come to my next show, next Tuesday, January 15th at 4 pm PST, 7 pm on the East Coast, and at midnight in the U.K. See you then?

Friday, January 4th, 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Both parts of my Christmas live webcam show are now up. The high video quality versions will be uploaded tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all at my next live webcam show & chat this coming Tuesday, January 8th! ;-) Click here to read the details of the special compensation offer for all those of you who loyally staid with me during the time my website was down. And, check out Brent's Sex Scenes above! :)

Thursday, December 27th, 2007
Well, here it is: Part 1 of my long-delayed live webcam show cum-back!  I'll have Part 2 for you in a few days. Oh, and also take a look at "Brent, the Cowboy" on my Photo Gallery page. Hope you all had a great holiday! And I wish you a Happy New Year! Click here to read the details of the special compensation offer for all those of you who loyally staid with me during the time my website was down. PS: Check out Brent's Sex Scenes above!  :)

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007
For the latest news, click on WHAT'S NEW above. Also click here for news about recent and upcoming new photo galleries, and the latest news. And, click here to read the details of the special compensation offer for all those of you who loyally staid with me during the time my website was down. PS: Check out Brent's Sex Scenes above!  :)

Saturday, December 15th, 2007
My Live Webcam Shows are coming back on Tuesday! To be exact on Tuesday, December 18th at 4pm PST, 7pm EST, midnight London time, and 1am in Western Europe. For details, click here.

Sunday, December 9th, 2007
Just added a hot new webcam video: Me, in the red bedroom. See it on this page and on my video page. I'll be posting the next live webcam show here very soon, I'm hoping this week. Also, click here to read the details of the special compensation offer for all those of you who loyally staid with me during the time my website was down.

Monday, December 3rd, 2007
Just added a hot new webcam video: Ben & Jon, Part Two. See it on this page and on the new Straight Guys & Military Jocks section accessible from the Models Video section. I'll be posting the next live webcam show here very soon, I'm hoping next week. Also, don't forget to read the details of the special compensation offer for all those of you who loyally staid with me during the time my website was down.

Saturday, November 24th, 2007
Just added a hot new webcam video: Ben & Jon, Part One. This is the first posting to the new Straight Guys & Military Jocks section accessible from the Models Video section. Check it out! I also have some more good news: We're almost done with the programming of the completely new live webcam show and chat software. So I'll be posting the next live webcam show here very soon.. And more good news: Click here to read the details of the special compensation offer for all those of you who loyally staid with me during the time my website was down. I'm really sorry for the time it took, guys.

Saturday, November 10th, 2007
Just added a hot new webcam video. I'm on my patio again. Check it out! Everything on the site works as it's supposed to now, although not all pages are complete yet. We're working as fast as possible to get everything done. And that includes the return of my live webcam shows, ASAP. The special posting to compensate loyal members for the time my website was down will be posted here in a few days. I apologize for the delay, guys.

Friday, November 2, 2007
Added a hot new webcam video on October 25th. If you're experiencing login problems, please re-confirm your username and password with CCBill or Verotel by going to the appropriate link on the FAQ page (second from the top, left column). If you're a long-time re-billing member, your subscription may have been cancelled by the company and you'll have to re-subscribe. This is not something I have control over, and I didn't ask for this. I'm really sorry for this new inconvenience. Also, look for a special posting to compensate loyal members for the time my website was down - coming soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just added a hot new webcam video. My b/f helps me out with a dildo! Check it out! Everything works as it's supposed to now, although not all pages are complete yet. We're working as fast as possible to get everything done. A few members are still having login problems. If you're one of them, please contact Tech Support for troubleshooting. The JOIN NOW links to both Verotel and CCBill have now been re-activated.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Everything works as it's supposed to now, although not all pages are complete yet. We're working as fast as possible to get everything done. A few members are still having login problems. If you're one of them, please contact Tech Support for troubleshooting. The JOIN NOW links to both Verotel and CCBill have now been re-activated.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
If your login and password are not letting you login, it's because the billing companies are updating and uploading their latest membership lists. This issue should be resolved today. If you sent us your username during the past three days, try logging in now and let us know if it's still not working for you. All videos are now compatible with browsers other than Internet Explorer. You may have to reload/refresh the video pages several times to make sure you're actually looking at an updated page.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Some of you may find that your login and password are not letting you login while we're waiting for the billing companies to update and upload their latest membership lists. If you're a CCBill member and can't login, please e-mail your username to Tech Support so we can do some troubleshooting. If you already sent it in during the past few days, it's not necessary to resend it. If you sent us your username during the past two days, try logging in now and let us know if it's working for you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
We can now sign up new members through CCBill, and we're working with both companies to get their member database working. For some of you this means your login and password may not work while we're waiting for this to be fixed. If you're a CCBill member and can't login, please e-mail your username to Tech Support so we can do some troubleshooting. If you already sent it in during the past few days, it's not necessary to resend it. The webcam videos on pages 2 & 3 now work in most browsers. The videos on Page 1 and the Other Models videos have to be re-coded and will start working over the next few days. Sorry about this, guys!

Monday, October 15, 2007
We can now sign up new members through CCBill, and we're working with both companies to get their member database working. For some of you this means your login and password may not work while we're waiting for this to be fixed. If you're a CCBill member and can't login, please e-mail your username to Tech Support so we can do some troubleshooting. If you already sent it in during the past few days, it's not necessary to resend it. Also, the videos are still working only with Internet Explorer. This is being worked on by our programming company.

Friday, October 12, 2007
I'm very happy to be back, though the site is not quite finished yet. But we'll be ready soon with lots of new videos and picture galleries. I can't give you a date for the next live webcam show, because we need to obtain video streaming software for our new Linux server, and so we haven't activated that part of the website yet, but we're working on it. Watch this space for future short news updates.

Tuesday, October 3, 2007
Hey guys, The new website is up - a little too early because of some bugs, as you'll have noticed. The plan was to work them out behind the temporary pages. Unfortunately, that didn't work. Please ignore any login error messages when you try to access the new site. The security is in place, but the membership databases need to be updated by the billing companies. This should not take long, and you'll know when it's done. I also want to let you all know that we are working together with the billing companies to have the most amount of time free of charge for you all from the site downtime. No charges will be made in the meantime.
- Brent